Getting Connected with Anaplan Connect
How Connected Anaplan with other Database ?
Branch & Merge in ALM
Our company has a dilemma situation recently. We have a PROD model (deployed mode) and a DEV model (standard mode). We are adopting ALM as the best practice. Recently the DEV model is under construction, multiple tasks are being performed and untested, so we cannot synchronize DEV to PROD in a near future. However, an…
Enable creation of new Version for model in deployed status when using ALM
Provide possibility to create and remove new Version when using ALM in the models that are in Deployed mode. For the enterprise organizations with strict sagregation of duties, it is neccesarry to have possibility to do as described, either manually or using Anaplan Connect API to create/remove versions on scheduler and…
ALM User Groups
In ALM do all users in the development model have to be pushed to the production model? For instance if we are making 3 different copies of the DEV model will the users need to be the same accross all 3 production models? Any other useful information of users moving from DEV to PRD would be extremely useful.
Allow for security to be managed outside of ALM when ALM is enabled
It would be helpful to allow role security (ex: Role -> Version security) to be decoupled from ALM as an option - similar to Production Lists. We have a client that frequently changes security in Production and this becomes problematic when we need to manage both security changes and actual model changes with the ALM…
Continuous integration?
We're just looking at setting up our development release process, working with a partner and Anaplan architect. The solution that has initially been proposed seems very rudimentary, and I was expecting the ability for us to develop multiple features independently and in parallel with the ability to release these at…
Check dependency on a dashboard before deleting a module
I have been cleanning up a model and deleting modules I thought I did not need. I was doing it based on the field "Referenced By" however, this field only considers module references. I would like to suggest "Referenced By" includes everywhere where a module is used, for instance, dashbboards. This way, someone cannot…
Improving Loading Time of Revision Tags (RT)
Once the count of RT's exceed 500, the loading time of the RT's is too long (almost 1 to 1.5 minutes). Probably the loading time can be reduced by restricting the number of rows that are being loaded on the first go. Moreover, the older RT's are not of much use for day-to-day use.
Estimated size of deployed model when making changes to dev model
After making changes in dev, we could not synchronise them with the production model because the latter model would have been larger than 130GB. This means that we had to turn off / change the newly developed functionalities because we were not able to estimate the size impact of the changes. It would therefore be great to…
Enable/disable access to hidden content not as a production feature
Content > View > Enable/disable access to hidden content. This functionality is available in production environment whereas it should rather be set in dev and then synchronised with prod. The fact it can be done in production causes data security issue if it is changed without model builder permission
Not lose your data in Prod model when you change a list from Structural to Production and sync
List A was Structural in dev and prod models. I now want to have list A as production so change it in the dev and sync with Prod. The problem is that as a result I lose my list items in prod model. So when this move from Structural to Production list happens, I would like to be asked whether I want to keep my data as it is…
need to hide summary after running a process action button
Hi, Need to hide the summary of a process which is published on a dashboard as an action button from the end users. Any leads on the same. Thanks, Kunal
Notification of Changes that don't move with ALM
Certain items don't move with ALM, such as production lists updates and direct input (a non formula) into blueprint mode. It would be helpful to get a list of changes that Anaplan logged but are not being updated with ALM. The benefit here is to give an end to end ALM experience to the customer, guiding them to make…
Limit to Number of Changes between Tags
Hi Guys, Just wanted to ask if there is a specific limit on the number of changes between revision tags? Just for formality sakes. Understand we need to be doing tags as often as we can but client is interested to know if there is a specific number. Thanks!
OEG Best Practice: Revision tag best practices
Would you spend weeks on your budget submission spreadsheet or your college thesis without once saving it? Probably not. The same should apply to making developments and setting revision tags. Anaplan recommends that during the development cycle, you set revision tags at least once per day. We also advise testing the…
[ALM] When using Production Data imports, there is no source file in the prod model, meaning you can
[ALM] When using Production Data imports, there is no source file in the prod model, meaning you can not edit it. As it is deployed, you can not upload the file either Currently when using Production Data imports, you cannot edit file imports as they give a message to say "The uploaded file is no longer available; please…
[ALM] When using Production Data imports, there is no source file in the prod model, meaning you can
[ALM] When using Production Data imports, there is no source file in the prod model, meaning you can not edit it. As it is deployed, you can not upload the file either Currently when using Production Data imports, you cannot edit file imports as they give a message to say "The uploaded file is no longer available; please…
When coping a model, update self referenced import sources to '-'
When creating a copy of a model for development or other purposes, import actions that are created using modules/list for the source model (self referencing) the import source is not updated to reference the new model, but the original model that was copied from. I am expecting the model reference to be '-' indicating that…
How to transfer a model to a client workspace ?
Hi, I've been designing a model in my own workspace and I want to transfer it to my client workpace. How can I transfer all my work on to a client workspace ? thank for your help Jérôme;
Landing Dashboard needs to be Production Model Specific
Is there a better way to change the Full Access user Landing Dashboard in a Production model? We have 3 Production models built from and synchronised back to one Dev Model. We need each Production model to have a different Landing Dashboard for the Full Access role. To do this we have to remember to change the Landing…
End users amending lists via dashboards vs ALM
Hi everyone, I wonder if anyone could share some insight/experiences re: the implementation of dashboards allowing users to manipulate numbered lists. eg add/remove items from a list A number of dashboards have been created to prodive greater flexibility to some super-users (not workspace administrators). We also use ALM…
Ability to edit "Edit From" and "Edit To" in "Versions" in a deployed model
Description of the enhancement required: Ability to edit the timescale in a deployed model without having to use the ALM feature How would it help your business process: Currently during development cycles, using ALM forces you to treat user updates and editing the timescale for a specific version as a bugfix. This mean…
Ability to roll back a Production model that has been synced with ALM to a point prior to the synch
Description: Ability to roll back a Production model that has been synced with ALM to a point prior to the synchronization. Example of enhancement: Go to history, restore to an ID prior to the last sync. Benefit/impact: Safety net for speed that does not involve going through support to get back lost data. Sense of comfort…
Ability to copy, erase, edit more than 10000 cells
Description of the enhancement required: The ability to copy, erase, edit more than 10,000 cells. An example of the enhancement: More than 10,000 cells may be manually deleted or copied. How would it help their business process: I want to wipe out data in a column for all employees in a certain department. There are over…
Ability to sync data between models using ALM
Description of the enhancement: Same as how ALM pulls structure, I also want to be able to pull data How is would help their business process: Want to pull data from Prod to UAT to test on real info.
Ability to disable the Save prompt when closing an edited dashboard in a Deployed model
Description of the enhancement required: Opt-out of 'would you like to save' when on a dashboard with a filter. An example of the enhancement: Ability to close a production model with a saved view that's been edited without having to click it's ok given I can't save it anyway A story for why you want the enhancement: I…
Reduce blocking on development models
Description of the enhancement required: Currently we have to wait until all changes are finished and thus big developments are blocking some minor tweaks which cannot be imported. Sometimes a few developers are working in the same file at the same time on different changes. Branching would make our job a lot easier as…
Ability to update user role access/access to existing model features in a deployed model
Description of the enhancement required: Ability to edit Users --> Roles->Versions in a deployed model. A story for why you want the enhancement: Currently during development cycles, using ALM forces you to treat user updates and editing the timescale for a specific version as a bugfix. This mean users have to wait for a…
[ALM] Error dialog should be more specific
[ALM] Error dialog should be more specific when model cannot be restored to a serial due to it being before a sync Description of the enhancement: Attempting to restore a model to a previous serial which was prior to a sync will fail. This is not recorded in the core logs - it would be good to log in the core logs that…
What is Application Lifecycle Management (ALM)?
It is important to understand what Application Lifecycle Management (ALM) enables clients to do within Anaplan. In short, ALM enables clients to effectively manage the development, testing, deployment, and ongoing maintenance of applications in Anaplan. With ALM, it is possible to introduce changes without disrupting…