NUX Drill-Down side panel: hide or fold the Formula section to end users
When we drill down from a grid, if there is an underlying formula included in the path, the corresponding level will also show a “formula card” in the side panel above data. Since this formula is irrelevant to end users which may cause confusion, it should not be visible to end users. So, proposing potential solutions that…
The art of the possible: Predictive profitability
Achieving and maintaining predictive profitability is a common strategic imperative. Anaplan can help organizations with this strategic imperative more effectively manage and optimize their margins. Doing this effectively crosses finance, sales, supply chain, and marketing. Anaplan allows each part of the business to…
Forms dependent dropdown by calculated line item
This information was shared in the August 2023 release notes. Dependent dropdowns in forms: Page Builders and Model Builders can leverage relationships between different lists when creating new items using UX forms. No additional modeling is required as forms will automatically respect the rules built into your line items.…
Filter multiple dimensions as rows
Hi team, Im working on a rolling forecast module and have the following dimensions Versions (page), Time (columns) and Cost Centre, Gl and line items as rows. one of the line items is an input called temporary variance and a requirements is that across all time that the temporary variance sums to 0. My problem is, I cannot…
How to hide line items in UX avoiding repetitive hide UX command
Hi all, I am facing an issue I'm pretty sure many of you already have dealt with. The columns Cost Center, Responsible, Employee Name, Labor Cost are line items. I wish I could show the cost center, responsible, employee name, labor cost line items only for the first project (1-Av-Bc - Argus V1); in short, I need to go…
Option to Align Card Contents
It would be very helpful to be able to right, left, top, or bottom align items within cards. This would apply to actions, images, etc. that currently auto align to the center of a card.
NUX (User Experience) Worksheet filters -- PLEASE include "ANY" filter
This request was initially posted in October 2020 in the following post: Worksheet Filter AND / OR logic — Anaplan Community It's only received 16 upvotes and I'm posting this here to bring attention to this major gap between the filtering options in Classic Dashboards vs. the NUX Dashboards. As shown below, classic…
Make personal pages more stable rather than relying on cookies
Currently, if a user makes modifications and saves a personal copy of a page, and then clears their cookies/history, those changes will be lost. The personal copy will look exactly like the base version of the page. This is problematic because many times when resolving technical issues with their browser, they may be asked…
Can't submit another request
A user that has workspace admin access submitted a few requests and then Anaplan no longer allowed them to submit another request. This user still has full access as a workspace admin and no DCA has been activated for them. Any suggestions?
My Pages Bypassing User Role Access
My organization has been using Role Access on the New UX app pages to open/close certain processes that our end users complete. For example: Funding requests for the next fiscal year are only solicited during a 3 week timeframe. We assign access to the user roles which need to access the app page(s) and once the period is…
No workspace admin, no access to UX page
Hi all, I'm currently facing a page visualization issue. The model has been set to have three kinds of page visualization: Full access, access to all the page, used by us anaplan consultants Corporate Role, access to all the pages, used by the managers User Role, access to some specific pages only More importantly, the…
Building Box New UX - warning icon
Sometime we get a little info icon in the bottom left corner indication we can’t do the function or something wrong. Unfortunately it doesn’t tell us what is wrong. Tried right and left clicking on it and nothing. Are we able to make it bigger and be able to pull back why we are getting it? We get this function in building…
View more decimals precision when hoovering/selecting a calculated cell
Hi all, It would be great if in the UX, an end user would see all the decimals precision (not only the decimals precision as set in the number line item formatting) when (s)he hovers over a calculated cell or when selecting a calculated cell. Currently when a calculated field is referring to values from other line items…
Input dialog box to enter new list item on Dashboard
Hi everyone, is it possible to make something like below scenario. On dashboard, user able to add new list item on numbered list by clic k a button, after clicking the button, there will be a popup dialog box for user to enter list item name ( in this case, display name property ). if possible, can anyone direct me any…
3 5 5 activity create distribution center summary ux page
Hi y'all, I need help creating the Product SKU by Distribution Center grid for this activity. I can't can't figure out what module to use or how to pivot it to get these results. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Filter not working in UX
I added a time filter for this module expecting the card to populate in the UX. I only want FY23 and 24 as options for selection. It works on the model builder side but the card keeps populating FY22 in the UX despite me saving the view.
Limit on the number of variance columns I can add to a table
It seems that I can only add a maximum of 10 variance columns to a Management Report table: It would be really useful to be able to add 12 as I'm trying to show variances for each month. Is there any way I can add more?
Cards Filtering Other Cards
You will see two cards in the attached photo. Card 3 is departments for a company, and Card 4 are the capital request submissions for each department. My issue is that if i click on any project in card 4, it filters card 3. Basically, if say card 4 has project ABC that belongs to department "Queens Burger", which is part…
Level 2 Sprint 3 Beginning Inventory, Forecast Demand, and Suggested Order Line Items
I am using this formula 'DEM03 Demand Forecast'.Final Forecast to pull final demand forecast value, but I am not getting any values.
NUX - Pushing Changes from TEST App pages to PROD App Pages
BACKGROUND: We utilize ALM and have everything built out in Apps for End Users. We have Duplicate Apps for TEST and PROD. PROBLEM: This becomes a pain and time consuming maintaining the changes you make in both TEST and PROD. Currently we have to make a duplicate of each page edited, move it to the new app, then repoint…
Quickly duplicate cards on page without having to save them as template
Currently we only have a option to save card as template which is great. But there are many instances where I just need to duplicate a card/grid/etc and not need it saved as a template. Its cumbersome to have to either resetup the grid with specification or to create a template then use and delete it. Thanks!
Next page button...
I want to add button in NUX pages so that users can easily go to the next or previous page without having to find it in the drop down. Can someone point me to how this can be done?
Remove the blank space to the left of list items in a Grid View
Hello Fellow Anaplanners, Hope you are all doing great :) While building a dashboard I got struck on something, I am thinking is there a way to remove the blank space which is caused by the parent hierarchy and show the child items at the left. I though you might have tackled this before and help me on this. Thank you!…
Default Time in NUX
In classic dashboards the time selector would always default to the current period. Can this be enabled in the NUX and if so how?
Values are disappearing.
I created a module and every time an end user makes an input the entire row disappears. Why is it doing this?
Country Size summary UX page
Kindly assist me in preparing the Country Size summary UX page as i am not able to update the context selectors for size.
3.5.5 Activity: Create Distribution Center Summary UX Page
HI, struggling a little to create below view I am able to achieve below using DAT01 but not able to remove the summaries.
Filter a table based on extra dimensions not present in the module
Anaplan page building would be greatly benefited by the ability to set a filter on a module based on a line item that has additional dimensions - those dimensions would then be added to the page selector area, and the filtered table would respond to changes in page selection. For example, if I had data dimensioned by SKU…
Posting Action/Process Details to UX Pages or Dashboards
Some background info: my tenant has around 30 model builders and over 100+ end users who are not model builders. We employ a hub - spoke model structure and often times the non-model builder end users will need to run actions from the dashboards or UX pages and are unable to see the most recent run details since those are…
Undo option on Report pages
When making edits on the Report pages it would be very helpful to have an option to UNDO changes (even if its the last change). Often if you are trying to align cards things get moved and it takes time to go back and add them precisely.