New UX Dropdowns
It looks like the app/page dropdown colourings have changed this morning from blue/dark blue to white. Is there an option to change these back or perhaps select our own colours? I personally prefer how it was before and other users have mentioned the same.
Enable Specialized Layout / Filtering in UX that Avoids Using Booleans
Planners and managers contribute to the planning in multiple ways in Anaplan solutions, entering numerical values, text entries, boolean business decisions like yes/no/approved… etc. Such users have contribution licenses to have the right to use Anaplan and contribute accordingly. Some other users are intended to be "read-only", only viewing the plan in Anaplan, looking at the information as reports, not entering business decisions into the plan. Companies need to limit these users' configuration to read access to the modules, so that these users do not contribute to the plan and thus require contribution licenses.
The challenge is that in some companies' Anaplan solutions the team has built reports with specialized layout or filtering options - ones that are currently beyond the capabilities in the Anaplan UX layer. Sometimes the solution implemented is one in which users are prompted to select boolean values in the UX screen, and then the underlying model adapts the data layout or filters to the underlying output module, so that the resulting report displays in the way that user selected.
Thus, the user who intends to "view" the plan has "contributed" to the model, even though the intent was just to impact the view in the UX, not to contribute to the business decisions.
The request is to enhance the Anaplan UX with more flexible layout/ filtering capability so that it is possible for the implementation team to enable such specialized filtering or layout solutions in such a way that the platform does not track that as a contribution.
I defer to the Anaplan Product team to determine the technical approach to support this requirement, but the ideal approach would be
* Improve the UX capabilities to allow such specialized filtering / display settings in such a way that does not require the implementation team to build underlying modules to determine the UX output. This would elimate the problem and also save space in the underlying model. Thus this is preferred.
Multiple customers have implemented such specialized layout / filtering solutions, and this impacts all end users who use or view these UX pages, every time they use these pages.
There are numerous examples of such specialized solutions which currently involve users setting booleans. Here is one where users can determine the time periods to show in different years.
Dynamic columns width change in the New UX
As a model builder, I need the ability to set up a dynamic change of column width in the New UX - the same way as it was in the classic UX.
That might be extremely helpful, especially in terms of selecting different types of a selected view (like periodic, quarterly, yearly, etc.), and quite convenient for users.
For example - in classic UX you can set up a default width of columns and the layout of tables will be automatically adjusted to have a minimum empty space between columns.
Here is a yearly view...
... and a quarterly.
Moreover, in a case when due to filters some table does not have any columns, it's just got squeezed which is quite convenient.
Meanwhile, that's not an option in the New UX - the yearly view is enlarged and wide due to one default setting for a table...
... and quarterly/periodic view becomes quite narrow, cannot fit all columns, we have to scroll.
And in the case of filtered out columns, we have an empty space.
Here is a post that is a bit related to a column width issue
Kind regards,
Yuliya Gorodilova
NEW UX: Link to pages in other apps within the same workspace
In Classic Anaplan, we have one big model within a workspace. We're considering building it again in the new UX and expect to break the big model into more functional apps. The trouble is some of these apps are not entirely siloed, i.e. users will need to move between pages within multiple apps.
It would be really helpful if I could give users a button that takes them to a page in another app within the same workspace.
Undo Function in NUX
Can we have "Ctrl+Z" or Undo Function in NUX like the way we have it in classic.
Update from @davewaller:
I've been working with Level 3 support to update this idea as there are some aspects of the undo functionality that have not been delivered within the UX, while other aspects have.
* Undo of single cell, single value changes - DELIVERED
* Undo of cell deletions using the <DEL> key - CONSIDERED FOR FUTURE ROADMAP
* Undo of pasting values into cells - CONSIDERED FOR FUTURE ROADMAP
To continue to track these additional requests to the undo functionality I will be marking this idea as CONSIDERED FOR FUTURE ROADMAP on the basis that the first part has been delivered and this post reflects a request for the additional enhancements.
How to Authenticate an Anaplan SSO user(SAML) in React application.
We have configured SSO for authentication in Anaplan against SAML2.0 AAD,
We have a requirement that user should be able to login to his anaplan account without entering username and password using SSO as user is already logged into machine.
We want to Authenticate Anaplan User from React Application and want to fetch details of workspace etc from user account.
Please help if any one has worked on similar requirement can help me with the documentation.
Multi Selection
I would like to ask for a new functionality within Anaplan that could really ease our work with Anaplan. And that is multi selection. I see two ways how to apply multi selection, both very helpful:
1. Multi selection for context selector. Once the dimension is displayed as "Context/Page Selector", it would be great to have a possibility for multi selection which would automatically summed up the selected items from the hierarchy - thus, we would have a possibility to see the sum of the values in the object per e.g. two countries that do not need to have the same parent.
2. Multi selection for drop down lists. When we display the dimension as row or column and we are using custom filters (using another line item with a format "list" to filter the content in the object), it would be great to have a possibility for the filter to have a multi selection - we could choose more than only one item from the list which would result in showing rows/columns that match more than only one item from the list, e.g. rows matching country A and below them rows matching country B.
3. Improvement of Filter in New UX. Alternative to the point 2 (however much less flexible) is to improve the existing filters in New UX in the following way:
a) we should have a possibility to apply them on more than one table. We often need to add two tables next the each other - one with no time, one with time dimensionality, but both creating one input table. In such case it is not possible to apply one filter to both tables which greatly limits the option to use this built-in filter.
b) it should be possible to edit them directly in the table (as e.g. "Search" works) and not in the right panel
c) often, the whole name of the items in the field "Choose" is not visible - once it is longer and has more parents, we are unable to see the whole name of the items in the drop down. This should be changed.
Sankey (Flow + Magnitude) Charts
Hi Anaplan,
We've had a few requests now for Sankey charts to show flow direction of data as well as the magnitude of this flow.
Especially pertinent in allocation processes where you it would be great to be able to visualise the movement of data from one location to another i.e. Allocation of L3.C to G5.A & G5.B; or Sales in Region "West/East/Central/South" are made up of Sales of Product Group "Technology/Furniture/Office Supplies".
All the best,
UX - Export cell history
Oftentimes when looking at the cell history in the UX, it gets truncated. I understand that narrowing the date range can fix this issue, but it is not always feasible. Having the ability to export the cell history from the UX would remedy this problem.
Plus, it is an available feature in Classic dashboards. Therefore, it becomes a parity issue between Classic and UX.
Timeline Chart improvement - Event Calendar
As a User I want to navigate my Events from a Calendar view on top of the current Grid view. This to leverage the insights which a Calender view provides for visualizing the time relationship of an event and between events.
To establish this the current Timeline Chart is to be enhanced by functionality such as:
The Calendar view allows drag and drop to change the period of the event
The calendar allows actions like Open, Copy and Delete to be perfromed from the Calendar view
A split view is made available which allows to copy/past/drag/drop promotions from one year to the other
- Multiple events are to be displayed on a single line when there is no overlap
- Key metrics to be chosen to be display by event on the Calendar, either within the period displayed on the calendar or a roll-over text
- Key metrics are to be included in the export and print