Percentile formula
It would save a lot of time and space to have percentile formulas in Anaplan. Percentiles are very valuable to eliminate extreme values from data sets and improve the accuracy of our forecasting models. Having a percentile formula would address the need for a median formula at the same time. Further below are a few…
Add more customization options for the line, bar and combination charts
It would greatly enhance the user functionality if I could have more options for customizing the graphs. Mainly in respect to controlling the width of the column charts, being able to do dashed lines and other customization options that are already available in most of the other tools (and excel).
IFS function
One of the most powerful "recent" functions I've used in Excel is IFS(), where a single statement can replace multiple levels of IF THEN ELSE statements. From Microsoft's description: Generally, the syntax for the IFS function is: =IFS(Something is True1, Value if True1,Something is True2,Value if True2,Something is…
Native Email Notification in Anaplan Connect
It would be great if Anaplan Connect had Native email Notifications that would help users know whether jobs that run were successful, partial, or failed.
Brand Colors for New UX
As a consultant, we are building for multiple clients at a time. While we tend to have our own color schemes, most of our clients have their own brand colors that we would like to use if possible. To make this easier, we would love the ability to identify a number of brand colors (possibly per workspace) that we can easily…
NUX Filters/Context Selectors should Match Old UX and View Functionality
If a View made up of multiple dimensions has top-level summary items selected is published to the NUX, the same functionality where the view would essentially be "locked" is incorrectly represented in the NUX. Context selectors appear and a user is able to filter on elements they shouldn't have access to in narrowed view.…
PowerQuery Get Data Connection to Anaplan
Could we please have the ability to Get Data from Anaplan in Excel Power Query (not Power BI which already exists).
Multi-select option in UI
The option to select multiple items from a list to populate a cell would be a big win for us e.g. a language field, where I can select multiple language and the cell would then be populated with "English;Afrikaans"
Set the delimiter for CSV Exports
The European format for CSV file is a semi colon delimiter and a comma decimal point. The current behaviour is some European users seem to get an export in this format even though it is not supported in anaplan. The windows/browser formatting seems to take over while other users get the more usual comma delimited file.…
Ability to change the structure of the UX landing page
Customer wishes to modify the format of the UX landing page to push users toward only going to Page or Apps and ignoring Models section - or hiding this section from end users.
AND and OR logical operators
In our work we need to frequently use several layers of nested IF THEN ELSE statements. These could be greatly streamlined by introducing IF and OR logical operators to Anaplan. For example: IF A = 1 THEN IF B = 2 THEN TRUE ELSE 0 ELSE 0 could be replaced with IF AND(A = 1, B =2) THEN TRUE. In this context, these operators…
Apps or pages don't disappear when the underlying model isn't found
Essentially what the title says
Anaplan-Excel Power Query Connector
Currently, Anaplan supports connecting to Power BI via the Microsoft Power Query function * https://help.anaplan.com/e1cdf0b7-631f-4cd6-b4df-a5e0927e1ef8-Anaplan-Connector-Power-BI-Desktop * https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/power-query/connectors/anaplan It would be extremely useful if Anaplan supported connecting to the…
Check Import Source - CSV File
User Suggested Feature Check import source of a csv file, to check who uploaded the file. Currently the option to check is through model history but if there was a way to check import source originally (user) would be useful feature.
Add "Save and Close" option when changing Page settings
As a page builder, I want to be able to Save and Close the page settings dialog in a single click, so that I can save time and be more efficient with my work. As of today, I find that the majority of the time I press the Save button on the Page settings dialog, I immediately want to close the window. A common example is…
Create an export to CSV option for the Pages Report in the new model experience
Can we create an option to export the pages report as a csv in the new model experience?
On charts: Allow labels to draw values from separate line items
On charts: Allow labels to draw values from separate line items instead of just the ones used to create the chart. A frequent use case is to create a column/bar chart where the bar length should represent a number but the label should represent % of base.
Process or Action runtime column within Anaplan
Team, It would be nice to have Process/Action "end time" captured within the Anaplan system. Currently, determining "run-time" is a manual process unless we use integration such as Anaplan connect or other APIs. There are several benefits of having this in the system, the one I would find most useful here is while setting…
Create form in Dashboard with Instructions
It would be nice to have an option to provide a message when creating a form from Dashboard in order to create an item in a list. That way the end user could follow the instructions and understand the requirements in the pop-up window.
REQUEST: Allow for PB to 'Configure Actions' for a Page.
It would be nice if Actions could be added to a Page not just Cards. There are times where the user might need to run an action/process that is more Global/doesn't go with a particular card.
Display an action's Start Date and Time (UTC) on a page for the end user to view
Are there plans to allow the Start Date and Time (UTC) of an action to be forward facing to end users? This could potentially be shown as a tooltip where actions are published on to the page.
Add column in models Users' list: Enabled (view only)
In Anaplan models, in the Users list, we would like a column "Enabled" that is a view-only column based on the user's Enabled status in the Central Identity Management User Admin (in Tenant Admin). Currently in the Users list in models we lack visibility to whether a specific user has status enabled of disabled in the User…
Management Reporting - Advanced Variance Calculations for Percentages
A current pain point I am experiencing is displaying variances in the calculations column within Management Reporting. While the addition of this feature solves some downfalls in the model for building complex variance columns with different formats, the downfall is the ability to produce an accurate variance on…
New UX: Restrict Editing on Field Cards
Can't find this as an existing idea! It appears that Field cards are always editable. I find that Field cards sometime make more sense when added in a bunch (compared to KPIs) and also look better to show some System Mapping fields. However, it is not ideal that the users are able to change these mappings. Can we have the…
Synchronize on a cell level rather the clicking all individual dimensions
If you show a module with multiple dimensions as row and/or columns and you display more details on the same page/dashboard it would be great if the system synchronize by clicking on a cell. This is intuitive behavior of end users. E.g: Jan 21Feb 21Mar 21Customer AProduct 1 Product 2 15 Customer BProduct 120 Product 2…
Management Reporting: Remember/Store Custom Colors: preferably pre-defined palette
This was raised by 2 customer page/model builders (who were guest presenters in yesterday's Nordic Anaplan Group workshop) - I submit to Idea Exchange on their behalf: It is very good that Anaplan Management Reporting allows builders to select any colors so that they can use the customer official color palette, thank you.…
Enable "Show/Hide" for context selectors in the Custom View Editor window
When using a custom view, limiting the selections for a dimension that is set as a context selector a user must exit the custom view editor make that change from the Board Designer screen. It would be a page builder / model builder workflow improvement to allow the same "show / hide" functionality for the context selectors…
Administration Platform - export users data: connexion à Anaplan
Ajouter un " export" pour exporter dans Excel les données users: nom prénom actif/non actif et last login. Ajouter dans les users visiting un "export" des des données après avoir rajouté l'information last login
Ability to show history on General list properties
Dear Anaplan Support, As a workspace administrator, for auditing purposes, it would be great to be able to use the "Show History" function on General List properties (code, properties or subsets). I'll know this is successful when I can click right-click on a list properties and have the option "Show History" (the same we…
Process ID for Anaplan Connect Srcipts
It would be nice to setup Anaplan Connect Scripts using Process/Action IDs vs. the name in case naming convention needs to be changed.