I want to export the listed items as they appear
<Present condition> When exporting in Excel, they are exported in the order in which they were added to the list, not in the order of the present list. <Request> I want to export the listed items as they appear.
Offline Models visible (no data) on NUX causing user confusion
Offline models are visible to users who have access to it. This becomes very confusing to users in case an offline model is added as a source to the a NUX dashboard to which they have access. This is generally done in my Organization for prod parallel testing. Although users access can be taken away among other ways but…
Improving the quality of management reports when viewed in PDF Adobe
If management reports which have been exported to PDF are opened in Adobe Acrobat, the quality of the data is really fuzzy. This is particularly so if the pages have been rotated from portrait to landscape. Google Chrome doesn't seem to have the same issue.
Hide zero rows in Boards (modeler setting)
I want to be able to setup such a feature which will automatically hide zero lines from a Board if it is turned on. Problem: Filters set by model builders on modules are easily get cancelled if an end user pivots this modules. It may sometimes reveal the data you don't want them to see. My example is when I setup a filter…
UX Experience
As a Model Builder , I don't know if a have the possibilty to import the existed UX in my new application ?
UX: Formatting of Line Items in a Grid
The ability to format heading & Style options for sub-totals, totals and hierarchy summaries within a grid would allow these to stand-out for users. Problem: currently there is slight indentation and the formatting doesn't allow for important totals to stand-out in a big grid of data. I believe this should enhance the…
Workflow triggers Import/Export
Having CloudWorks schedule imports between models is useful, but users still need to wait. Our users are participating in a workflow, data is ready to move from the source model when a workflow step is completed. Can we trigger imports or exports, or model-to-model imports from workflow?
Option to display code not name
As a model builder, I would like the option to choose whether a list formatted line item displays the code or the name of the list item. Depending on the purpose of the module, the audience and the number of columns being displayed it is sometimes more appropriate to allow a user to view and select the code of a list…
combination of properties import code creation
Anyone who has imported on a combination of properties into a list will understand the frustrations that can arise. For me there are two specific frustrations that i can think of a simple solution to. The problems: 1. Importing into a list using a combination of properties ALWAYS creates a new list member even if the same…
NUX: App is hidden and inaccessible when all pages are inaccessible
When all pages under the App becomes inaccessible (for example, by archiving model), the App also becomes inaccessible and disappears from list of Apps. There should be some indication to user the App is hidden otherwise: - User may feel confused for App which suddenly disappeared - User is not able to create App with same…
Export defined in a model should be connected to a view
Hello Team, Currently, when we create exports and save them in actions - they are disconnected from real module views. Example: if you create a new export definition, based on a current view (with a filter or smth else) it is not possible to revisit and amend this view after some time and see what view is feeding an export…
Full text is not visible when the cursor hovers over the cells with multiple axis
When I hover over the text in the cell with a single axis, full text could be visible. However, when I put the cursor over the cell with multiple axis, the text is no longer visible. Therefore, I need a function to use in order for me to see the text of the cell that has multiple axis.
Role and Save Buttons on the administration Assignment page Do Not Work
The Role and Save buttons on the administration Assignment page do not work. For example: First, I select the User(Ex:User A) who wants to set the Roles. Second,I click the "Roles" that I want to set for User A (Ex:Page Builder) and click "Save" in the Assignments Function. At that time, it seems like the role setting is…
Select display name of a numbered list in the configure tab
It would be good if you could choose the display name of a numbered list item in the Configure tab, as well as going to the list settings.
Remove limitation on saved views to only have 3 lists in rows
In cases where data needs to be imported from modules which have more than 3 lists we have to create multiple saved views in order to bring the correct filtered data. If new members are added on lists then potentially new saved views have to be created which causes a lot of extra maintenance. Would be nice to be able to…
Cloudworks Integration Email "Cloud works integration broken."
Hi Team, I have a few requests for cloudworks: * Can we have the ability to select the users that will receive email notifications for cloudworks * If an integration file is processed via cloudworks and it has any records that come up with ignored or any rows that that failed an email is sent that says "Cloud works…
Ability to indent line items in a module
Besides for the Style on a line, it would be great to have some more control over the indent of various line items, so it can be manually styled to suit various users needs. As some organisations have multiple levels and the default Styles only offer a few limited options.
Anaplan Chat Support
There should be an option to upload error screenshot while support chat. It is difficult to explain the agent what is the issue(for technical issues). Attaching a screenshot will give a better understanding to the Support team
Ability to include Line Items within DocuSign Workflow Names (& therefore DocuSign email Subject)
We would like to have a small number of DocuSign Workflows which can be reused to complete standardized processes which are initiated in Anaplan and completed in DocuSign. Currently Anaplan uses the DocuSign Workflow name as the Subject of the email which is sent from DocuSign. This means that each email recipient receives…
Dynamic Sum based on Multi-Select in Context Selectors
This is an extension of already requested options to select multiple items in a UX context selector (for reference, see that Idea here and here). I wanted to call out the specific request that it be possible to have dynamic sum based user-selected context items. The point has been mentioned in these Ideas here above but…
A master undo/redo button
For productivity issues, a master undo/redo button on Anaplan will help alot. Currently only few things can be undone, but a master undo will help alot e.g undo data updates, undo formula changes .... Any thoughts!
REQUEST: extend the Data Write action to toggle
Allow the Page Builder to set a Data Write action to "Toggle." It would set False to True and True to False.
REQUEST: extension of Actions to KPI/Image Cards
REQUEST: Allow the Page Builder to do the following for a KPI or Image Card: Configure Actions select an action (I want Data Write) Setup the action Publish the End User can now click the Image/KPI and the action is performed. This would be limited to a single Action.
REQUEST: one click, save all Cards on a Board into Card Templates
REQUEST: ability for the Page Builder to, with one click, save all Cards on a Board into Card Templates. To handle cards without a Title it could Prompt for names Show a list of cards and require names or auto create names based on the name of the source Board.
REQUEST: ability for the Page Builder to “convert” a Board to a Worksheet
Select Source Board Select Grid Card as Worksheet Grid All other cards are placed in “Additional Insights”
Being able to re-order the front door landing page: preferred order would be Apps, Pages, Models
For a better user experience we should be able to customise the order Apps, Pages & Models. If not possible to customise the order then given the move to NUX you should consider ordering the front door as Apps, Pages, Models
Selectively hide objects (models and pages) on the Front Door Landing Page/Home Page
Workspace Administrators need the ability to selectively hide objects (models and pages) on the Front Door Landing Page/Home Page based on roles. All of our end users (400+) are accessing Anaplan data through the Apps, and they have no need to go into the models. They won't see anything in the models should they open the…
Dimension should be synchronized to Additional insights cards when selecting line items under it.
Hi team! We have our Worksheet layout set like this. (Please refer to the attached screenshots) When user select the ‘Product’ on the very left of the Worksheet, Additional insights will be synchronized. (Screenshot ‘input 1’) The problem is, when selecting any line item cell under the ‘Product’, Additional insights will…
Cloud works AWS S3 Automatic file selection from dropdown
In Cloud works AWS S3 connection, user get to choose file from dropdown. If a similar file is generated month on month with a slight change in name (For e.g.: ABC_Apr22, ABC_May22 etc.), then user will have to manually change the data source and there will be no automation for this. I recommend giving asterisk/wildcard…
New UX Import Dashboard Feature - Enable/Disable Pivot Default
Hello, My team and I are in the process of migrating hundreds of classic UX dashboards to the New UX. I've noticed that while using the "Import Dashboard" feature, the dashboard that is imported to the New UX does not factor in the existing pivot setting that was set in the classic UX, and instead defaults to disabling the…