Enable user to write comments on dashboard
I want users to be able to add comments on the dashboards.
How can I manage that?
Thank you very much
UX comment summary
Is it possible to see all comments associated with a UX page in one place, regardless of context selectors? E.g. it would be ideal if selecting a parent item in context selectors could aggregate all the comments or if there was another way to run a report that captures all comments on any given page to facilitate review.
Many thanks!
Why Anaplan model page fails to load suddenly in between.
See below SS, hope anybody else also might have experienced this.
Collapse / Expand Hierarchy Functionality in Modules and UX Grids
In current standard grid modules and UX Grids you can't Collapse & Expand hierarchies of Lists/Line Items/Sublist like you can do in Excel (see below). Considering that sometimes hierarchies can be huge or you want to Collapse one part but Expand another - it would be good to have such functionality
Dynamic Line Item Label
One recent scenario was where the Line Item Labels are shown as CY, CY-1,CY-2,CY-3 and users wants this name to be dynamic like 2024,2023,2022,2021, I want this label to change in all modules each year as the current period changes.
There were many occasions where there were requirements to change Line Item Label, which required a change in multiple modules. Model Builders and Business Users are impacted.
I want to make the Line Item Label dynamic where a formula is used to refer a constant Text value from a Central Lookup System Module and Text value can be entered directly as label where there is no reference. This is useful for Line Item Labels that keeps changing and same Line Item Label is used in multiple modules. which can be updated at single source location in the Lookup Module. This makes Line Item Labels Sustainable and Auditable
Level 2, activity Create Account Demand Manager Role
Hello everyone,
In the, it is mentioned:
The Account Demand Managers should be able to see the Global Demand Assumptions UX page but not add in growth percentages.
My problem is that I created Global Demand Assumptions UX page in My pages but I am not able to select this ux page as the Landing Dashboard at Users ->Roles. I am wondering how can I link the UX page with the model and then I can have this UX page created showing in the choice of landing dashboard?
Many thanks in advance.
Management Reporting: Export to PowerPoint
Ability to export the reporting slides into PowerPoint, so that we can combine the report with other offline decks.
Ability to disable commenting on a card/grid
As a Page Builder, I shoud have the ability to disable "COMMENT" feature on a card/grid so as to view all the comments for a context at once in Comment section.
New UX: Hide Model where there is an App
As we build more and more out in UX it'd be really great if as a workspace admin I could turn-off the model to end users so that all they see is the app.
This could either be done in the model itself or on the homepage by restricting the visibility of individual models either by user or by user role and then in time that whole section.
Ability to input text commentary with text formatting options in Management Reporting - New UX
While working on a project, a useful implementation emerged. Currently in Anaplan, via Management Reporting, it is possible to create documentation that cannot be customised by the user. In fact, the end user using the system can only look at the data and comments previously entered by the Page Builder. We tried creating a dashboard linked to management reporting in which it was possible to enter comments, but Anaplan does not read any formatting. Especially in companies with many subsidiaries, it is useful to give the end user the following possibility:
Formatting and text entry (line break or any text formatting) within the Management Reporting, so that they can comment on the data themselves
The end user must of course not be able to edit the tables present, so that he can ensure a unique file structure but with different comments. Thus, only selected spaces must be able to be edited by the user with text input.
errorwithclearrequeststatuspoll exception?
Getting this while inputting in a value in a column.
Processes within Processes
It's a really old idea from Exchange - Include Process Within a Process — Anaplan Community
I thought I had a workaround of sorts - using Cloudworks but alas the "integration flows" element can't be put onto UX pages even though individually processes can be. Is this because of a page only being attached to a single model (more or less) and having a multi-model process wouldn't work?
New card type for videos
As a page builder I want I would like a new card type that I can use to display videos directly within a page so that users can interact with it without the need of having a separate window.
I want to be able to drag and drop it into a page, resize it and ideally add a short description that users could show/hide. It would be particularly helpful to provide extra demo guidance for the process/page but it could be helpful for other use cases as well.
I will know this is successful when a end user would be able to play a video directly within a page (sample below).
Export PDF from NUX Page
I would like to export a dashboard from the NUX as a PDF.
But the native export from the NUX page doesn't work for me, because I can't display all my columns on the same page
How can I select the same properties than in the classic dashboard export ?
If not, how can I save this export definition to publish it in the NUX page for the end users ?
Thanks for your help.
How to add a code to an item after an assign action
Hi, I am trying to follow the planuals that states that after an assign action, you should add a "create code"' action in a process.
—> I tried to combine an assign action and import into a process, but the assign actions doesnt seem to show up in the list of actions ?
Combining line item number formats
In as much detail as possible, describe the problem or experience related to your idea. Please provide the context of what you were trying to do and include specific examples or workarounds:
For certain reporting elements I'm finding that I have to change number formatted line items to text to get the right prefixes and suffixes. For example I want to both have a prefix to my line item as well as be percentage formatted. Currently I can either multiple my number by 100 and add the prefix, but then I sacrifice the % sign at the end. Or I can convert the entire line item to text and concatenate what I need which would impact performance.
How often is this impacting your users?
This could significantly help with management reporting or any reporting that comes out of Anaplan.
Who is this impacting? (ex. model builders, solution architects, partners, admins, integration experts, business/end users, executive-level business users)
Business/end users, model builders (impact on performance)
What would your ideal solution be? How would it add value to your current experience?
I think that the format options should be split into 2 categories. Units and Custom Prefix/Suffix. Additionally, potentially both a prefix and suffix could be used at the same time.
Re-order line items in New UX personal views based on order selected
Hi Team,
Would be great to allow users to choose the order in which line items are represented in the UX Dashboards when using the show/hide function. This could be captured by recording the order in which line items are selected in the show/hide panel. Users could then save a personal view of the changes to return to later.
Add more options for Large Read Requests in Transactional API endpoint
We are running different large read requests using the Transactional APIs to ensure 2 things :
* Quality Insurance : Allow the different teams to secure models changes against regressions by extracting and comparing 2 models datas from different modules that can be picked up from anywhere on the model depending on impact analyses and/or testing needs
* Data sets : differents populations use Anaplan data to perform reportings and ml / AI workloads using datasets provided by getting modules data out of Anaplan
Currently we are running into issues around the contents of extracted data when dimensions / lists names are updated
The current API
Here is how it is impacting :
* Any change to the name of an item (line item / list item) creates discrepancies when using data for comparisons / historical / versions comparisons (like using different snapshots of differents projections going on from one month to another or when performing Non Regression Analysis)
* This impacts model builders / testers along with users who will work on Anaplan and out of Anaplan
The ideal solution would be to have more options around read requests allowing us to choose whether we want code / names in the results of the read requests.
Ideally this would be on :
* List Items (the most obvious)
* Versions : having the possibility to get the version code instead of the name
* Time : same
* Line item : having the Line Item Code instead of the name (in case of the modules line items get renamed)
* Dimension Code : having the dimenion code instead of the name in the headers
Bulk Copy Action for Production Lists
This idea relates to the Bulk Copy action enhancement released in a platform update earlier this month (Nov 6 2021 release). (Thank you by the way for that enhancement!)
We would like the ability to execute the Bulk Copy action for Production Lists. (Currently, the action is limited to only non-Production Lists.) Bulk Copy for Production Lists is critical for us since we leverage Bulk Copy extensively with lists that get changed in a deployed/Prod environment. (E.g., user has ability to create their own list member representing a what-if scenario, and then Bulk Copy to/from that list member.)
Related to this idea, we'd also like the ability to execute the Bulk Copy action by a non-Workspace Admin, and for the Source/Target list members for the Bulk Copy to be tied to Line Items, so the action is dynamic/flexible , as opposed to the Bulk Copy Source/Target fixed to specific list members, but I see there are already Ideas out there in the Exchange, so I'll just piggyback off of those:
* https://community.anaplan.com/t5/Idea-Exchange/Bulk-Copy-Action-Line-Item-Input/idi-p/124254
* https://community.anaplan.com/t5/Idea-Exchange/Ability-to-run-bulk-copy-in-the-NUX/idi-p/100477
Paul Rappmund
Breakback and read only cells improvement
In as much detail as possible, describe the problem or experience related to your idea. Please provide the context of what you were trying to do and include specific examples or workarounds:
We are trying to hold value by default. Regarding Anapedia (https://help.anaplan.com/breakback-1b7aa87d-aa13-49f6-8f7d-d893fb8bccbe), we use the RO functionality to hold the value but it appears to work only on leaf cells. If a summary cell is RO, its value will not be held.
A work around could be to deny read access to total and subtotal values but this is not end users friendly.
How often is this impacting your users?
During every forecasting period
Who is this impacting? (ex. model builders, solution architects, partners, admins, integration experts, business/end users, executive-level business users)
model builders and end users
What would your ideal solution be? How would it add value to your current experience?
You can hold a summary cell manually and the value is kept, so why RO summary cells are not held as leaf cells ?
So It can provide a way to dynamically hold total value. And end-users do not have to hold them manually.
Please include any images to help illustrate your experience.
Ability for summaries to only include the items which are visible after filtering
Details of Enhancement:
Enhance filters on a dashboard to update totals and subtotals in summary rows - when a filter is applied, the subtotal should update to sum only the filtered records
How this would help their business process:
When users see a filtered view, or adjust a filter, subtotals and totals can be misleading / not correctly represent what is on the screen
NEW UX Automatically generate code in forms
End users have to populate Code manually when using Form. This can generate manual errors.
It would be very helpful if we can generate codes automatically based on name or other properties of the list.
Configurable default selection for context selector
I recently had a question from a client who asked if it was possible to set a default list member (or the top level of a list, eg. all products) as the default for the context selector at the top of a page.
They wanted to be able to select a particular layer, list member or top level of a list and always have it revert back to that level when clicking "Reset" for example.
(I appreciate we could stick the list member at the top of the list but this isn't what they really wanted - they wanted "all products")
Hopefully not a difficult one to add!
Change Time Period names by allowing an alternative
Without creating Fake time and having to do mappings in modules, why not allow an alternative to be displayed, which would simplify the build, but also give the customer the desired headings on time. They can have this simply on any other list.
The example is a retail customer who has 4,4,5 and a non January start of year. They therefore want to be able to change from Jun 22 to say P3 22. This is how they operate and the months are confusing when days of the week may actually be in a different month.
UX - Export cell history
Oftentimes when looking at the cell history in the UX, it gets truncated. I understand that narrowing the date range can fix this issue, but it is not always feasible. Having the ability to export the cell history from the UX would remedy this problem.
Plus, it is an available feature in Classic dashboards. Therefore, it becomes a parity issue between Classic and UX.
Model Building and Correct Role
I just started at a new company that uses Anaplan. My boss would like me to learn to build models and dashboards in Anaplan. I understand that I might need to have a workspace administrator role in order to build models. Is that correct? What would you advise is the best course of action for someone learning Anaplan who will need to build models? Thanks.
Is there a way to view model history on the front end?
Is there a way to view model history on the front end?
Example: As a front end user I would like to be able to pull the model history, similar to the one available in the back end.
Make REST API Calls From within Anaplan
Hello all,
I was wondering for whether it is possible to make rest api calls to another service (say servA) from within anaplan. The other service servA will of course then make some work and then maybe make a rest api call on anaplan back.
I understand by reading some other posts regarding REST, that it is possible to create a url link (i.e in a button) that the user can press. However this is not very flexible (even though we could work around these issues by have the user first populate a module/list/whatever with the necessary information that servA can then export and download so that it can make the necessary action). If you take PowerBI for example, it provides the ability to execute python scripts and from within you can make any REST call to your services. Also, in case our service servA fails how can the Anaplan user in the model's GUI get knowledge of that?
Thanks for your time.
New UX Idea - Apply one more model source to all pages of the app at once
One of our model a dev and multiple prod models linked to a single dev via ALM.
We have developed New UX App based on dev with a lot of pages in it.
My aim now is to apply all prod models we have to this app, but the existing procedure is not effective for this idea.
I want to have ability to add new source to the excising app globally without need to select each page one by one.
Per each page i will have to click at least 8 times which is too big waste of time.
Add a seperate role for End User Page Builder
We have a challenge that our end users cannot share (publish) views / reports (pages), because the risk is too high to assign the current Page Builder role to them. The Page Builder policy allows actions that could be detrimental to our business (I aware of recovery options but we prevent issues rather than resolve them). (The current Page Builder role is however correct and needed for our Admins).
This is frustrating for our users, as each one needs to go build the same page if it is a requirement from management to see data presented in a certain format / order, and these are also changed quite frequently. This means they waste valuable planning time replicating what someone else has already done.
Add a role, where the policy allows the options per Resource Type, to be changed (checkbox or dropdown) and where users with this role, can only affect pages published by this role (ie not affect pages published by admins).
Add a role, where the policy resource type options is set by Anaplan and where users with this role, can only affect pages published by this role (ie not affect pages published by admins).
* Blocks in red indicate changes from current policy
* Updating and deleting a page, widget, template and page artifact should only be allowed where those were created by the same role (End User Page Builder vs Page Builder)