Help with a date range
Hi everyone, I'm trying to create a date range filter for dashboards. I have data that is at Day level. When I add a Start Day and End day, the UX grid should only show those days. Has anyone done something like this at Day level? Appreciate any help.
Create Shipping Export Module and Create a Saved View
Hi Team, I have been struggling for a long time here in the INV05 Shipping Export module below is the blueprint mode: Below is the layout for my INV01 Inventory Ordering module The formula for Shipping Costs is as below: Final Shipment Amount / 1000 * 'TRA01 Shipping Metrics by Week'.'Cost per 1000 units'[LOOKUP: 'SYS08…
OEG Best Practice: Data Hubs: Purpose and peak performance
You may have heard about a model called a Data Hub, but perhaps you aren’t confident that you understand the fundamentals, primary functions, or considerations when architecting one. There are three main advantages to incorporating a Data Hub: Single source of truth : Stores all transactional data from the source system.…
How to get the first non-blank value from a line item to another module
How to get a value to another module for the given selectors, the first one which is not blank? I always have one value in historical sales name and I want to transfer it to another module. And then how to transfer the value that is next to the line item Value Min
Is it possible to display different line items in one module for different levels of a hierarchical
Hello, I created a module that has a hierarchical list structured as below: I added line items to the module such as: -Revenue -Lattitude -Profit -Count Active -Count Closed -Count Open But it is not important what line items I have, what is important for me is how to make it so that after selecting, for example, an item…
DCA and Create (form) on UX
Hello, I have trouble with the creation of a new item in my module using Create form on the UX. I have the error " Failed to create item ". The line item that is in my module is ruled by a DCA, allowing it to be editable only when the "Modify?" boolean is checked by the end user. Do you have any idea on how can I manage to…
Email notifications : Sending Email Actions without using mailbox
Request from Amgen Europe : Anaplan is currently not able to send email notifications based on a pre-set condition. e.g. whenever a price is submitted below a certain threshold. The idea would to have an action that sends email based on a threshold but without having to use your own mailbox
Mule4 with Anaplan Execute Export streaming Integration (Unparseable date issue)
Hello Team, We are using Execute export streaming Anaplan operation connector in Mule 4. But we are getting the following exception from the Anaplan connector while performing the export option! org.mule.modules.mulesoftanaplanv3.internal.client.AnaplanV2Client: Exception while parsing currentTime java.text.ParseException:…
Level 3 - Ask the Stakeholders - Establishing Sales Targets
Level 3 - Ask the Stakeholders Establishing Sales Targets Process Questions This forum is for asking the stakeholders of the Unicorn Candy Company questions about the Establishing Sales Targets Process. The Anaplan Academy team will be monitoring this forum during US Central standard business hours. Please allow up to 3…
How to Automatically Generate an outlook Email with Specific Format from Anaplan Page
Hi Anaplan Community, I’m trying to automatically generate and send an email from an Anaplan page formatted as follows: TO: (Predefined recipient email) Subject: Text [dd-mm-yy] Attachments: (Optional or specific data if applicable) Body: Hello, Please see below the details: Line items: Timeline: "Start week - End week"…
Model Archives : Automation & Tenant administration
Hello ! It would be great to have automatic quick-wins regarding Model Archive Management ! ALM & Archives : When we need to move a large number of developments (or time management switch) into production, we always try to do a "Copy & Archive" first. However, this task is manual and potentially error-prone. It would be…
How can i set up this filter ?
I want to allow users to input a text field with items separated by commas (e.g., X1,X2,X3,X4,X5 ) and, after clicking a boolean (e.g., "Select"), have the page filtered to show data only for the specified items. How can I set up this filter?
How can I convert a text containing multiple items separated by commas into a list?
I have a text string like "X1,X2,X3,X4,X5" and I want to convert it into a list containing X1, X2, X3, X4, and X5. I tried using FINDITEM, but it only works for one item, and with FIND, I can only get the position of the first comma. How can I achieve this? Thanks
How to filter time in NUX based on page selector parent.
Hi, I'm struggling to filter a table in NUX based on the page selector. Anaplan wants me to hard code an item to filter on. I want it to use the selected item in the page selector. I have a bunch of projects with their parent category Start and end month is set for each project. This aggregates with min for start and max…
How to display selected line items depending on the selected level in the hierarchical list.
I have a three level list Country->Region->City. How can I display selected line items for a given level in the list. Let's say I have 10 line items in the module and for Country level I want to display 6 selected, for Region level 4 other selected etc.
Hello, Can we change the rows and columns in a module after the module is created.. For Example product code is defined as column in the module, after the initial creation of the modul i want to change it as rows is it possible Also once a module is created , where can we see the rows and columns defined for that module…
Add note / comment out in the formula editor
Ability to add notes / comment out formula parts in the formula editor similar to '- -' in SQL or ' in Microsoft Visual Basic
Comments within formula
There should be a syntax to add comments within the formula. All programming languages provide this feature, for example: /* comment */ is used in Java, plsql. This will help to temporary remove any part of the formula for testing or add meaningful comments for reference.
Dependent dropdown list with Time Period
It would be great if I could create dependent dropdown lists with Time Period type. E.g. I have 2 line items with FY and HY types. And when I've selected FY18 in the first one, the second dropdown allows to select only H1 FY8 and H2 FY18, excluding items from other years
Fundamental lessons I learned in 2023
Author: Ethan Rold is a Certified Master Anaplanner and Senior Manager at Grant Thornton LLP. Winter in the U.S. is basketball season, and it is in full swing. When you attend a high school basketball game, more than likely you will hear the crowds of the student body chant “fun-da-men-tals” in a sing-song style to mock a…
- Apply Dynamic Cell Access to Demand Forecast
I struggled in this activity where we applied DCA to Override Forecast the forecast line item. I was thinking of writing a formula here in the Override Forecast Line item like below but I am not sure how to lock the cells once the Override? line Item is checked. Can someone help me how to resolve this issue? Also, do we…
Having boolean true for certain hierarchy levels only
I have a hierarchy consisting three levels (product/product family/total products. Similar to the one in the trainings) and I tried to do some conditional formatting on it (need to use it as other tables on dashboard have list/line item subsets in it so needed to create a consistent outlook) I thought using an if formula…
show parent hierarchy results in bold in modules and dashboard
As an end user I want my parent hierarchy results to show in bold in tables so that they are quickly and easily distinguishable from the rest of the data Currently the parent item name in the list shows as bold when it is used in a table but not the attached results
Build a game in Anaplan! Recording from the Builder Challenge event
Our August Community Challenge invited people to share creative or useful Anaplan models they've built, and WOW — the Community delivered! We recently hosted an event to walk through a few of the unique and fun model builds — a recording is available below. Tune in to see four fun model builds: Kirill Kuznetsov…
Multi-Dimensional Scatter Plot Alternatives?
Hi all, Bit of a complex one here. The application use case is calculating the Minimum Variance Efficient Portfolio for those familiar with Finance / Portfolio Management. The Anaplan question to be solved in simple terms, is how can I combine these two charts to display as two different "lines" within the same chart (in…
Display timestamp on your Anaplan dashboard
Author: Hannah Shan is a Certified Master Anaplanner and Senior Consultant at Lionpoint Group. I've come across discussions about whether there's a way to display the action timestamp on the UX for the end user — and there have been some great suggestions to bring in the date by leveraging CloudWorks. But what if the end…
SUM and LOOKUP | Model Optimization Team series
Hi! Welcome to the Model Optimization team's monthly blog post. This is an eight-part series, following the topics we see occurring most frequently in slow customer models. Our aim is to inform and guide how to build with best practice intentions for these model building topics. Each month, two of our analysts will take…
New User Experience UX Page Ordering
I am requesting the ability to order pages in any order we choose. Currently, the new UX defaults to alphabetical ordering of both pages and categories, but I would like the ability to order these in any way. For example, our users navigate through a series of dashboards in the Classic view in sequential order (i.e.…
Create DEM03 Demand Forecast Module
Hi, I am struggling to get numbers for the Baseline Forecast line item my formula looks like the below: IF NOT 'SYS01 Time Settings By Week'.'1st Forecast Year?' THEN LAG('DAT03 Historic Volumes'.Volumes, -52, 0, STRICT) ELSE 'DAT03 Historic Volumes'.'Offset Volumes for 1st Forecast Year' I do see the numbers for the year…
Question about Anaplan model-building process and support
Hello, everyone. In the near future, I will be introducing a supply chain model (from demand forecasting to supply and inventory planning) to a Japanese Manufacturing company as a Model Builder. As part of the preparation, I have completed Level 1 and Level 2 model-building training.Could someone tell me the process of…