Filter by table
Hello, I hope you're all doing well. I'm seeking guidance on implementing a filtering mechanism for a table on a UX page. I have a table containing multiple parameters. My objective is to enable filtering such that whenever I modify a parameter in the first table, all subsequent tables are filtered based on the selected…
Report - Card - Table - Style: Need option to format parent list members
Currently if I have a table card on a report, I cannot easily highlight all the parent list members to specify a format. Would be great if that option was also added along with the line item summaries so that we don't have to manually choose parent nodes for formatting. This is highly unfeasible for a large hierarchy with…
Add Source Model(s) to Multiple UX Pages
Hi, I feel it would be better if there is a functionality to add Source Model(s) to Multiple UX Pages at once. If already existing, Please share the details. Thanks, Vamsi
Level 2 Sprint 3 3.4.4 Activity: Create Stock Exceptions Review UX Page Review and Check
Hi everyone, I am stuck here. I am confused why my ux grids look a bit different. Can someone point me to the right direction? I wonder if it is caused by different time summary? For example, weeks vs month difference?
Auto generate pages to capture complete data available in vertical scroll in the PDF export
Idea: We need a feature where Anaplan automatically generates pages to capture a large grid (multidimensional or flat) when user clicks on "Export to PDF" Problem: While using the management reporting page type, we tried to publish a multidimensional grid; that requires significant vertical scroll, which gets cut out from…
Page Sync Issue
We are encountering issue related to page sync. We have hierarchy list ( level 1, level 2, level 3) and each list having subset. Each module used subset from respective list. Step 1. Based on the Page Context selector (Level 1), items of Level 2 and Level 3 will be visible on the respective grid. Step 2: Next Step , First…
Cannot edit chart after publishing page
Hi, I have created a page in My Pages. I have a grid and a chart in it. However, once I have configured the chart for the first time, I cannot find the edit it anymore. The "pencil" symbol simply isn't there. Please help! As you can see, even in designer mode, the edit option is not there for the chart.
Not able to launch a process in UAT environnement
Hello you all. I have a problem, when I put a process on a dashboard, I can run it as long as I am on the Dev environnement. ( I have full access and am a Workspace administrator ). When I switch to UAT environnement, I cannot run the process anymore. Even more, I am able to run the 4 actions separated but not the process…
Reduce empty space adjacent to list items published in a row
Hi All, Is there any way on New UX with which the white space appearing adjacent to list items for a grid published on New UX board can be further reduced? We have tried left aligning the row entries, however, we are unable to shrink it further. Thanks in advance!
Data Write Action: Optional input on children items if summary item selected via context
In general, data write action is a great thing, but it would be even more helpful, if the option could be set to behave the following way: When in the page context, a summary item in a hierarchy is selected, that the data write action could also be performed on that level, writing the value in all child elements underneath…
Filter non-zero rows based on Context Selector selection
Hi, I have a filter to filter out non-zero rows with the employees across to top as columns and a total colum for the LOB (Line of Business). I have set the hierarchy so I can select LOB A or LOB B from the context selector or All LOBs. Employee 1 // Employee 2 // LOB A Project A Project B Project C The issue is that…
Create an item using form with DCA on UX
Hello, This is my dashboard : When I check the "M?" boolean, the "Type de reconduction" become editable, because I used a DCA on it. The problem is, now that im using a DCA, I am no longer able to use the Create action button ( green one ), im getting the error "Failed to create item" : anyone has a solution for this ? I…
Export via a Report from App by API or similar tools
Hello, As discussion with support team, I have an idea for the export functionality from Report in an App. Anaplan's native function can be utilized to export a different report (when we change a filter for example) in PDF. Dose there has the method as API to retrieve all the 3 reports from your servers? It is not related…
Time Filters and Time Context Selectors
Hi, My page has a time context selector to filter a report and the user can select half years or full years if they want a full year total. I also have a table of supporting editable data that the user wants to filter by half. It is frustrating for them as they need to select the time from the context selector and then the…
Drive dimension selectors from undimensioned module
Hi, Is there a way to drive dimension selectors from a module that has no dimensionality? I have 2 modules: Select Dimensions no dimensionality, just line items that are formatted by dimensions entity and department, etc Income Statement dimensioned by entity and department. End-users would like to make entity and dept…
Equation of a Trendline in a Scatter Plot
Can we somehow get the equation of the trendline from the scatter plot? We can use the equation then for further forecast.
Header labels for Dimension/List columns in grids
Grids in UX don't show labels for lists in rows. It is left to user assumption based on data visible which is not ideal.
Insert multiple Items to a list from UX
Old UX had capability to add multiple items to a list from any published module grid. This capability is missing in new UX. UX only provide option to use Form type action but only allows adding 1 list item at a time.
Allowing Documents (pdf, excel, word, ppt) attachments in Anaplan
It will be helpful if there is capability to attach Documents (pdf, excel, word, ppt) in Anaplan. Many planning decisions/inputs need supporting documents as attachments.
How to set automatic refresh when filter is updated to new value
Hi All, As I was building the UX Pages and came across on roadblock wherein each time when I change country and segment in field card I had to refresh the page again to get new country and segment values. Please requesting for inputs on how to set automatic refresh when I change the filter to new country and segment Below…
Gantt Charts not working properly in Polaris. Told to create a composite hierarchy?
Created a gantt chart in Polaris. The underlying module for the chart has 3 dimensions: Customer, Product, Promotion. On initial refresh of the page, the gantt chart displays as per screenshot 1. If you update one of the selectors, you then get screenshot 2, BUT if you decide to do a full browser page refresh you get…
Is it possible to Sync a Context Selector to a Field Car Line Item?
I have a grid dimensioned by country and Brand (No time). Country is visible in the grid, while Brand appears on the top right as a page selector - as the user wants to see values by country, one brand at a time. The question is: Is there a way to have a field above said grid. Formatted as brand, so that the user instead…
Export Pages as PNG files
Having the ability to export pages as PNG files not just PDF would allow us to embed them within in the email giving a more professional appearance than having an attachment, this would also make it easier for stakeholders to read the reports / pages on the go within the email rather than having to download the pdf and…
Allow the approver to be selected from a module, on the workflow decision template
I would like to be able to select my approver from a module, in the same fashion as for the tasks. Otherwise, I am not able to use the functionality in complex approval flows.
what Conditional formatting logic to be applied to only highlight highest valued cell and lowest
what Conditional formatting logic to be applied to only highlight highest valued cell and lowest valued cell in a given line item?
Dynamic Aliases for Line Items (and other objects)
We are currently experiencing considerable product complaints from key stakeholders and project owners that need dynamic aliases, and for them to be dynamic (formula driven). The closest Idea exchange in the community can be found here. Competitor tools like IBM and Oracle, have this capability. An example of a specific…
how can we decide the order of data while displaying them in grid in a reporting slide
so if I want to compare line item values for A,B,C,D,E but i select them in order of BCDAE for displaying in grid in the management reporting slide feature of Anaplan. How can that be worked out?
Allow user to have more control over expand/collapse feature in context selector of NUX
The newly released expand/collapse context selector for pages in the NUX does not seem to "hold" the choices within the selectors. For instance, if I collapse all levels in the context selector, I would expect those levels to remain collapsed the next time I open/refresh the page. However, when the page is closed and I…
Right-Click + Copy Doesn't Work on Grids
From what I can tell, right-clicking and selecting copy on a grid will always return this warning: Is there a reason why that right-click + copy is an option on a grid if it will never work? Or is there different behavior between right-click + copy vs CTRL-C?
Behavior Change in UX Pages - Double Click to Active Dropdown menus?
Has anyone else noticed that list formatted line items now require a "double-click" to active the drop down selection menu? I haven't found any documentation highlighting the change in behavior but the cell would previously active with a single click. Will take some getting used to as users may perceive they don't have…