Dynamic Line Item Label
One recent scenario was where the Line Item Labels are shown as CY, CY-1,CY-2,CY-3 and users wants this name to be dynamic like 2024,2023,2022,2021, I want this label to change in all modules each year as the current period changes.
There were many occasions where there were requirements to change Line Item Label, which required a change in multiple modules. Model Builders and Business Users are impacted.
I want to make the Line Item Label dynamic where a formula is used to refer a constant Text value from a Central Lookup System Module and Text value can be entered directly as label where there is no reference. This is useful for Line Item Labels that keeps changing and same Line Item Label is used in multiple modules. which can be updated at single source location in the Lookup Module. This makes Line Item Labels Sustainable and Auditable
Drill to Transaction Functionality in the New UX
Drill to Transaction Functionality is considered critical for some partners/clients as it's functionality that has no alternate solution. I have heard specifically from FP&A implementations regarding allocations, as well as ICM use cases, but would love anyone giving kudos to leave comments with additional examples of it's use.
Creating this idea because the standard way of submitting feedback via the New UX is only relevant to those actively using the New UX.
Black Box Timesum Drilldown
One of the best things about anaplan is the ability to drill through the model to see where values come from.
sadly, anaplan is now quite limited in how you aggregate over time. at some point changes were made that more else require you to use the timesum function to aggregate over time specifically (SUM: does not work).
The biggest issue with this is that whenever someone is drilling down and they encounter the timesum function, that is where their jouney ends. no further information is displayed to the user except the source module. This is a really frustrating experience for the user and is hopefully something that can be fixed.
Suggestion: enable drilldown to present values aggregated over by the timesum function (including the currently shown parameters).
Source model switches automatically on changing page in NUX
We are facing a issue where user selects a new source model on a page and then when he moves to different page the source model changes. There is 1 model for each country. The user wants to do the planning for first country and then move to another country.
What really is happening is that the planner make some changes in one page and go to next page to check the result the source model changes automatically and user does not realize that he is looking at completely different data (same SKUs).
I hope this is not by design and its a bug.
New UX - column's width for grids / worksheets
It would be great if it's possible to define the column's width by numbers (% or px). It's a very time-consuming exercise to match it manually if you have similar columns in the same module or similar modules on a page:
BULK COPY - How to choose the SOURCE member and the TARGET member from a page in the app?
Hello Anaplan Community!
Does anyone know how to choose the SOURCE member and the TARGET member from a page in the app?
Thanks in advance.
#NewFeature #UX #Dashboards #BulkCopy #Data #AnaplanRelease
Seasonality Chart—Simple as That
Comparison By Year
Comparison By Year
Several times I have been asked for a chart with the possibility to compare seasonality or month over years. It´s proven to be both popular and useful in its own simplicity. In a regular line chart, you’ll have all time periods after one another, whereas, in this version, you´ll be able to compare each month to each other in different years.
For this set up I´ll use five modules, two for the chart and calculation and one source. I will also need to create a list with all the months and one line-item subset (LIS) from the source.
The first module I create is the SYS month map. This will be used in a lookup formula later, and the purpose is to map the month in the list I have created to the years in the Time dimension. As you can see below, the month of ‘Jan’ in FY19 is mapped to time period ‘Jan 19’. For performance reasons, I have also created two more system modules—one for the Month name (Jan, Feb…) and one for the year (19, 20, 21, 22).
To add more details to it let´s look at the formulas in the module:
The first ‘month as text’ will give the written time period that will be used in the finditem formula in the second line item. Why do I split them apart? For performance reasons. This is not by any means a massive calculation, but it's still worth taking into consideration.
'SYS140 Month properties'.Code & 'SYS130 Time Year'.Year
The first part of the formula will get the code from the SYS140 Month properties; this is the code from list with the month.
I will concatenate this with the second part of the formula, which will give the year. In the SYS130 Time Year module the Period(Start()) formula will give the starting period of the time period, which is Jan 19, Jan 20, Jan 21… With the RIGHT() formula I will get the year. Why do I take the last three letters when the year only has two? In the next step I use this text to get the time period with a finditem, and for this I need a space in between month and year. By taking the last three letters I will automatically get a space in between. If I didn´t do it like this, I would have to add an extra element in the concatenation 'SYS140 Month properties'.Code & “ “ & 'SYS130 Time Year'.Year
The second line item will find the time period for the combination of month (‘SYS month’) and Time period (year) as shown in the table above.
Then the formula is FINDITEM(Time, Month as text) —I use the text string I just created (month as text) and look in the Dimension Time. Time in this case I use the built-in native dimension for time.
On to the next module which is the chart module. This module will also have two line items, one to collect data from the source. This one has time scale month, and the other line time to map the collected values to the month in our list, ‘SYS month’.
Formulas! The first one, Collect(). Well, it collects values from a source module using a Line item Subset (LIS). Why do I use LIS? It´s an extremely powerful and effective way of getting the data we need, and the calculations are already done. Remember; Calculate one reference many times!
For more information on a line item subset, see this article in Anapedia.
The second line item (Time scale, Year) is the one used in the chart (Values). The formula Collect[LOOKUP: SYS Month map.Find month], will take the collected values and map to with a Lookup from the first module we created. This will give the result month (from ‘SYS month’) over time (year). In this example, I have the dimensions from my LIS (the P&L) and the department hierarchy. This means I can see the seasonality/development for each department on each P&L line month by month for the year in the model.
Last but not least, we will publish this in the UX. I use custom views as this usually will not limit the end user experience. Now this is a chart so there is not much to do, like pivot for instance, but I take this as a rule and use saved views only when it's absolutely needed
In this chart, I need to hide a few columns, which is easily done when building your chart view.
A good thing is that if you want to use this type of chart for several areas you only have to copy the last module and change your Line item subset. The other lists and modules can be referenced again.
Allow a List Property or Attribute to be displayed in a Table next to the List Items
Description: When adding a table onto a dashboard with a list in the rows and time in the columns, I would like to have the option to publish list properties and/or attributes from the list's system module (i.e. any module which only has this list as a dimension) in the table next to the list items. A similar functionality is already available in the export view by adding list properties as labels.
Example: Table showing monthly sales by product. Each product can have a different unit measurement, e.g. single pack, 3-pack, 5-pack. This information is not to be added to the name and is available as a list property or as information in the product's system module. An option to publish this attribute as an additional column in the rows, to help end users.
Quickly add/remove/change models for pages that are linked to more than one model
Currently in the UX manage models area, you can quickly change the model connected with a page if that page is only linked to one model (green X). If that page is connected to multiple models you can't (red X).
Propose increasing functionality to allow quick add/remove/change options in the UX manage models area.
We regularly bring backup models online for users and have to painstakingly link the models to each UX page one by one. It can take up to 6 hours. This improvement would dramatically improve things.
An 'Overall Total' label on top of a stacked column or chart
I would like to add an "overall total" data label to the top of a stacked column or bar chart.
We are looking at whether our new Agreements come from Existing Customers, Previous Customers, or Brand New Customers. But I also want the overall total represented on the graph as a data label.
Spotlights where the store's marketing strengths are, weaknesses, and where they need to focus their attention towards.