New UX - Ability to adjust card size diagonally (height + width)
I would like to be able to adjust the card size diagonally, adjusting same time height and width. That will simplify the process of designing the appropriate object sizes on the screen.
New UX - width context in dimension selectors
I would like to be able to edit the width of the selectors, published on top of pages if dimensions are used. If names of the items are too long, they are not visible and it makes it difficult to identify them.
New UX - Custom Views to reflect on Line Item Input
I would like the Custom Views to be updated/refreshed automatically after any input on the dashboard, not only in itself. Currently, it works on published Anaplan views (grids), but not on the Custom View. Example: line item drives the logic of filtering. The line item is published as a separate item on the screen. When I…
New UX - Sequence of Line Items and List Elements
Being a Page Builder, I would like to be able to select the order of items (either Line Item or List Element). Currently, I can only show/hide elements, but the order is driven by the BluePrint Order of the Line Items or by initial List order. Basically, we are talking about similar to the Classic UX functionality…
New UX - Line Items Styling
It would be great, if we can have similar Line Item Styling like in Classic UX, exactly: 1) Different indentation based on position in hierarchy 2) Different styles based on summary styling (italics, bold etc.) 3) Different styling of the color font of summary lines.
Disable "Format-->Show all Rows or Columns" Dashboard Menu
I want to have the ability to disable "Format-->Show all Rows or Columns" Dashboard Menu, so that enduser cannot modify the predefined view and the list items predefined by the workspace admin
Preview Mode in Page Designer of NUX
Can we get an option to preview in Page designer while building pages. As of now whatever changes are made gets published without getting to see look and feel of the page.
Additional Filters in Model View in the New UX
With the new home and model view screens, several of our admins have hundreds of models to go through. If there was a mechanism that allows the users when on the Model page, to filter to specific workspaces, that would be immensely helpful. Additionally creating and tagging models that can be used as custom filters. For…
NUX 'Completely' un-sync objects on Boards
Hello, we are currently struggling with the option to 'Sync with page' in the New UX. It seems that if you remove the 'sync with page' option, this only functions in one direction. Meaning that an 'un-synced' grid will not update when a page is selected, however when an item in the 'un-synced' grid is selected the rest of…
NUX Question and "Leave a Comment" Function
Hello, I have 2 questions about NUX. 1. When I hover over a page selector(e.g. Units Sold), why the lower chart is greyed out? Because this page selector doesn't apply to the lower chart? (First picture) 2. How do I access the "Leave a comment" function, and if it is not yet available, when will it be available? (Second…
Scatter and Bubble Charts in New UX
Hi, Can anyone please provide a working example of how to create a scatter chart and/or bubble chart in New UX stating all the necessary requirements for the grid (the format , orientation, data type etc. ) ? Regards Aakash
Lining up Modules on a Dashboard
Hi Team, I have 2 modules that I want to line up side by side on a Dashboard. The 2 modules have Employees list as a row item and I don't want to display it twice as it is overkill and will clog up the Dashboard., therefore on the 2nd module I have reduced the size of the Employee column to 6 so it is not visible I have…
Locate module saved view for dashboard
We have a module used in over 10 dashboards, and there were over 20 saved view built under this module. Is there a faster way to locate the name of saved view directly from a target dashboard? From the 'module name' or 'open source', can only identify original module, can't find its corresponding view name...unless check…
Level 1 Model Builder-Create REV03 Margin Calculation Module
Hi-In L1MB Part 12 you need to prepare REV03 Module for Dashboard. I was able to hide Sales Price Growth % and Cost Price Growth% line items. I filtered to show only future periods, by creating a filter based on Time dimension for forecast period (see attached). Once i put the filter on there is no data ( see attached). Do…
Selectors mismatch with NUX view while opening pages
The selectors are not aligned with the grid/charts view while opening pages in the UX (see picture below). This happens every time while first logging into UX every day. Only after re-selecting all selectors, the views are updated. Can you fix so that the views are always matching with the selectors?
integrate new UX dashboards into your own platform via iFrames and Single Sign on enabled
Hi Team, The New ux dashboard links which can be used to share the dashboards should be ready SSO enabled. Currently we are working on a solution to integrate the dashboards in a internal website for reporting ; how ever the dashboard is not landing into our SSO Page, instead it is landing into Anaplan.com Login page and…
Tooltips for individual cells, based on other text line item
Would be great to have a tooltip, which is shown when user is hovering over a cell. Ideally the info for the tooltip should be taken from other line item with applicable dimensions (similar to how DCA is set up for line item). Some use cases, where this feature will help to have good looking report with more info in it: -…
Top Level as Default Page - Selective Access List
Hi Team, I have a Selective Access List which has an internal hierarchy within the list (Parent items that are not from another List) published as Page Selector to a Dashboard. This example is a List of Budget Owners with a top level for 1 section of Budget Owners So for a User with Access to the Tobi Group the Dashboard…
Dashboards Issue
Hello, I am facing an issue in my dashboards. As soon as I have changed the time ranges created that were applied in different modules on opening of the new budget cycle.Certain tables that were published have disappeared and some tables that were published with time ranges in columns have got updated with new time ranges…
New UX : App Roles / Access
Seems that it is not possible to define which app is accessible or not for each user. Right now every user sees all apps even if data is not defined readable. It will be great if we could define if : * For each app if the user can view it or not * For each board and/or worksheet in a viewable app if the user can view it or…
NUX - Views
Hi, In the NUX, I have a module that lists the products and has a value against each product. As a model builder, I can see there are values in there for FY2020. However, the end-user currently is seeing nil values (same version, same year). I've changed my access to replicate the end user's access and I can see figures…
NUX Selection on Line Items as Context Selectors
Hi, I would like to be able to select specific Line Items to create required views on a page on which more than one module is published. Currently it is not possible. Imagine following, simplified example, it was requested to see Volume & Turnover by Country, and P&L on the same page. However, there are many line items in…
May 2020 Releases and Sneak Peek at June
Dear team! happy announce the new platform releases! We have a great news from out NEW UX team - Bubble chart, Scatter plot, Donut chart, Vertical Waterfall already available! List of all enhancements and next plans already here! Please have a look! You can find all info in this Article,enjoy!
Chart Filter
Hi Team, I have created a chart from a saved view with a Filter & published to a Dashboard but there is no option on the Dashboard to adjust/modify the filter I am aware that best practice if using a filter on a Chart is to publish with all items filtered and then work backwards from there but I cannot find where you…
Synchronize selection not properly working on opening dashboard for the first time.
Hi, I have been experiencing some issues with the synchronization selection part in Anaplan Dashboards, explained as under The above screenshot shows the year selected as FY19 , even when synchronization is on, only three specific months are visible. This happens first time the dashboard is opened. The above screenshot is…
Home Screen Background Images
We have had end users change the tile screen background image without knowing that it changes the background for every user. We would like the ability to prevent users from changing the background image based off certain permissions.
NUX Select Items or Levels and Pivot
Hi, I would like to be able to select items or level to show while creating custom view, and pivot dimensions without losing applied customization. In modules or dashboard in classic interface, I am able to select any items, or levels to show, and pivot afterwards, e.g. from rows to pages. This keeps the applied selection.…
We would like to have Attachment capability within the Anaplan tool.
We would like to have Attachment capability within the Anaplan tool. This will be easy to check additional information out of dashboard for review, and reference purpose
Scatter Charts
Currently scatter charts do not appear to be available to publish to dashboards. When demonstrating the relationship between a metric and value a scatter chart is a valuable illustration. Please add scatter charts. Example:
Ability to 'Show All' when editing a quick filter
As an dashboard user, I want to be able to show all when editing a quick filter. If you have a quick filter applied to a list formatted line item, currently if you try to edit that quick filter the drop down will no longer include items that were filtered out. This means that those items can not be quickly added back in.…