Year to Date Cumulation
Is there a function where I can cumulate an amount but reset it to zero when January is reached in the next year (we are using a 2 year timescale)?
Page breaks on auto-email links "mailto:" syntax Makelink formula
Hello everyone, I created a line item and formatted it as text/email so I could create a link on a dashboard to email approvers. It pulls the approver's name (code-which is email address), puts in a subject, and writes the email which changes based on risk level, High/Med/Low. Then writes in the description of the project…
Level2 Sprint1 model builder user story 4
My actions tab have following 3 actions extra as compare to view shared .They have no related processess may I delete them
Line Item Shipping Cost INV01
Hi, I need guidance on writing the Formula for this Line Item. My formula is below. 'TRA01 Shipping Metrics by Week'.'Cost per 1000 Units'[LOOKUP:'SYS04 Product Details'.Size, LOOKUP:Shipping Method} Thank You
Line Item Safety Stock Flag Count
Hi, I'm having trouble writing the formula for this line item. This is what I have so far. Please advice. 'INV01 Inventory Ordering'.Safety Stock Exception Count[LOOKUP:'SYS08 SKU Details'.Country Made] Thank you
Monthvalue Formula
Hi Im revisiting my formulas and find that the output is the same with either A or B : Is there a difference between the two ? I want to apply the monthly growth values to weeks. A. MONTHVALUE('Volume Growth Rates'.Growth %) - WEEKVALUE('Volume Growth Rates'.Growth %) B. MONTHVALUE('Volume Growth Rates'.Growth %) Thanks…
Level 2 Sprint1
Activity asks to create a view for export for module DAT04 Distribution Center Parameters.I cant understand the Hint.Why to use system module we can use filter in module and show only half years? Why help is needs from System module?
Line Item Format: List - Able to select any member if list hierarchy?
I am using a composite List hierarchy: L1 List (Parents) >L2 List (Parents) >>L3 List (Children only) In a module line item, I format a line item to Type = List, and List = L3 List When I choose the pick box for that line item in the module, I can choose any member of L3 List. The members of L1 List and L2 List appear in…
3.3.11 Activity Question
Hi, Not sure which line item I need to write the formula for. Also this is the formula I came up with. Please advice. MONTHVALUE('SYS00 Time Settings by Month'.Planning Period Filter) Thank you
Sprint 1 Dat 03 Historic volume
Activity 1.5.8 asked to save a new view Export but in my final view (file attached"export view")All weeks sales are adding up and showing under Jan19 while it should be blank as shown below What am i doing wrong?
DigitalCPX 2020: Expert Advice: Formula Optimization with Mark Warren
Curious to learn more about the calculation engine and how formula impact your model’s performance? In this session, discover techniques for improving calculation performance through formula optimization. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ujnk0llnsZM We will focus on three key areas: * Golden Rules * Complexity * Text…
Store RUN LOGS and ERROR LOGS for automated actions
Hellow Experts! We need to store RUN LOGS and ERROR LOGS for automated actions (ex: IMPORT) using Anaplan Connect. We have scheduled .BAT fils to automate actions everyday (Ex: Load GL data from SAP everyday morning at 6am). Is there a standard functionality to track all the RUN LOGS and ERROR LOGS for automated action? If…
Need help in setting the column
Hi Need help in setting a column up in our module. We have four separate columns , Cons_Last Month, Cons_Last Quarter, Cons_Last_Half Year, Cons_Last_Year, which are the numbers of past historical consumption quantity of a particular sku. For better presentation, we want to show all these under one column header '…
Accidentally deleted a module formula
I deleted a formula which I don't want to write again, is there no way to undo the deletion? Control+z is greyed out.
Need help in fetching last quarter /last half year
Hi I am trying to use a formula to fetch the last quarter and last half year. I have a line item 'Current Quarter' in my module which has the current quarter. ex.Q3 FY20. I want to apply formula on this line item to get the last quarter and last half year values. Any help is appreciated . Thanks Regarrds Prabakaran
Week Calculation-Alternate way to put number of weeks in a year
Hi Everyone I am using '52' to show previous year data of same month by subtracting: 'PY Month(week)' - 52 Is there a function or alternate way to use replace '52' and not use it in formula as a number but a derived value from some function or calculation? Thanks!
Unwinding debtors into future period
Hi, I have a line item with the balance for each invoice which is a list at the end of the month I have another line item for the predicted timeperiod that cash is expected I want to forecast cash received based of only the current months closing position. regards
INV01 Line Item;Shipping Cost
Hi, I'm confused on the Line Item Formula above. Please advice. 'TRA01 Shipping Metrics by Week'.'Cost per 1000 Units'[LOOKUP:'SYS04 Product Details'.Size, LOOKUP:(Final Shipping Cost/1000)*'TRA01 Shipping Metrics by Week'.'Cost per 1000 Units'] Thank you
Line Item Override Amount-write?
Hi, Stuck with this formula for the above Line Item. The formats are Boolean and Number so not allowing me to use a similar formula like I did for Override Shipping-write? Please advice. IF 'INV01 Inventory Ordering'.Submit Purchase Order Request AND +'INV01 Inventory Ordering'.Override Amount THEN TRUE ELSE FALSE Thank…
- Add DCA to INV01 Inventory Ordering
Hi, I need further clarification. Do I create the new Line Items that are listed here and then create formulas for each based on the specific purpose? I just need clarification on what I need to do here. I have attached a screen shot of what I did so far by adding the Line Items, but have not formatted yet nor written…
INV01 Reorder Flag Line Item
Hi, My Reorder Flag Line Item is not working properly. This is the formula I have, and attached you can see that Week 5 nor Week 6 are not checked when they are supposed to be. Please advice OFFSET(Ending Inventory, Shipping Time Weeks, 0) < 0 Thank you
Module setup
Hello Need some help in setting up a module for our requirement. We are tracking the consumption of certain hardwares at our facility. The data file looks like this, where the numbers are the consumption qty in that month.We will be getting this data every day with rolling months, meaning on Oct 1st we will get the new…
INV01 Line Item Formulas and Results
Hi, Attached are the Formulas and Results for INV01. My weekly numbers are off by 2 units and my monthly numbers are off as well by the total number of units by weekly numbers are off. I have checked all my inputs and cant seem to find the problem. Attached are my pics of INV01, Please advice. Thank you
How to add newline in Email body text field of MAILTO function
Hi , I am trying to add newline break to make the email body readable while concatenating line items . Would appreciate if this is feasible in Anaplan. Thanks, Deepa
Line Item: Safety Stock Exception Count
Hi, Would like to know if the following formula is correct for this Line Item: Safety Stock Exception Count. If not please advice. I also set the Summary Method settings to SUM seeing its asking for total numbers of happenings (is this correct)? IF Ending Inventory < Safety Stock Target THEN 1 ELSE 0 Thank you
Line Item: Shipping Time Weeks
Hi, Would like to know if this formula is correct. I'm thinking I would need another mapping, but have no line items that would match the format of my source. 'TRA01 Shipping Metrics by Week'.'Shipping Time (Week)'[LOOKUP: 'SYS08 SKU Details'.Product] Thank you
How do I get my list with the same names but different parents to work?
I have a list that has Meetings, Food, and Cars. These 3 items should both be under domestic and international as parents. When I try to enter them in manually they just move parents and when I import they it gives me a warning. I tried to create codes for them individually as well. Would I need to use a numbered list?
Pareto Analysis
Hi, Currently I am doing Pareto Analysis to identify top 80% of the Sku (S3) at Department level (B5) and at SKU Group (S1). The result expectation is like last 3 columns (F to H) Note: The Sum(1791) is the total of Sku at group for the year. Please assist your ideas to achieve this in Anaplan.
Line Item: Suggested Order Amount for the Month
Hi, Just want to make sure my Formula for this line item is correct. This line item formula references the monthly value of the Forecast Demand. If the Forecast Demand for January 2020 was 1,030; this formula would show that value for all weeks in January. MONTHVALUE(Forecast Demand) Thank you
INV01 Line Item: Forecast Demand
HI, Getting stuck on this formula and I know it is so simple. I know I need to pull in values from my DEM03 module Line Item Demand Forecast into my Line Item Demand Forecast in INV01 Module. I just dont know if I should use a LOOKUP to bring that data in. Please advice. My Formula DEM03 Demand Forecast'.Final…