Dynamic Line Item Label
One recent scenario was where the Line Item Labels are shown as CY, CY-1,CY-2,CY-3 and users wants this name to be dynamic like 2024,2023,2022,2021, I want this label to change in all modules each year as the current period changes. There were many occasions where there were requirements to change Line Item Label, which…
Best practices for technical documentation of a model
Author: Arun Thakar, Certified Master Anaplanner and Vice President in the banking industry. As go-live approaches and admin and end user training gears up, the question of ‘how do we document the model?’ might be front and center in your daily standups. Fear not! This article will cover some of the best practices on…
LEVEL 1 -Part 08 activity- Add Formulas to Line Items in REV03 Margin Calculation_ Error
The formula for Line item Revenue and Cost of Sales line items is not working and giving an error as below. This is from LEVEL 1 -Part 08 activity- Add Formulas to Line Items in REV03 Margin Calculation. Kindly help ERROR: The formula for 'REV03 Margin Calculation'.Cost of Sales is invalid ;REV02 Volume Inputs'.Volumes is…
OEG Best Practice: Statistical forecasting
Overview The following is a guide for the Statistical Forecasting Calculation Engine Models (monthly and weekly). It includes enablement videos, practice data import exercise, model documentation, and specific steps when using the model for implementations. 1. Enablement videos and practice exercise…
SUM based on Line Item Value
I have a line item that has a list value. In another module, I would like to sum based on that list value -- without adding that list as a dimension in either module. Is this possible? I know this syntax isn't right, but it would be something along the lines of Source.Amount[SUM: IF Source.Line Item = List.Value]
Publishing subsidiary views in FluenceXL
Has anyone had any success publishing a subsidiary view line item in Fluence grids? I have a line item in a module that is a subsidiary view used for mapping GLs. I need an end-user to update the mappings. Fluence will not allow me to publish and edit the subsidiary view mappings since the dimensions differ from the…
How do I exclude zeros from a MIN aggregation?
I am building an output module to show some statistics around account pipeline by industry. I want to be able to show the smallest pipeline. Since some accounts have zero pipeline, the standard MIN function returns zero, but I want it to return the MIN excluding zeros. How can I do this? Here's an example of what I'm…
Pro tip: Process & Import IDs
When setting up data integrations the process or import actions are often referred to by name, however, this practice isn't robust and can cause process failures if names are changed in the model. During development and enhancements, a model builder may choose to edit the name of a process or import to the model. This…
Advice on Optimizing Combined Export List in Anaplan
Dear Anaplanners, I hope this message finds you well. I am currently working on a project that involves two separate exports: one containing Project and Project Code, and the other containing Bench Code. Refer excel snip with samples. The receiving system can accept both Project Code and NPI Code, but in Anaplan, we have…
Level 2 Sprint 2 DEM03 Growth Rate % line Item
For this line item, it is needed to align the dimensionality of the Source Module to Target Module, so that the Target Module can reference the Growth Rate % of the Source Module. See below for mapping reference: The issue I am having is that I am unable to properly map the formula. Resulting in various error messages. I…
Processes within Processes
It's a really old idea from Exchange - Include Process Within a Process — Anaplan Community I thought I had a workaround of sorts - using Cloudworks but alas the "integration flows" element can't be put onto UX pages even though individually processes can be. Is this because of a page only being attached to a single model…
Dynamic renaming of line items
Consider the following situation: As part of a planning process, a planning user requires the following items to be presented in the module: * Current year revenue actuals - year to date, needed to plan for the next year around the third-quarter quarter mark of the year * Current year revenue projection, based on the run…
How to add a code to an item after an assign action
Hi, I am trying to follow the planuals that states that after an assign action, you should add a "create code"' action in a process. —> I tried to combine an assign action and import into a process, but the assign actions doesnt seem to show up in the list of actions ?
Combining line item number formats
In as much detail as possible, describe the problem or experience related to your idea. Please provide the context of what you were trying to do and include specific examples or workarounds: For certain reporting elements I'm finding that I have to change number formatted line items to text to get the right prefixes and…
RANK | Model Optimization Team series
Hello! Welcome to the Model Optimization team's monthly blog post. This is an eight-part series, following the topics we see occurring most frequently in slow customer models. Our aim is to inform and guide how to build with best practice intentions for these model building topics. Each month, two of our analysts will take…
Add more options for Large Read Requests in Transactional API endpoint
We are running different large read requests using the Transactional APIs to ensure 2 things : Quality Insurance : Allow the different teams to secure models changes against regressions by extracting and comparing 2 models datas from different modules that can be picked up from anywhere on the model depending on impact…
Include Process Within a Process
Description of the enhancement requiredAbility to create nested processes (i.e., process within a process).An example of the enhancement:A separate process to import a saved view to separate lists that can be combined into one overall process that can be run by the end-user (one click to run multiple processes)A story for…
How to take full advantage of the new Hierarchy Card feature
Author: James Cannon is a Certified Master Anaplaner, Solution Architect, and Senior Manager at EY. In the ever-evolving landscape of planning and business modeling, Anaplan continues to separate itself from the pack and lead the charge with innovative solutions that streamline and enhance the end user experience. One…
Tips on building out a new model
Author: Andrew Tye is a Certified Master Anaplanner and Anaplan Process Developer at Aviva. As a new model builder one of the more daunting prospects is beginning the build of a brand new model. You’ve completed the various training courses, supported an existing build, and maybe have done some small enhancements to an…
OEG Best Practice: Filter best practice
Filters can be very useful in model building and are widely used, but they can come at the expense of performance—often very visible to users through their use on dashboards. Performance can also hit imports and exports, which in turn may lead to the blocking of other activity, causing a poor perception of the model. There…
- Update Historic Volumes for Baseline Forecast
Hello everyone, I encounter a problem concerning the formula of "Offset Volumes for 1st Forecast Year" . I wrote the formula that seems logical to me but it doesn't work. Can someone help me correcting it ? Thanks in advance. N.B : The first image represents hints for the formula and the second image is the formula that i…
How to make Home Dashboard or Default Dashboard
Hi Team, I have created following three new dashboards in Anaplan model, how to make one of them as default dashboard when we open the model. Below "Home" dashboard should always open automatically when i open the model. I appreciate your help on this question. Thanks, Suman.
Allow to delete all actions in a process when deleting the process
Hi, I am currently working on a model split and I need to delete multiple actions, but before deleting them I need to delete the processes they are included in. It's very time consuming to delete the processes first and then the actions. I think it would be useful to have the option to delete all actions included in a…
New Community Challenge – share your fun Anaplan builds and collect a badge!
We're thrilled to announce a brand new Community Challenge kicking off this month — the Builder Challenge! This is an opportunity to showcase your creativity and share the fun and innovative Anaplan model builds you've created. As a bonus, we will select participants to present their model builds in a special Community…
Hi, I have a scenario where I have to take a snapshot every week(forecast periods) -max 6 weeks forecast period. Source Module -Standard Time Scale, Article List, LineItem(which I want to take a snapshot) Target Module- Standard Time Scale, Weekly snapshot LIST(Contains list member of Lag 1, Lag 2, Lag3..6), Article List,…
US$ Currency Display on NUX Boards
Hi, Recently, 2 users from different regions have started to see US$ prefix their cells. We have it configured it be $ in the backend, so we're not sure where the US prefix is coming from. Example shown below: For one of the users, the US$ prefix went away after a day. One user is based on Canada and the other in China. Is…
Builders Challenge! に投稿してみました!
皆様こんにちは。マスターアナプランナーとして活動しているAmayaともうします 日本のコミュニティを盛り上げるべく(再び)情報発信していければと思いますので、どうぞよろしくお願いします! さて今週いっぱいComuunity ではビルダーズチャレンジ!として「あなたが作成した楽しく革新的なAnaplanモデルビルドを共有する機会」というのを開催しています。 私も何か楽しいモデルを作って、世界の人に見てもらいたいと思い、昔懐かしい「15パズル」を作ってみました。New UXだと色も選べて、華やかになりますね。(あとはセンスだけ。) 動く様子を動画に取りましたので、ぜひ見てみてください!…
Current Date and Time
It would be great to have a function to get current date and time. Timezone settings could be common for all users and maintained in the settings section
Forms : Choosing Parent (block edits)
Anaplanners, We have a list, P1 Projects List, We're creating project checkpoints as its child, giving options to the end user to create them on the fly. Challenge: While creating the form, its great Anaplan picks up the last selected Project however, Anaplan also provides a dropdown selection, to select another project,…
Change Time Period names by allowing an alternative
Without creating Fake time and having to do mappings in modules, why not allow an alternative to be displayed, which would simplify the build, but also give the customer the desired headings on time. They can have this simply on any other list. The example is a retail customer who has 4,4,5 and a non January start of year.…