In the Mobile app, provide an option to not auto-maximize a grid

I am looking to use the mobile app to easily capture input data (for example, inventory count).  When a user touches the grid, the grid automatically maximizes.  I would like the option to activate for input without maximizing, so that other items on the screen are visible.  For example, selecting a list member in another grid to synchronize to the data entry grid.

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  • Hi there @Mitch_Max, I'm the Product Manager for the mobile app - we're looking at how we can support this. Currently on the roadmap is to do this for field cards, and I'll bring this into consideration for a future change to do the same for grids. Thanks for the feedback!

  • This is now on our roadmap and we are planning to implement it within the next 2-3 months. We've recently released the functionality for field cards, so you can change entries in fields without needing to maximise the card and see your changes reflected across the board - Emily (Mobile App Product Manager)

  • This is now available in the latest version of the app (1.0.108).

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