Number Formatting Precision / Stop dividing by 1000
I would like to propose a feature to instead of dividing by 1,000 to show items in thousands or 1,000,000 to show numbers in millions, that this is handled by the number formatting. This is a little used feature in excel where you can apply a format to a cell with the value $32,500 to display as $32.5. In this case the…
Customizable Default Time zone
Whenever I create a new user account the Time zone is set to GMT, which is the Default time zone. I'd like to be able to configure the Default time zone for my environment to Mountain Time. This would result in new users being automatically configured to Mountain time.
How can we get the Page history and reverting its changes if desired, like as we do for Modules
Recently i unknowingly deleted the conditional formatting(CF) line item from the underlying module due to this, The CF on the page which is referring to that CF line item is also got deleted. Now, i want to have that CF back on my page. I tried Anaplan's History where i reverted back the module to get back the CF line item…
Conditional Formatting for Field Cards in UX
I would like to propose adding the ability to apply conditional formatting to field cards in the UX. Many customers prefer the look of the field cards to a grid, especially for filling out a form, but we often have to use a grid instead to be able to apply CF for invalid entries.
List cell "Contains" Typeahead
Description of enhancement: List cell input typeahead to work by "contains" typed text, not "starts with" (or make this a setting in blueprint format options). Example: The test list contained regions EMEA, APJ and NOAM. There's a list formatted line item in the module and if I type in the letter A, user wants all the 3…
Ability for summaries to only include the items which are visible after filtering
Details of Enhancement: Enhance filters on a dashboard to update totals and subtotals in summary rows - when a filter is applied, the subtotal should update to sum only the filtered records How this would help their business process: When users see a filtered view, or adjust a filter, subtotals and totals can be misleading…
Description of the page in the main menu
Hello having the possibility to add more info about a page, in addition of its title, would be very useful for the users: they could know rapidly what's behind, or to what the report corresponsds to. thank you
ability to add sub categories in apps
Currently the NUX allows to create a category to sort pages It would be helpful to build a tree with categories, sub categories and then pages. Preferably multiple levels of categories (3,4 ,5 , ...) but at least 1 extra would be already be helpful. Thanks,
UX obstacle course or scavenger hunt
In as much detail as possible, describe the problem or experience related to your idea. Please provide the context of what you were trying to do and include specific examples or workarounds: As an end user, I want to upskill in UX pages in a fun gamified way such as an obstacle course or scavenger hunt, so that I can be…
Ability to apply filter on page selector in management reporting
It would be beneficial to have filter on context /page selector in management reporting slides
How could I see the new management reporting option when I click the "Create a page" button in UX?
This question has been asked many times by clients and internal Anaplan users. So the prerequisite is to ensure that the user account in question has the Page Builder role. If it doesn't, this is how we can ensure the Page Builder role is assigned:…
Workflow - Add Machine task on Reject
As a workflow builder, I want to have the possibility to add a machine task after a reject, so that I can run a process or write data. For example: A Decision task can end on Reject. Afterwards, it should run a process/task, specifically designed for rejection (Import Item, write task, run Anaplan Process). This…
Hide/Unhide an APP instead of Pages
Currently do not have a feature to hide an unwanted/In progress APP to not show it when end users login. Currently we can only Delete or manage the access to page level. Which is a daunting task if we have more than 10 pages.
In-Cell Calculation in NUX
Hi, It will be great to have an in-built cell calculator where you enter simple calculation to formulate a result for particular cell, similar to adding a formula into excel cell. I know we could use a calculator outside of Anaplan, but this feature will reduce the time spend on excel or calculator app. If this isn't going…
Page Settings: background color
Can we have option of changing background color of the page like dark theme, light theme?
Reorder UX Page Categories
I would like to have the capability to reorder the NUX Page Categories after creating them, now the only option is to create new category and at desired order and move the pages one by one
New UX import error log
Hi, Would like to ask if anyone have experienced not getting all errors made from the import in New UX error log? Below is the current scenario during the upload: 1. Loaded the csv file with different period format (Y-M) from the import definition (M-Y) and with one item that is not existing on the list. Currently, it's…
August 2021 Release and Sneak Peek at September
August 2021 Release and Sneak Peek at September Bulk Open from Table of Contents: From the Table of Contents section of New Modelling Experience (NMX) you can quickly open the objects of a particular functional area for faster access to the information that you may need. It leads to increase in productivity. Tab…
Send dynamic notification to multiple users
The dynamic notification is an excellent tool to increase collaboration between users. However, you can only send a dynamic notification to one user per action. To make the tool more powerful, you should be able to send a dynamic notification to an "user group" or to be able to bundle notifications, in order to notify all…
Modules or Actions Used in NUX Pages
Currently we are able to see where a module or process is used on a Dashboard. We need to have a similar ability for the NUX which warns or stops you deleting an object if it is referenced on a Page or App.
Ability to Add Data Write Action to Existing Process
1. It would be really a game changer if we are able to add Data Write Actions to the existing processes, It would not only scale up the usage of the Data Write Action but also would save a lot of time and effort and would save us from creating multiple saved views and actions. 2. Currently, Data Write actions can only…
How to make picklist selection user dependent
I have a situation where target lineitem is populated based on the picklist selection. The problem is when multiple users are making the selection, the latest selection is being used. I need this to be dependent on users i.e., one user selection shouldn't affect the other.
Reorder line items functionality for end users
Ability for the front-end users to reorder the line items in a grid in worksheet view. Currently the functionality is availability for model builders only.
Alias Names for Time, Versions, Modules, Line Items and Dashboards
Hi Anaplan, It would be great for Anaplan to allow users to create alias names for: time, versions, modules, dashboard, list and lineitems. Thanks, Usman
New UX - Copy Conditional Formatting for Multiple Line Items
It would be very useful to get ability to apply the same conditional formatting for multiple line items or somehow copy and paste it quickly.
Format Column Alignment
It would be amazing if we could align data in table columns to left, right or center. When you have two columns next to each other and one is text and the other is number then they look like they run together due to the alignment of the data format. Also, it just doesn't look very nice.
Creating Smart Time Filters Based on Context
Hi, Is it possible to create smart time filters based on the context of the page (if the context of the page is a hierarchy of a dimension on the grid). For example, I have a list SS_L5 Inputs which rolls up into L4 Contracts. PRE06 is used for inputting figures and is at level L5 and dimensioned by month. "Smart…
Synchronize Line Item Subset based on Line Item in the UX
In as much detail as possible, describe the problem or experience related to your idea. Please provide the context of what you were trying to do and include specific examples or workarounds: The line items which the LISS were sourced from are not sync in the apps or UX pages. This is confusing for our users where some…
Synchronized Sort w/ Synchronized Scroll
The synchronized scroll feature is probably the most useful and innovative feature to date. I have noticed that I did not sort my list before I imported, and wanted to sort codes ascending in one grid. There are a total of 4 grids synchronized for scrolling on a common dimension, vertically. I sorted the first grid which…
Conditional Formatting on Line Items based on values from other modules with same dimensions
Hi, It would be great if it was possible to format line items based on line items from other modules with the same dimension without having to bring in that line item into the same module. Thanks, Usman