Add List Search Option while create module and Import from Existing Model
Hi Team, If we provide a search option to select a list when creating a new module, it helps model builders select the required list. Similarly, if we provide a search option to select the source for any import from existing model views or lists, it also helps model builders.
No log-in page when users click page link in notification email (with SSO)
Hi, We enabled SSO for all users so it's seamless when users log-in via our SSO with our SSO sign-in link (without type in email nor select “Sign-in with SSO” in regular log-in page). However, when users click on the link in notification email, users are directed to the normal log-in page (if they're not signed-in yet)…
Chart Update - Bar / Stacked /Line Graph
The details of Descriptions, define color of the Componets in Round circle where as it is either a Bar Chaart or Stacked Graph, problem also occurs when we use combination Line Chart , which also has dots to represent, in that scenario the icons to left of componets names should reflect a square in case of bar / stcked…
Clear multiple cells (NUX)
At the moment it isn't possible to highlight multiple cells and delete their inputs on new UX dashboards as we can in old UX, cells have to be cleared one by one. This small addition will replicate the functionality already in place and save time for the end-user.
Widen the selectors at the top of dashboards to fit the widest item
Hi, We have long descriptions for our cust - bvsfku list and this is neccesary, but when we have a selector it is not wide enough and needs to be scrolled, whcih is not ideal. Could we have a wider selector or one that fits the widest items in the selection? Our issue is the last 3 letters are important but we cannnot see…
Google Sheets Add-on: Send formula driven figures back to Anaplan
The idea would be to receive information from Anaplan, have the ability to update the information using editable inputs (e.g increase sales forecast by 10%) and then send the result (of Anaplan data * 10%) back to the Anaplan module.
Clear all items reset to "Match items in source" when a dimensions mapped on "Fixed item in" or info
Recently I had and issue with a Model where the import setting “Which target items to clear prior to import?” was set to “All items” but not visible in the import screen because the Diemension was remaped to single item. Altough the Dimensions was mapped to a single item, it was still cleared all items but that setting was…
Separator Lines on the UX grids
It would be nice to able to add separator lines between sections within a grid. For example, if I have nested grid, it becomes difficult to identify the separations. We could add separator lines in the module as line items, so that they can be used in the UX. These would be set as “No Data” by default and cannot be…
Drag & Drop Manage Views
The current process for managing saved views for modules is a bit time consuming. If you have a lot of saved views for a module and you need to sort them out. You need to click each saved view and either click "Move Up" or "Move Down", then it would still take time for the system to refresh. So imagine if you have 10 or…
More descriptive history entries for Blank Model Changes
Model history can contain entries saying "Blank Model Change", which can occur for example when changing the SSO access of a user. These could be more informative so we can understand what the change was. Another example - if you are setting a users access, it is usual to copy another users access by selecting an entire…
Worksheet & Boards - Field Cards
It would be great if you're able to make field cards as read-only in a similar way to grid cards. Two / three fields just look and feel a lot nicer than a grid with two/three line items shown - should need to duplicate the line item just to make it "read-only"
Bulc delete card template
I would find it useful to be able to bulc delete in the card template library
Additional modes for Formula Scope
Whilst the current method for formula scope encompasses the existing options (Actual, All Versions, All Versions Except Actual and Current), there is sometimes a need for formula scope to be applicable to specific versions outside of this scope - For instance, side loading of a budget. Whilst Add Version Formula covers…
Internal access (Full access) for Cloudworks to work on Selective access in Admin Portal
Hi Team, At present for the cloudworks actions to read the lists with selective access, 'internal (full) access' must be enabled within the list, which is quite tough to do in a live production model without disturbing the user's access. It would be ideal and intuitive if the access was controlled externally either through…
Management reporting- Labels on Pie Chart
Would it be possible to change the make up of a pie chart in Management reporting, so that when you add a label it doesn't put it outside the pie chart or at least the option to have it inside or outside the pie chart please. When you add a label to a pie chart, it takes up so much more room on the report and creates a lot…
Creating a new user account
New users don't get a link to create a password, i.e. they do not receive the activation email from no-reply@anaplan.com. It's not a matter of the junk or spam folders in their inbox. This seems to be a very common problem.
Administration Console - ability to export data and customise fields
In the Anaplan Administration Console - ability to export data and customise fields e.g. export to csv enabled users; so we can check with external systems. Easier to update when people leave the company for example. Also add fields if required e.g. email addresses
Quick Data Retrieval and update in AM365
The current time taken to log in, retrieve templates and update them in AM365 is quite a painstaking task for the end user as it takes a considerable amount of time to fetch the information and update it. Any upgrade to increase the current performance would help the end user to quickly adopt it and thus making it easier…
Adjust size of Format Column in Blueprint View
You can't always see the full list name and would be helpful to have the ability to resize the format column in Blueprint View
Referenced by for filters
I would like to see details of whether a module or line item is actively in use as a filter. When a line item is referenced by a formula elsewhere the target line item is displayed in the reference by column. Can this be replicated for line items which are used in all types of filter? This will help significant when…
Offline mode marker to be visible in NMX
In NMX I cannot differentiate whether my model is online or offline. In Classic we had this marker when it's offline Idea is to add the same marker to NMX.
Anaplan Chart Updates
Was there a recent update to charts that makes the "stacked" option apply to all data within the graph? Previously, the stacked option only affected bar graphs but now it affects line graphs as well. Can an option be added to choose which elements of the graph we want stacked?
Service Account Password Expiration Exception
It would be helpful to have the ability to grant a service account an exception from an expiring password in Anaplan. For integration if the client doesn't want to get into certificates.
License Management
Hi, Currently we have no clear picture of how different users are counted to Anaplan subscription. I would like to have a page in Administration that would show, which users are considered Builders / Professionals / Readers by Anaplan and are going to be charged. Ideally I would like to specify user type myself, so that…
Merged: User license management in Administration section
This discussion has been merged.
Connect UX apps from a single dashboard
We currently operate with Apps that act as silos, but sometimes it would be good to have a centralised dashboard that can work as a connection across apps to ensure a seamless flow across the dashboards built.
Management Reporting - Ideas
Within Management Reporting, it would be nice to have: Font Styles The ability to upload images from your computer More shapes Ability to change formatting within a referenced variable in a text box (this would probably be difficult but maybe a preview of the variable could show and then you could format that text)…
Modelling using users properties
As a model builder, i d like to be able to model aroynd users properties that are found in "users" panel in order to bring new functionalities to functional admin users, granting them in dedicated modules or actions within a model the following - ability to check users selective accesses rights (read / write permissions)…
Worksheet: Pivot to keep original selection
You can only pivot on an Custom view. However you make the selection of the line items that you want the end user to see. As there might be calculation items, formatting or headers. However when the end user pivots all items come available that make no sense to the end user. Would like to keep the original selection or…
Select levels in time context selector
I am publishing a grid on a page with a month dimension as a page selector and below that a grid with a week dimension.. however, I can only select month at the top of the page for the context selectors. When I reorder them so weeks are first then I can select week or month. This is not ideal as I want the month data to be…