Discussion List
- Hello Everyone, I see that in the beta version of new module inventory, there are two issues: The Search icon is missing, which was there in the earlier version. When we use the find option (Ctrl +F),…
- A description of the enhancement requested Sort models by size and name in "model management A story for why they want the enhancement (specifically how would it help their business process) To easier…
- こんにちは、Amayaです。 2024年もほとんど終わりかけ、1年の振り返りをしています。 思えば今年はこちらのBlogも掲載してもらったのでした。 Experimenting with automated documenting — Anaplan Community AnaplanのAPIから出てくるラインアイテムのデータを可視化してみよう、という実験についてのポストになります。このとき実際に…
- The product and UX team at Anaplan is looking for your feedback on your current modeling experience, specifically focused on building an appreciation for the challenges you face as a model builder in …
- Hi, How can I sum my months to get the quarter value in another module? My source module is using month, i turned off of the summary SUM for Time. (to save space) My target module, i want to get the q…
- I have a module (no Dimension) with 5 -line items labeled 'Custom 1' through 'Custom 5'. When any 'Custom' checkbox is selected, all other checkboxes should be locked but the selected (example: Custom…
- Thought I'd drop this here in case it's helpful to anyone. Business Need To promote a consistent user experience and an intuitive application, we want colors to be used in a consistent manner across a…
- Currently, selective access write permissions must be granted to a parent item for end users to modify an item's subset membership. In the case of a flat list, the items do not have a parent, which me…
Is there any way i can convert number to text format but still following the number format for comma
Unable to convert number to Text following comma format, Could anyone help me out of this problem? Thanks in advance- Author: Vinay Varadaraj Mirajkar is a Certified Master Anaplanner and Senior Solution Architect at Anaplan. When you think about creating simple workflows or enabling collaboration between/within the …
- Hi, I have a dashboard with 20 columns, all of which share the same complex conditional formatting rule that consists of 12 midpoints. Setting up one column takes a little time, and I need to repeat t…
- Great addition this past weekend with the Bulk Copy Action so that it can be tied to a process. As another enhancement to this feature - it would be great if the model builder can set line item values…
- Hello Everyone, I recently took over the model development from a previous team, and I'm looking into optimisation options. One issue I came across has to due with Composite hierarchies List used for …
- I would like to be able to easily mask all Production Data within a model. Currently, this involves a lot of manual effort. For example, replacing all names with fake names, and all numbers with fake …
- If you missed our event yesterday, November Challenge Recap: Model design best practices, a recording is now available. Last month, we invited the Anaplan Community to share their best advice for mode…
- Is there a way to send a notification to specific users if a variance/line item is not equal to zero?
- The ‘Copy Branch’ action hasn’t currently made its way onto the UX, so I was recently challenged to create a workaround. This is my relatively simple solution, which could be amended for “Assign” by d…
- The product and UX team at Anaplan is looking for your feedback on your current modeling experience, specifically focused on building an appreciation for the challenges you face as a model builder in …
- My module contains 5 dimensions, and I am replacing one of the list subset by another list subset of the same list, I have tested it using ALM, but I would like to understand how anaplan ensures even …
- Hi, I am looking for a way to convert a month number (f.e. 1) to month name (f.e. 'Jan 20'). How would you do this? Kind regards, Catheline
- Hello! Welcome to the Model Optimization team's monthly blog post. This is an eight-part series, following the topics we see occurring most frequently in slow customer models. Our aim is to inform and…
- August 2021 Release and Sneak Peek at September Bulk Open from Table of Contents: From the Table of Contents section of New Modelling Experience (NMX) you can quickly open the objects of a particular …
- We’re excited to announce our second Best Practices Challenge of the year! This Challenge series is open for Community members to share their expertise and tips on a specific topic. Join us to spotlig…
- Looking to create a module that provides a summary of a fairly detailed data set that has multiple dimensions, with having originally built this by adding the relevant dimensions to the module and the…
- If you are asked to name a few features which you use very often in Anaplan, there is a high chance that FILTERS will find its way to that list. There are so many places where they are used: saved vie…
"Edit From" and "Edit To" in "Versions" don't prohibit users from importing values to that time peri
Description of the enhancement: The RFE would be to disallow users from importing into a timescale that they cannot edit. To reproduce: 1. Create a module with "Versions" and "Time" as dimensions. 2. …- Hi all, Is it possible to return a value from an item on the same line item? For example, picture this as my module: I want to be able to calculate a delta between S1 and S2 or S3 and S1, like this: H…
- Hi, In version settings, I have 2 versions 1. Actual 2. Forecast but none of those versions are marked as True for Current (Refer screen-shot). I Created 2 Modules 1. Source Module 2. Target Module So…
- Hi, I have a list of invoices with an approver selected from the user list for each line item, what I want to do is check if the 'current user' is the same as the 'approver' and if so then allow them …