Multiple Models | One Page
We have multiple models, Model A is where user inputs the data, Model B is where the submitted data would eventually sit. Model B receives data from Model A via an action. So once input is done as a user can i press a button (from model B) to technically import data from Model A to Model B. Can we have the action in one…
Document Storage
Would nice if Anaplan had even a small document repository/storage/library. Example: uploading a PDF and then having the ability to hyperlink to that PDF from an Anaplan dashboard. In the incentive compensation world, we have a lot of PDFs for signed/executed plan docs, and being able to store/view them in Anaplan would be…
UX - Ability to add expandable/collapsable sections to Boards
This idea is for a new card type called a "Section". This card type could be added to a board and then other cards added to it. It would give the functionality of effectively creating sections on a board which could then be expanded or collapsed. This would allow users to collapse areas of the board which they are not…
3.3.12 Activity: Create Product Replenishment UX Page
Hi, I hope someone can assist please. I'm stuck at below task, not sure what have I done wrong in setting-up 'Planning Period Filter' month selection setting to sync against the desired objective of "Select he months you wish to view. Then, click Refresh to apply the Planning Period Filter". Instead of showing data for the…
NUX - Expand / Collapse Page dropdown selector
Similar to old UX, Hierarchical List of items within the page selector should be able to expand and collapse. This feature in old UX is very handy when you have a lot of list items with multiple hierarchies. In the NUX, it gets pretty difficult to select items when there are a significant number of list items you need to…
Collapse List Items in Drop Down
We currently have some lists with a large amount of items. It would improve usability if there was an option to collapse list items in a drop down for easier navigation.
Map Chart
Hi, I'm currently working on a "map-chart page" in NUX, and I'm experiencing issues with the scaling. My map is dimensioned with "world" and I'm using a hierarchy filter. So, when I for example pick the Nordics in the context selector this is what I see in the map card, but the map is not adjusting to the size of the card.…
Total stated on Pie/Donut Chart
I'd like to see the total value option to post onto a pie or donut chart. Currently, if I add the total to the chart it shows as it's own slice of the pie or donut. It's great that I can include the value or percentage of each slice of the chart, but I can't easily view the total value of slices (unless I create a separate…
Help needed on Sprint 3 Distribution center summary UX page
Hello guys, I'm having issues building the last 2 UX pages from Sprint 3. Especially the bottom 3 section of the prototype: What I have at the moment: Questions: * On the TIME page selector, I can only select half-year amount although I've enabled all the time hierarchy for individual grids. What could be the reason? * The…
Adding comments for individual cell in UX page
Hi All, Can we able to add comment on individual cell in Anaplan. For example: let's say I have added 62 and I want to enter some info about override forecast. If I have not able to enter the comments on single cell then how can I achieve this. One way is we can comment in the grid level even if I have added any comments…
NEW UX: Insights and Quick Links on Board Views
After sitting with @monica_girel and fully realizing how powerful / useful "Insights" and "Quick Links" panels can be in the Worksheet pages, it fully baffles me why this isn't part of Board views. Adding these to board views makes for a serious improvement in user navigation / experience by de-cluttering the main screen…
Excel Add-in: Refresh connection without requiring Preview when list items are sorted
I have a saved view which applies a sort-order format to the list dimension in the rows. The view also filters out items which have a zero balance. The sort order and values change depending on the dimension in the selector dropdown, so the number of list items and their sorted order changes depending on the dimension…
Display which UX Pages Actions have been published to (per existing classic dashboard functionality)
Hi Anaplan - I was hoping that, similar to what is already done for classic dashboards, there could be a column in the Actions tab which indicates which UX Pages each Action and Process has been published to. This would be massively beneficial (as inferred by its existence for classic dashboards), and seems to have been…
Make Dev and Prod models look different enough to distinguish at a glance
To make navigation and testing easier and to prevent accidental work in the wrong environment. Right now, there's generally just a drop down to switch between dev and prod. If Anaplan can make a major distinguishing marker between these environments, it would help the user to know where they are at all times either in the…
Customizable date display format
It would be great if we could customize the date display format by line item such as with DD MMM or DD MMM YY, to present a view to the users that is easily interpreted, especially if it is a number heavy report. Currently we do it with workarounds using custom lists and mapping to the dates, however, it does add…
NUX Line Item 'Style' Options
Currently the Anaplan NUX lacks options for line item 'Style' that are in the classic UI. Short-term need: As a minimum viable product customers are requesting these same options in the NUX. Examples include, bolding, italics, underlining, indentation etc. Full feature: In addition to the classic options, a full spectrum…
Conditional Formatting for Duplicate List-Formatted Line Item
Feels like I'm missing a simple idea. I have a module dimensioned by line items and list A. One line item is formatted as list B. Users select corresponding list B for each list A. What logic in a CF line item can call out if duplicate list Bs have been selected?
Email notifications : Sending Email Actions without using mailbox
Request from Amgen Europe : Anaplan is currently not able to send email notifications based on a pre-set condition. e.g. whenever a price is submitted below a certain threshold. The idea would to have an action that sends email based on a threshold but without having to use your own mailbox
Sprint 3 Purchase Order Line Items - Confirmed PO Delivery
Hi, When i am testing submit purchase order request for Cookie Crumbs_EN. In Week 9 FY20, select the Boolean for Submit Purchase Order Request? Comitted PO delivery should be enabled for Week 13, instead it is enabling for week 5 Please find the formulas i have added below, don't know where i made a mistake, sharing all…
Trigger a process after sa form
It would be nice to be able when a user complete a form and click on the "submit" button to be able to launch another action/process. Could be very useful to implement other dependent lists automatically for example.
NUX - Multiple Pages/Worksheets Open at a time
As a user of the New User Experience, I want to have the ability to have more than one Page or Worksheet open at a time. Depending on the setup of a model, and UX, many users may create temporary views and jump back and forth between a couple of grids to validate or compare. In the classic UX, you can have multiple…
Ability to add more fields in row. Also, ability to remove background from fields.
I’ve noticed we don’t have a current solution for a more flexible layout with field selectors on NUX. I propose that we can enhance user experience by allowing more than 4 fields per row. Right now, we need to divide them into 2 field cards, if more than four fields are selected. Additionally, it would be fantastic to…
"Reset" on UX Page
When a user clicks on the reset button, the ux page should reset any sort, filters, or pivots that are directly applied to a grid.
Duplicate my page
Hi Team Please add the ability for end users to duplicate pages under the my pages section. Currently, they have to goto master page for re-creating any pages. Duplicating from already created pages will save time. Thanks Kudi
Having boolean true for certain hierarchy levels only
I have a hierarchy consisting three levels (product/product family/total products. Similar to the one in the trainings) and I tried to do some conditional formatting on it (need to use it as other tables on dashboard have list/line item subsets in it so needed to create a consistent outlook) I thought using an if formula…
Remove space/indentation from list items when parent levels are hidden on UX worksheet
When parent levels are hidden on worksheet, there are a lot of white space for list items which is a big waste and also not good visualization. See screenshot below. It'd be great if the space will be shortened or removed when one or more parent levels are hidden/deselected.
show parent hierarchy results in bold in modules and dashboard
As an end user I want my parent hierarchy results to show in bold in tables so that they are quickly and easily distinguishable from the rest of the data Currently the parent item name in the list shows as bold when it is used in a table but not the attached results
Multi-Dimensional Scatter Plot Alternatives?
Hi all, Bit of a complex one here. The application use case is calculating the Minimum Variance Efficient Portfolio for those familiar with Finance / Portfolio Management. The Anaplan question to be solved in simple terms, is how can I combine these two charts to display as two different "lines" within the same chart (in…
Permit users to store rich text
Our requirement is for a team of users to edit text narrative for report pages, without being able to modify the overall page layout or content other than their text card. Option 1: Currently one needs to be a Page Builder to enter rich text on text cards. Provide an option for (non Page Builder) users to enter rich text…
New UX: Dashboard Sorting
Allow page builders within the New UX to specify the sort order of created pages and sections. Currently items are sorted alphabetically even when pre-empted with a number. Would expect 3.1, 3.2, 3.3, 3.4, ... 3.8, 3.9. and 3.10 but the alphabetical sorting makes the list as 3.1, 3.10, 3.2, 3.3, 3.4, ... 3.8, and 3.9.