Search bar to look for line items in the filter dialog
Insert a search bar right under “Choose Line item” when adding a new filter rule.
Add a Parent to a Line Item Subset
It would be nice to be able to add a Parent list/hierarchy to a Line Item Subset.
FEATURE REQUEST: Universal List that can be used in all Models
Currently, the process to use same list across different models is a complicated process of importing lists from one model to another. If Anaplan really plans to be the a Connected Planning tool, they should have a feature of having a Universal List that can be used across all models without doing import. I am proposing…
Global search/navigation - I want an easy way to find objects and data points as admin/end user
Description: Implement a global search across all modules/line items in the model. Please consider including the following: * In other software, there is a smart search feature when looking for a class, where I can type a couple of letters in upper case and it will match on words that begin with those letters. So the…
Ability to add folder structure in model management
Description of the enhancement required: Create folders and keep the models in various folders How would it help their business process: We have about 15 modellers working on different models. Wed like to be able to organise them better. Sometimes we might forget the names of models they are creating. In windows, they can…
List cell "Contains" Typeahead
Description of enhancement: List cell input typeahead to work by "contains" typed text, not "starts with" (or make this a setting in blueprint format options). Example: The test list contained regions EMEA, APJ and NOAM. There's a list formatted line item in the module and if I type in the letter A, user wants all the 3…
Ability to group actions by functional area
Description of the enhancement required: Create Directory/Grouping functionality for grouping Actions An example of the enhancement: Actions would be able to be grouped by function/area, similar to functional areas. How would it help you business process: I currently need to make a fake action to create a line in actions…
Automatic ordering of dimensions within modules/line items
Description of enhancement: When re-dimensioning a module/line item by using the applies to dialogue box, it would be very useful if the order of the "applies to" was automatically ordered from the largest to the smallest. Business case for wanting this enhancement: Consistency of the dimension orders has a big impact of…
Custom groupings - As an admin I want to organise my model objects, such as lists, into groups
Similar to functional areas for modules, but allow admin to easily create custom groupings and assign objects to them, so that their settings objects are organized. This should be included everywhere we currently have 'Re-order', as it will need to be incorporated. For example, set of line items for UI data, calculations,…
Custom Calendars
Is there a way to create custom calendars in Anaplan? Our customers work out of different calendars and we would like to be able to enter and report data according to each specific customer's calendar, while at the same time being able to enter and report data according to our corporate calendar. Any advice or links to…
Retrieving last non zero value for daily exchange rates
Hi, I have a daily exchange rate module which store the daily rates for multiple currencies. I wanted to get the last non-zero value for each date for example we have daily exchange rates for 1 Jan 2021 but none for 2nd and 3rd of Jan 2021, so the daily exchange rates for 3 Jan 2021 should display the rates of 1 Jan 2021…
ITEM function cannot be used on composite lists with Summary of "Formula"
To reproduce: 1. Create a parent list and a composite child list. 2. Create a module with 1 line item with formula "ITEM(Child List)" and list formatted to "Child List". Applies To should be "Child List". 3. Change Summary to "Formula", the following error is shown: The formula for 'mod1'.'item1' is invalid: 'item1' =…
To have search option in the beta version of Module
Hello Everyone, I see that in the beta version of new module inventory, there are two issues: The Search icon is missing, which was there in the earlier version. When we use the find option (Ctrl +F), it only searches the module names present in the current screen and not from the entire list of modules. Attached the pic…
Ability to sort models in model management
A description of the enhancement requested Sort models by size and name in "model management A story for why they want the enhancement (specifically how would it help their business process) To easier sort models
🎁 Line Item Viewer ツールを公開しています 🎄
こんにちは、Amayaです。 2024年もほとんど終わりかけ、1年の振り返りをしています。 思えば今年はこちらのBlogも掲載してもらったのでした。 Experimenting with automated documenting — Anaplan Community AnaplanのAPIから出てくるラインアイテムのデータを可視化してみよう、という実験についてのポストになります。このとき実際に作成したツールについては今も公開しています。(春のユーザー会でお見せしていたのがこちらになります)…
Share your feedback: modeling experience (deadline extended!!)
The product and UX team at Anaplan is looking for your feedback on your current modeling experience, specifically focused on building an appreciation for the challenges you face as a model builder in Anaplan. This survey is designed to capture this detail, so that we can explore how to simplify and accelerate the modeling…
Convert Months to Quarter
Hi, How can I sum my months to get the quarter value in another module? My source module is using month, i turned off of the summary SUM for Time. (to save space) My target module, i want to get the quarter value of my source. Thanks, Tom
DCA - How to lock/unlock checkboxes based on selection? [No Dimension]
I have a module (no Dimension) with 5 -line items labeled 'Custom 1' through 'Custom 5'. When any 'Custom' checkbox is selected, all other checkboxes should be locked but the selected (example: Custom 1) one should remain editable. If the selected checkbox is unchecked, all other checkboxes should become unlocked again.…
Approach for managing conditional formatting colors in one place
Thought I'd drop this here in case it's helpful to anyone. Business Need To promote a consistent user experience and an intuitive application, we want colors to be used in a consistent manner across an application. We also want it to be easy to quickly and easily change those colors in the event of: Changes to user…
Selective Access on Flat List Subsets
Currently, selective access write permissions must be granted to a parent item for end users to modify an item's subset membership. In the case of a flat list, the items do not have a parent, which means users cannot modify the inclusion of these items in the subset. This has created challenges within my organization, as…
Is there any way i can convert number to text format but still following the number format for comma
Unable to convert number to Text following comma format, Could anyone help me out of this problem? Thanks in advance
How to use notifications effectively
Author: Vinay Varadaraj Mirajkar is a Certified Master Anaplanner and Senior Solution Architect at Anaplan. When you think about creating simple workflows or enabling collaboration between/within the planning teams, some of the features which can help achieve this are: sharing pages, card comments, notifications, and last…
New UX - Conditional formatting multiple line items the same
Hi, I have a dashboard with 20 columns, all of which share the same complex conditional formatting rule that consists of 12 midpoints. Setting up one column takes a little time, and I need to repeat this process for all 20 columns. It would be really helpful to have the option to apply a formatting template to multiple…
Bulk Copy Action - Line Item Input
Great addition this past weekend with the Bulk Copy Action so that it can be tied to a process. As another enhancement to this feature - it would be great if the model builder can set line item values to drive the input - similar to the update current period action released prior.
Allow for line item subset to be more than just number formatted
Description of the enhancement required: Line Item Subsets are often used to build filter modules, as an alternative to using the Show/Hide functionality. Using a Boolean against a Line Item Subset on a filter module makes it very easy to select which columns should be shown or hidden on a dashboard. An example of the…
Composite hierarchies List and Production Data
Hello Everyone, I recently took over the model development from a previous team, and I'm looking into optimisation options. One issue I came across has to due with Composite hierarchies List used for Selective Access, as per the example below: G1 Group - Used for Selective Access - Set as Production Data - No changes in…
Ability to mask or sanitize all of the Production Data within a model
I would like to be able to easily mask all Production Data within a model. Currently, this involves a lot of manual effort. For example, replacing all names with fake names, and all numbers with fake numbers. Being able to do this is useful for a couple of different purposes: * If I need to have Anaplan Support take a copy…
Event recording available! Model design best practices
If you missed our event yesterday, November Challenge Recap: Model design best practices, a recording is now available. Last month, we invited the Anaplan Community to share their best advice for model design. In this recap event, speakers Rob Marshall (@rob_marshall) and Adam Trainer (@AdamT), both from Anaplan’s…
Calculate the total interest from the first blank to the last blank in the 'Interest Expense' column
I have a sample where there are loan dates. For each loan date, the nominal interest will be calculated from the first non-blank 'Date of Loan' entry to the last non-blank 'Date of Loan.' The total interest will then be inserted in every non-blank 'Interest Expense' line item.
Send an Email Notification if a Line Item Doesn't Equal 0
Is there a way to send a notification to specific users if a variance/line item is not equal to zero?