Discussion List
- Currently we are able to see where a module or process is used on a Dashboard. We need to have a similar ability for the NUX which warns or stops you deleting an object if it is referenced on a Page o…
- 1. It would be really a game changer if we are able to add Data Write Actions to the existing processes, It would not only scale up the usage of the Data Write Action but also would save a lot of time…
- I have a situation where target lineitem is populated based on the picklist selection. The problem is when multiple users are making the selection, the latest selection is being used. I need this to b…
- Dear Community, I have a basic question, many will feel it might be silly but still need to ask whether we can create a copy of the lists available in the General list sections like modules? If NO the…
- Hi Friends, Do we follow these in Real Life Scenarios? Model Sanitization Guide Model Concurrency Testing Types Model Concurrency Process
- Hi Anaplan, It would be great for Anaplan to allow users to create alias names for: time, versions, modules, dashboard, list and lineitems. Thanks, Usman
- Author: Wendy Wen is a Certified Master Anaplanner and Senior Director at Globalization Partners. As we embrace the arrival of spring, it's an opportune moment to fine-tune your Anaplan experience, en…
- Hi, Can anyone tell me whether the below calculation is correct or not? If yes, then can someone please clarify why the quarterly balances are different Thanks AB
- Hi All Community Members, Despite putting a lot of thought and efforts, I am not able to figure out where am I going wrong. I have set all the Modules and formulae in place but still the numbers for t…
- Description of the enhancement required: Increase Code character limit which is currently max at 60 characters. An error window will appear if character limit is reached. How would it help their busin…
- Hi, Do you know what would cause a 'PlanIQ Flow Trigger Failed' error @Misbah
- Hi Anaplan Community, I am facing an issue when running PlanIQ and selective access. Specifically, I have activated selective access at the G3 Region level, which also applies to G1 and G2 lists. I ru…
- Module dimensions : time , lines , zone Goal : display lines following this rule
- Hi, I have a OUTPUT module that has 10 line items - I made a LISS out them and created a SYSTEM module with the LISS as a dimension in order to map the LISS to a list. I then go back to the the OUTPUT…
- I have a module with one of the dimension as a list 'Prod Type', with items HW1, HW2 and this list has a top level 'All'. In one of the line items in this module i want to apply a formula like below :…
- Hi All, Check if you can help in the following scenario. I have 2 list PRODUCT & PRODUCT FAMILY (parent of product). Module 1 : (with PRODUCT as dimension) Line item : Check? (Boolean) User will selec…
- In DISCO we create CAL modules that are purely for caulations and turn Summary Method to NONE. There are though many times where to be most efficient you may want to only have the Summary method apply…
- As workspace admin, I would like to have the possibility to update the current timestamp in UTC timezone by having a New Action type created ( similar to the below picture ). This could work in a very…
- Hi Team, We are getting error while running the optimizer. Can you please guide whether the error is due to time or some constraints or some data issue? Please find attached the image for your referen…
- Hi, I am facing issue with the below senario. If someone can help me out with what is the best possible approach I have hierarchy with lists from L1 to L6 levels and a flat list D with list items from…
- Hi, I want to only show the top 10 earners in each department (List hierachy E1 Department is top and E2 Employee below). I have created a RANK that will give organize numbers lowest to highest based …
- Hi, Is there a way to make a line item( dropdown list format) to have multiple conditions? example : I want my GL account dropdown to be filtered based on the account type selected (parent of the GL a…
- Hi, It would be great if it was possible to format line items based on line items from other modules with the same dimension without having to bring in that line item into the same module. Thanks, Usm…
- Hi everyone! I'm having trouble in resolving these request in Anaplan. Basically I've got 2 line items in a module with Time Scale Weeks: Expected Sales Quantity = Qty of Product that is expected to s…
- Hello I am building a model in Level 1. I need to know how can I fixt the problem when the Data type mismatch: format other than LIST or DATE being reference as a relation. I am trying to update the u…