SYS00 Time Settings'.Forecast Period? is not a recognized line item or list member
Hi team am receiving an error
Seasonality Chart—Simple as That
Comparison By Year Comparison By Year Several times I have been asked for a chart with the possibility to compare seasonality or month over years. It´s proven to be both popular and useful in its own simplicity. In a regular line chart, you’ll have all time periods after one another, whereas, in this version, you´ll be…
how to calculate WEEKNUMBER of a particular date in a year
Hi Anaplanners, i am stuck with one the calculation ,which requires me to calculate WEEK NUMBER of a date in the year.In excel we can use WEEKNUM Function to get the number of the week . eg,WEEKNUM(2020-03-02) = 10 How can i achieve this
CIM Phase II - Live
You must be aware that CIM Phase - 2 has gone live today. With the advent of this phase, User admins will be able to * Create new users directly from Admin Console. Remember if the user has been added without assigning to any workspace then the user will be considered as a dormant user, meaning s/he will not have access to…
Use Custom Fixed position pattern for 13 periods of 4 weeks
On loading data into a module, the Time dimension Custom patterns are based around a true calendar month, 1-12. There isn't a custom mapping pattern for periods which where the system time is set to 13 periods of 4 weeks. For instance, using custom YYYY_MM or YYYY?MM for the below data, would allow to load the data…
Data Import Time dimension
Hi, I need a bit of help. I have a file of the following structure, with Time dimension going across as column headers. The system is setup to 13 periods of 4 weeks. When I try to load the data using Custom Fixed position pattern: YYYY_MM, it fails with an error: Invalid period for format YYYY_MM When I try to load the…
Models - Blank Screen
Hi Folks, I am getting this blank white screen which has been loading forever. I have cleared my cache, used different browsers, verified my access with administrator but still issue persists. Is anyone facing the same issue? And found solution?
Distributing values based on Mapping.
Hi All, I have a module MOD1 which is dimensioned by Product Group, Customer and Time and has line item Cost. I have another module MOD2 which is dimensioned by Product, Customer and Time and has line item Sales. I have a mapping between Product Group and Product Lists. Every Product Group has multiple products. I want to…
Getting Invalid date format while data import into module
hi, my source file contain time in format 201901 201902.. etc as line item. while importing i am getting error as above . which time format i have to select.? adding source file below. please help to resolve the error. Thanks Jerin
Timesum with Date
Hi I want to use Timesum function. In this page, we can use Timesum function with end date to start date. https://community.anaplan.com/t5/Idea-Exchange/Dates-in-Timesum/idi-p/89565 But in Anapedia page, it is not suggested to use Date. https://help.anaplan.com/13d8b551-4e13-413b-a39f-f25579d21e38-TIMESUM Is there some…
9.2.6 Activity: Add Formulas to Margin Calculation Module
Can you please help? I coppied formula i think no issue about formula. Expected: Mine
Capture Current Date Time Stamp in a cell
Hello, I want to capture Current Date Time Stamp in a cell when there is a change in line item? Is it possible with out implementing something too fancy?
Using Polaris in Reporting models
Hi, We've been advised to use Polaris for one of our reporting models (90% sparcity). The model is mainly used to aggregate data across 4 dimensions and time, using SUM as the summary method. One of our dimensions is a 12-levels hierarchy, and I just saw in anaplan learning that Polaris might not be effective in reducing…
Defaulting values for line-items (vs. modeling via override)
Abilty to have by default a 100% value in a line-item vs. modeling this behaviour with a line item of 100 and putting an override if you do not want 100% (e.g. redemption rates). The default should be able to have a formula behind it. (cfr STET functiona in competitive products) Benefits : 1) Huge UX improvement on…
Allow User to Enter Comments at Parent Level?
We have a text-formatted line-item where we want users to enter comments at both the child and parent levels. The current solution works fine for the bottom level, but Anaplan won't allow comments at the parent level (Marketing - Corporate Memberships). Is there a simple fix to this issue?
Anaplan equivalent of the "Product" Function
I would like to use a formula that calculates the product of a series of items.
Time Period Formatted line items dependency on Time Range
Currently dropdown for time period formatted line items shows all time periods for Model Calendar. There should be an option to make them dependent on Time range applicable to that particular Module/Line Item. For Example: If Model has 5 years, a Month formatted line item will show all 60 months in dropdown even if that…
Bulk Copy Action for Production Lists
This idea relates to the Bulk Copy action enhancement released in a platform update earlier this month (Nov 6 2021 release). (Thank you by the way for that enhancement!) We would like the ability to execute the Bulk Copy action for Production Lists. (Currently, the action is limited to only non-Production Lists.) Bulk Copy…
FINDITEM on Numbered List Without Code
Is it possible to do a FINDITEM on a numbered list without using the code field? The numbered list restriction exists because I need non-admin end users to easily add to the list (e.g. by adding a 'Create' action). The code restriction exists because non-admin end users will be adding to the list, and hence will not be…
New Function To Convert Date Format to Text Format
It would be very useful to have this functionality rather than convert to numbers through DAY, MONTH, YEAR and back to text through TEXT function. Best practice would dictate to split these functions out but this increases clutter and causes unnecessary calculations in models.
Today() Function
I'm wondering why in Anaplan we can only have to input current period in Time. As we're using Anaplan as Supply Chain planification tools and we work really at planning on days level. So it's necessary for us to determine "today"'s date. The solution we use now is to launch an automatic import and update the "Today" item.…
How to Add Child members(More than one member in one go) based on User input
I am working on a use case where basis on input from user, child list will have required number of list items. For E.g.- User Input =3, 3 entries are created under L2. I am able to add multiple rows in one go using below logic. But stuck in a scenario, where we have existing list member already added & want to add more…
How to calculate project end month & project start month based on data.
Hi, I am trying to calculate last month & start month basis on DAT01 TestData. For E.g.: For list Item A: Start Month should be Nov 24 & end month as last data value. Source Module:DAT01 TestData Target Module: CAL01 Start & End Month
Using List Properties
Hi All, Why is it best practice to avoid using list properties? As a central location to hold all the data relevant to that list that does not require the user to update it seems like a perfect option. I am referring to properties such as all items of the hierarchy and permanent mappings that will never change. My question…
Saved view different in Dev & Deployed - same revision tag
Hello model builders! I'm running into something I don't understand; it appears to be a bug though I'm not sure. We've got a specific saved view that does not match between our dev. & prod. models. I've tried to override the saved view, then pushed a new revision tag (it contained no changes). Dev. Model Saved View:…
I need to change Model Calendar Time settings 4 4 5 Structure.
Currently the system is allowing me to use Last Sunday near to the end of month. Ideally my requirement is I need third Sunday / Second Last Sunday near to the end of the month. For Ex: 28th Oct 2024 to 26th Oct 2025, is Current fiscal year which came because of the the end of fiscal year selection - Last Sunday near to…
Text Concatenation | Model Optimization Team series
Hello! Welcome to the Model Optimization team's monthly blog post. This is an eight-part series, following the topics we see occurring most frequently in slow customer models. Our aim is to inform and guide how to build with best practice intentions for these model building topics. Each month, two of our analysts will take…
Number Formatting Precision / Stop dividing by 1000
I would like to propose a feature to instead of dividing by 1,000 to show items in thousands or 1,000,000 to show numbers in millions, that this is handled by the number formatting. This is a little used feature in excel where you can apply a format to a cell with the value $32,500 to display as $32.5. In this case the…
Analogue of SELECT CASE function
This would allow to exclude nested IF-THEN-ELSE constructions.
GTM certification - where to find the certification
I have just completed the GTM - Go To Market course, but couldn't see the certification in my profile in Anaplan community. Does anyone know where I can find the certificate? Also I often see people share their Anaplan badges on LinkedIn, how they got the certification image? Do you just take a screenshot and make your own…