Level 2 Sprint 3 - 3.4.4 Stock Exceptions UX
Hello! I am struggling to complete the 3rd grid for the stock exceptions review UX. It is not syncing with the Region context selector. Grid 1 and 2 seem to be working correctly. Grid 1 and 2 pull from INV02 Country Summary Grid 3 pulls from INV01 Inventory Ordering INV01 doesn't have a geographical dimensions, I'm not…
New UX and Management Reporting: Recommended Visualizations
When creating pages and reports, if you have already published a grid to a page, it would be helpful for Anaplan to suggest a visualization that corresponds with the published grid. Depending on the data, Anaplan would suggest the visualization that is the most meaningful to telling a story related to the data. (Bar vs…
Maximize cards on Boards
It would be great if we could have a functionality when setting up boards, where the user is able to maximize a card by clicking on the title header instead of searching for the maximize icon on the right. This will enable us to display forms / tables in the "hide card preview" mode, which can be easily expanded when the…
Show Reset Page button next to the Context Selector
The Reset Page button provides more functionality and is useful for our Users. However, it is hidden in the more options accessed via '…'. It would be great if it can be exposed next to the Context Selectors Ability to hide the current Reset button to avoid confusion.
Rank by Student Names (alphabetic order)
Hi Had a module with student names and few other attributes. None of the attributes have number or date (which i can use for Ranking), can we rank the data just by alphabetic name order of the students? The reason i would like to use name to rank is because the data is dynamic and with students coming in and/or going out…
NUX Dashboard Column Charts - Change default legend label "Series 1" when no value returned
The scenario is that we have created a stacked column chart which was synced with context selector or a filter that we added to the module. If the filter (or context selector) returned no value, an empty chart would be displayed with a default legend label “Series 1” on the dashboard. This default text displayed on the…
3.4.3 Activity: Create Country Summary Module ux page conditional formatting
hello I am stuck at this because I don't find the proper conditional formating option in custom view to create the above said condtion to highlight great than 0 ; what i have is to write min and max value
3.5.5 Activity: Create Distribution Center Summary UX Page
Hello Can anyone help me how to get rid of the values in the line items in product SKU by Distribution grid ? i have created a saved view for distribution centres which is has values . but to get the final results to show only the dimensions without values how it is possible as per the requirements ? even if i turned on…
- Create Product Supply Manager Role
Hello can anyone help in saying the the logic how to apply these conditions ? first create the roles and give the read write access to the modules ? create access control module for products and SKU and map their names to it ? how ? im totally confused how to do the logic when to create access control module( DCA) and…
Display who is editing and viewing a UX page you are in
It would be helpful to display who is currently online and indicate which users are viewing or editing a grid within a dashboard and worksheet for a selected context that you are also in. If a user enters input in a different context, at least inform you that they are on the same page. This function is similar to other…
Clear filter/sort on User Logout
Filters and sorting must be manually cleared. This is an issue with our implementation as users that are not in the system frequently will forget a previous filter is applied and overlook data that was previously filtered out. At best this causes some confusion and lost time, but can also cause significant delays in…
New UX - Waterfall charts - missing totals
Hi! We are currently trying to incorporate waterfall charts into the reporting we pull from Anaplan. An issue that we encountered is that when we try to hide any negligible line items (show up as 0 when rounded up to millions but not actually 0) the total disappears. Is there any way to keep the total even if we hide one…
Concatenate Row Titles
When creating a chart in NUX with more than 1 row dimension, only the top level row entries are displayed as labels. An improvement would be to allow the ability for the user to display all row levels of the chart in the labels so that chart lines/bars etc. within the same top level row dimension can be differentiated.…
UX (board) : Grid - formatting by list levels
Hello, It would be great to be able to apply level formatting for hierarchical lists, as is already possible for lineitems summary and row and colunm headers. The idea would be to apply different formatting for data and item names for each level of a hierarchical list, which could be combined with the formatting already…
Community perspective: How to maintain corporate brand standards in Anaplan
Overview One responsibility of a marketing team is creating and regulating the corporate brand standards. Logos represent the most recognizable part of this tool kit, but the choice in color can be equally important when consumers are challenged with recognizing popular companies. McDonalds: Red & Yellow. Starbucks: Green…
Option to have borders on all card types in the NUX
Presently we do not have an option to add borders to any of the cards. With the option to add different types, thickness, colors of borders would give us more flexibility in designing.
UX Formatting for List Items in Rows
For ease of reading tiles in a UX page would be great to be able to format levels of a hierarchy as different colors. For example L1 might be grey, L2 might be blue, L3 might be yellow, etc. Allow user to choose the colors for each level of the hierarchy
Why am I not able to add line items in a New UX form for a subset list?
I am not able to add line items in a New UX form for a subset list. Am I missing out on anything or is this functionality not yet available in Anaplan?
Allow line items to be added for a subset list in a New UX form
As a model builder, I would like to be able to add the line items for a subset list in a New UX form.
Model Builders & SAs: Help us understand your model optimization processes.
The Anaplan User Research team wants to better understand the model optimization process, including view clean-up. We are looking for model builders and solution architects to walk us through the process of optimizing/cleaning models. During a 60-minute remote research session, participants will be asked to share their…
Sort UX Grid Based on Hidden Line Item
Give users the option to sort a UX grid based on a line item that is not available in the visible grid card. This would be helpful when a module has a line item that compiles multiple line items into one sortable line item, but the sort line item is not required for UX visibility.
Media Card
It would be better to have Media Card similar to that of Image card Instructions can be provided to End Users through a short video Media card shall have toggle arrows for expansion/collapse Can use this to send updates/information too Thanks, Vamsi
Used in Pages (Apps) column
On the Actions and Modules tab, similar to the 'Used in Dashboard' column it would be useful to have a 'Used in Pages' column which shows where action or module in used.
Edit default column width in maximized view
The ability to edit and set the default column width in maximized view would improve the user experience immensely. Now users need to adjust column width every time they open a maximized view which is very inconvenient.
New UX app migration using card template
Author: This blog was contributed by a consultant with Deloitte. One of the key components of ALM functionality is the deployment or migration of code from a Dev model to Prod model. Since Anaplan does not provide an ALM sync for UX changes, the most common approach used is creating duplicate copies of Dev pages and…
Conditional Formatting for the text/number
Hello, I'm wondering if there is a way or workaround to apply conditional formatting on the text or number itself rather applying it to the cell. Example: Red color text/number for negative figure would looks more clean when it comes to detailed reporting. Any ideas would be much appreciated! Thanks!
Dependent Context Selectors Workaround?
I need to enable dependent context selectors. For example, different Stores sell different combinations of Product Categories: Store A sells Widgets and Store B sells Widgets and Oodles. Using context selectors, I want the Widget manager to switch between stores, but only see Widgets in the Product Category selector. I…
[UX] Ability for Context Selectors to Default to Highest Level?
Hello, Is there functionality to have context selectors default to the highest level in the UX? When a user moves from page to page, the context selectors are synced to the prior selection. However, we just want the Total to automatically be selected whenever navigating to a new page. We have the grids/charts in the page…
Management Reporting Demonstration
Sarah Roberts shares how she has implemented Management Reporting in her role at the City of Tallahassee's Office of Resource Management.
Improve Drill down functionality to display the right figures
Issue : Drill down functionality doesn't display the correct value when using SUM. Let see an example : Drill down display the wrong result. Expected : Displaying only relevant data that contribute to the result (30 in my example)