Compare Values Incorrect color for negative version amounts
For a line item that has a saved value that is negative (take net income for instance), a less negative or positive value to compare to should be green, but is highlighted as red when you use color coding with the compare tool in Anaplan. Has this issue been identified before? Seems like it would be an easy fix since in…
Ability to include more than 2 dimensions in combination chart
Description of Enhancement: Currently only one dimension on rows and columns are supported for a combination chart, e.g. stacked bar chart. The customer would like the ability to include more than two dimensions. Example of Enhancement: If you have Time on columns and Products list and line items on rows you would have to…
Keyboard key to temporarily toggle between Dashboard Preview & Design Modes
WHAT: I would like to be able to temporarily toggle the Preview mode / Design mode on a dashboard by holding a key on the keyboard, (I suggest CTRL) WHY: This would allow a model builder to... * Quickly jump between the preview state and design state in order to view dashboard's final state, and then return to making…
Keyboard Key to toggle Contents Pane Open / Close
I commonly find myself battling Anaplan for screen real estate to see what I want when I want it, and NOT when I don't want to see it. One of the culprits is the Contents Pane, and another as a model builder is the dashboard editing panel or the settings tab. When the Contents Pane is open and one of these others as well,…
Grouping Totals Position on Columns
Hello, Similar to the current button 'Totals Position on Rows', I'd like a 'Totals Position on Columns' button instead of using a workaround: pivot rows/columns, set Totals position, pivot again I also take this opportunity to say that Totals cannot really be distinguished from their children in columns, as they are in…
set width / height dimensions for dashboarding
be able to control exact measurements of publications on dashboards.
Custom Colours for Grid labels
It would be great if I could select particular labels and assign a background/text colour to make these stand out.
Measuring Model Performance
It would be great to have access to metadata or to an Anaplan model which helps to measure the impact/usage of this model and it's performance by month (for example). If we can see how much do the users interact with a specific model/dashboard/module/action, we can analyze which dashboards are used more and identify areas…
Ability to custom grid cell background color
To highlight the specific cell/grid value or group of cells
Size any dashboard component manually
Hi All, Similar to how I can manually control the size of a button, it would be great to manually control Width (possibly even height; but not as critical) manually for text boxes, module views, graph views. In my experience the auto-fit to width and the drag and drop for width sizing is an artform of immense time…
More options of Color combinations in Conditional Formatting
Hi Team, It would be good if we have more combinations of colors in the Conditional Formatting. Thanks
Number Formating based on List not Line Item
It would be great to be able to set number formatting based on a list rather than a line item. The list format would be applied in every module/line item used where the line item format is number. In our modules, we have a list with three members: Amount, Units, and Average Wholesale Price (AWP). It would be great to…
On Dashboards add basic text qualities- Eg. Underline, Bold, Italics, Strike-through
When I have a dashboard, and I want to bring attention to different statements, portions of them, highlights, etc. Having the ability to change the text formatting in more ways then the current 5 options: Heading 1 Heading 2 Heading 3 Normal Instructions And allow for changing things within those fomatts; eg. for a…
Formula does not work in QA but in Dev
Hi Experts, I am facing a unique issue, I have modified an formula on a line item with number format and it does pulls the resulted value in Dev enviornment but when the solution is migrated to QA, the formula does nothing and the line details read message as " Drill down unavailable for this cell: No other data cells are…
Ability to modify cell values by adjusting a graph curve
Description of enhancement: Be able to modify values by relocating the curve indicator on a graph. How it would help you business process: As-Is behavior of our forecasting application: it allows users to review easily their scope of forecast without modifying measures one by one.
How to Export a Dashboard to PDF?
I created a dashboard in one of the models I am developing. I want to export that dashboard out as PDF. I found this https://help.anaplan.com/anapedia/Content/Dashboards_and_Visualization/Work_with_Data_on_Dashboards/Print%20a%20Dashboard.html on anapedia, it says * Open the dashboard to be printed. * Click Export on the…
Changes on Conditional Formatting sync with Dashboards automatically
Hi, I'd like to suggest the changes on Conditional Format sync with Dashboards automatically. We have to publish it again every time we need to change the conditional formatting...
Save the image on dashboard rather than url
Hi, We would like to have the ability to save the image on dashboard instead of saving it in a specific url, creating a new line item to mapping the url...
Driver Tree Drill Down
As an Anaplan Enduser I want to be able to drill down on every cell and have a driver tree automatically created out of the formulas similarily to the Business Map or the Model Map capability ideally still with input capability. This is needed as it better provides me as Enduser with the overview of the drivers of my cell,…
New workflow dashboards: auto-refresh when launching actions
In a standard dashboard data within are automatically refresh when a process/action is run. If you are loading data from a txt or from another module the user see that data are changing at the end of the action. With the new workflow this is not happening and, from an user stanpoint, this generate confusion and the need to…
Dashboards play a very important role in model building as it acts as a reporting view for the end users. It provides the end users a glance view of its key performance indicators and data relevant to a business process. It can also be named as a Progress Report/Worksheet. Dashboard Design is an iterative process. It can…
Allow Copy Bottom to copy reports/bottoms or page selectors from one dashboard to another
Hi, It would be nice if we had a Copy Bottom to copy reports/bottoms or page selectors from one dashboard to another.
Give dashboard elements a "Notes" field so Model Builders can leave development breadcrumbs
When working with a team of model builders sometimes changes to a dashboard aren't obvious, so it would be helpful to be able to leave a note behind for others to read. I could see this being helpful for when a button is added to a dashboard, or a filter is adjusted or a section is moved to a different place, a name of…
Let Dashboard Text be Selectable for Copy / Paste
There are many times where I find I'd like to select dashboard text to use as a reference or to send to someone in my company via email etc. It would be nice to be able to select the text on a dashboard's Title, Instructions, headers, notes etc. to use for copy & paste purposes. Better yet, let the model builder have the…
Ability to Set an Action Button's Tooltip text globally at the Actions list
I like to use the tooltips to be able to customize what a user sees when hovering over an action button on a dashboard. But in larger models it means if I want each instance of a button to all tell the same story, I have to hunt them all down and change them 1-by-1. It would be very helpful to be able to set the button's…
Finding UTF8 Characters
It's useful sometimes to add a special character to an attribute in Anaplan. For instance, a special character can further deliniate and mark the name of a list or module to add another dimension to a model's back-end organization. Alternatively, use it in conjunction with a consistent process and include select characters…
Ability to format a cells by logic instead of numbers such as blank or not blank
Hi Anaplan, It would be really useful and if you could format cells by logic instead of numbers directly on the cell. This could work by having blank or not blank in the formating parameters or true or false. Thanks, Usman
Wrap Text In Cell Headers On Outer Items
As a Dashboard Builder I want to be able to wrap text in columns on outer dimensions So That I can see my full item name if I have a small selection on the inner dimension.
Maintain current row highlight as you click to columns to the right
When you clikc on a row in a dhasboard, the whole row gets highlighted but if you have a lot of columns and want to move to the right by tabbing, you lose the row highlight and only see the cell highlighted. It would be great to maintain the row highlight (and different than the cell highlight)
Ability to exclude hierarchy levels from synchronising in a dashboard
A detailed description of the enhancement that is being requested: Dashboard - make synchronization work when some levels are excluded from hierarchy (excluded levels simply shouldn’t be synchronized) To provide more clarification, could you please explain how you hope the enhancement would assist in your business…