Dynamic Line Item Label
One recent scenario was where the Line Item Labels are shown as CY, CY-1,CY-2,CY-3 and users wants this name to be dynamic like 2024,2023,2022,2021, I want this label to change in all modules each year as the current period changes. There were many occasions where there were requirements to change Line Item Label, which…
Drill to Transaction Functionality in the New UX
Drill to Transaction Functionality is considered critical for some partners/clients as it's functionality that has no alternate solution. I have heard specifically from FP&A implementations regarding allocations, as well as ICM use cases, but would love anyone giving kudos to leave comments with additional examples of it's…
Black Box Timesum Drilldown
One of the best things about anaplan is the ability to drill through the model to see where values come from. sadly, anaplan is now quite limited in how you aggregate over time. at some point changes were made that more else require you to use the timesum function to aggregate over time specifically (SUM: does not work).…
Source model switches automatically on changing page in NUX
We are facing a issue where user selects a new source model on a page and then when he moves to different page the source model changes. There is 1 model for each country. The user wants to do the planning for first country and then move to another country. What really is happening is that the planner make some changes in…
New UX - column's width for grids / worksheets
It would be great if it's possible to define the column's width by numbers (% or px). It's a very time-consuming exercise to match it manually if you have similar columns in the same module or similar modules on a page: or
BULK COPY - How to choose the SOURCE member and the TARGET member from a page in the app?
Hello Anaplan Community! Does anyone know how to choose the SOURCE member and the TARGET member from a page in the app? Thanks in advance. #NewFeature #UX #Dashboards #BulkCopy #Data #AnaplanRelease
Seasonality Chart—Simple as That
Comparison By Year Comparison By Year Several times I have been asked for a chart with the possibility to compare seasonality or month over years. It´s proven to be both popular and useful in its own simplicity. In a regular line chart, you’ll have all time periods after one another, whereas, in this version, you´ll be…
Allow a List Property or Attribute to be displayed in a Table next to the List Items
Description: When adding a table onto a dashboard with a list in the rows and time in the columns, I would like to have the option to publish list properties and/or attributes from the list's system module (i.e. any module which only has this list as a dimension) in the table next to the list items. A similar functionality…
Quickly add/remove/change models for pages that are linked to more than one model
Currently in the UX manage models area, you can quickly change the model connected with a page if that page is only linked to one model (green X). If that page is connected to multiple models you can't (red X). Propose increasing functionality to allow quick add/remove/change options in the UX manage models area. We…
An 'Overall Total' label on top of a stacked column or chart
Description: I would like to add an "overall total" data label to the top of a stacked column or bar chart. Example: We are looking at whether our new Agreements come from Existing Customers, Previous Customers, or Brand New Customers. But I also want the overall total represented on the graph as a data label.…
Scheduled export of Reports and Pages from Anaplan
Can future development of Anaplan include the capability to schedule delivery of Pages and reports to individuals via email? This would be excellent for providing reporting views to management and would be a great benefit as well as match what is standard capability in packages such as Cognos or Hyperion.
Scatter/Bubble Chart Performance
Hi All, Wanted to see if anyone has used a Scatter/Bubble chart together with more than a few hundred items? Recently put a Scatter/Bubble chart in a grid with ~8K points and the dashboard seems extremely slow now, was wondering if that's something other users have experienced as well. Don't think that it's a model…
Option to add page numbers to Management Report PDF files
In a Nordics User Group - Anaplan Roadmap session, a participant raised the request that Anaplan Product enable the option to have page numbers added to the pages on a Management Reporting report when printed out to PDF.
Access to Apps and Pages
Hi, Could someone please help how do I provide access to someone to view the Pages and Apps that I created. I shared the link and the user was not able to view. Should the user be provided 'Page Builder' access even to view an App or Page? Thanks, Gokul.
Configurable default selection for context selector
I recently had a question from a client who asked if it was possible to set a default list member (or the top level of a list, eg. all products) as the default for the context selector at the top of a page. They wanted to be able to select a particular layer, list member or top level of a list and always have it revert…
Ability to enter hyperlinks in the Anaplan new UX field card
It would be a great addition to the new UX if you could enter text set up as a hyperlink into the field card. Currently, you need to set the card as a grid to do it, which is not user friendly at all.
Synchinga selected list item with Page Context Selectors
As an analyst, I want to be able to have Page Context Selector automatically selected when I select a specific Line Item value in the grid so that I can do analysis in an intuitive manner. It's bothersome that I must scroll the page to change Page Context Selector when I want to drill down a specific line item in the grid.
Anaplan Image Library - Image not showing for Virtual Desktop Users
Hi Anaplanners, I'm having an issue where images in the Anaplan Image Library won't show for virtual desktop users (services like Citrix). Are there any workarounds? Is this a known issue? Thanks in advance!
Time Period Formatted line items dependency on Time Range
Currently dropdown for time period formatted line items shows all time periods for Model Calendar. There should be an option to make them dependent on Time range applicable to that particular Module/Line Item. For Example: If Model has 5 years, a Month formatted line item will show all 60 months in dropdown even if that…
Bulk Copy Action for Production Lists
This idea relates to the Bulk Copy action enhancement released in a platform update earlier this month (Nov 6 2021 release). (Thank you by the way for that enhancement!) We would like the ability to execute the Bulk Copy action for Production Lists. (Currently, the action is limited to only non-Production Lists.) Bulk Copy…
REQUEST: Allow a Line Item to have a new, UX-only, name when using it in a Graph.
It would be lovely to be able to give a Line Item a new, UX-only, name when using it in a Graph. The same way we can rename a Line Item on a Field Card. I could see this rename ability either in the ‘Series’ section where you can recolor the column OR in ‘View Designer’ under ‘Reorder’
Rename Line items - NUX
We need the ability to rename the line items within the New UX pages. At the present time the only way to rename the line items through the source module.
Use Generative AI to summarise commentary from bottom of hierarchy upwards to top of hierarchy
In as much detail as possible, describe the problem or experience related to your idea. Please provide the context of what you were trying to do and include specific examples or workarounds: Different roles enter and consume "contextual" data (commentary) at different levels of a product / customer hierarchy. It is the…
Number Formatting Precision / Stop dividing by 1000
I would like to propose a feature to instead of dividing by 1,000 to show items in thousands or 1,000,000 to show numbers in millions, that this is handled by the number formatting. This is a little used feature in excel where you can apply a format to a cell with the value $32,500 to display as $32.5. In this case the…
Customizable Default Time zone
Whenever I create a new user account the Time zone is set to GMT, which is the Default time zone. I'd like to be able to configure the Default time zone for my environment to Mountain Time. This would result in new users being automatically configured to Mountain time.
How can we get the Page history and reverting its changes if desired, like as we do for Modules
Recently i unknowingly deleted the conditional formatting(CF) line item from the underlying module due to this, The CF on the page which is referring to that CF line item is also got deleted. Now, i want to have that CF back on my page. I tried Anaplan's History where i reverted back the module to get back the CF line item…
Conditional Formatting for Field Cards in UX
I would like to propose adding the ability to apply conditional formatting to field cards in the UX. Many customers prefer the look of the field cards to a grid, especially for filling out a form, but we often have to use a grid instead to be able to apply CF for invalid entries.
List cell "Contains" Typeahead
Description of enhancement: List cell input typeahead to work by "contains" typed text, not "starts with" (or make this a setting in blueprint format options). Example: The test list contained regions EMEA, APJ and NOAM. There's a list formatted line item in the module and if I type in the letter A, user wants all the 3…
Ability for summaries to only include the items which are visible after filtering
Details of Enhancement: Enhance filters on a dashboard to update totals and subtotals in summary rows - when a filter is applied, the subtotal should update to sum only the filtered records How this would help their business process: When users see a filtered view, or adjust a filter, subtotals and totals can be misleading…
Description of the page in the main menu
Hello having the possibility to add more info about a page, in addition of its title, would be very useful for the users: they could know rapidly what's behind, or to what the report corresponsds to. thank you