Aggregation function for non-list data type
Currently the aggregation functions only work towards list data type. This disallows to fully replace VLOOKUP function in Excel. Please add at least some additional functionality: for example to search for FIRSTNONBLANK using text data type. That would allow to more easily deal with data without need to maintain excessive…
Process UI with Many Actions
When clicking a button to run a process that has several actions (20+), there should be a vertical scroll bar for the list of actions so that the UI box does not go off of the screen and a user does not have to scroll to see the Run button.
The action created for importing a .csv or text file does not save the mapping used. I can edit or view the mapping only if a module or list is imported from another module or list. Sometimes while importing a file there are possibilities the file has wrong header names and hence they are not mapped. To view the mapping…
Fully connected planning for contact centres
Contact centres regularly use expensive workforce management solutions that are inflexible and difficult to work with. These solutions focus on managing call handler schedules (ie what they're doing at each point in the day) against customer fulfilment (how quickly they're getting to support that customer). These solutions…
Ability to restrict user accounts access to API
Our understanding is that anyone with a user account that has authorization to a particular action can execute that action via the API. This is concerning because we do not want users to run actions via the API, without consulting with the team in charge of Anaplan and defining together the integration strategy. Therefore,…
Intégration with consolidation tool to obtain consolidated budget
Intégration with consolidation tool to obtain consolidated budget
Print Modules/Dashboards Directly from Anaplan
My users want to be able to print directly from Anaplan (without exporting).
Enable creation of new Version for model in deployed status when using ALM
Provide possibility to create and remove new Version when using ALM in the models that are in Deployed mode. For the enterprise organizations with strict sagregation of duties, it is neccesarry to have possibility to do as described, either manually or using Anaplan Connect API to create/remove versions on scheduler and…
Anaplan Integrations should work to edit model cells in addition to bulk upload.
Anaplan ETL connectors provide bulk upload capabilities. There should be capbilities for the customers to edit model cells in addition to bulk upload.
To save records in the module, some kind of archiving within the model not the actual archiving.
So I am developing a model where I need to save the same module with different versions of it. Basically, I wish to make some changes and save it and someone else also should be able to make the changes and see it. I want to capture these modules with the changes made for the future reference.
Ability to avoid refreshing deleted rows/columns in Excel
Description of the enhancement required: option to not refresh the full view in Excel add-in An example of the enhancement: If you delete a column or row, don’t re-add that row/column when refreshing A story for why you want the enhancement (How would it help your business process?): custom view’s can be created in Excel…
Adding to a dimension in anaplan being dynamically reflected in the view for Excel add-in
Description of the enhancement required: Excel add-in be dynamic for changes in the Anaplan view. An example of the enhancement: adding to a dimension in anaplan being dynamically reflected in the view for Excel add-in. A story for why you want the enhancement, (how would it help your business process): The Excel add-in…
Option of removing the space for Row label header from the export file if the header is not included
In the model currently we doing an export to APO. Our export file currently has a blank line which is generally there for the Row Label headers. APO is not able to pick up the data from the file as it it not able to distinguish between the header row and data row because of which now we have redesign the complete set of…
Overlapping text on /model-building/
Each time users change a page (via Select Pages) Anaplan’s excel plug-in creates a new tab. Use case: When a new month comes along, they would rather just select a new month via Select Pages and update the current sheet. Similarly to switch Versions a new sheet shouldn't be created. This is so that they don't lose their…
Allow history export summary only
When the model history is shown on the screen it is as a summary. When it is exported as a file it contains all the details. For some uses this is too much data and it would be good to have the option to export as a summary, just like the data shown in the dialog.
Allowing imports into more than 1 fixed month
It would be nice if we could select “Fixed Months” when doing an import and have the option of importing one file into multiple months rather than just one month at a time.
Date Stamp List Property for Imported Data
A similar concept around date stamps was suggested here: https://community.anaplan.com/t5/Idea-Exchange/Date-Stamp-for-manually-entered-reference-data/idi-p/38423 but I would love to see this for imports too. A problem I've come across is importing data from a CSV without a date column into an import list. There are…
Make upload templates as a flat file so we can have 1 upload template per model
It would be interesting to have the possibility to have upload templates as flat file in order to ease the management of upload templates. This would allow us to have to manage only 1 template, and a list of columns that are "uploadable" We would need to have as many columns as dimensions, 1 column for the line item and 1…
Certificate authentication for all integration accounts
Hi All, It would be great if all the Anaplan Platform, Anaplan Learning, Anaplan community and Anafans account all synced into one user account and sign on. There are currently alot of different account types and it would be great to just have one sign on access account. Thanks, Usman
Set the fields in a certain order that will not change for exports and have alias headers
For downstream systems, the headers must have specific names that are not related to how the Planners use Anaplan. Also, some of the downstream systems are very specific about the order of the fields in the export. When Anaplan has to adapt to business changes, the export to the downstream systems has to remain constant or…
Customise dimensions on exports to Tabular Single Column format
Description I would like to abiltiy to customise which dimensions are exported in Tabular Single Column format. Currently it exports all dimensions but I would like to ability to change this depending on my requirements. I am aware of the ability to fully customise the export using the Tabular Multiple Column but I would…
Enhancements to API
Would like to see additional enhancements to the API, things like retrieving line item blueprints, list/module editing, list properties, etc. This would enable customers to control their Anaplan environments with various automations.
Ability to copy export label settings from one export to another
The ability to copy label settings from one export action to another would be very helpful. If there are several similar export actions with different filters that need the same list properties, this would be useful, as the person creating the action would no longer have to select each property one by one.
Dynamic Subtotal in the Excel Addin
Hi gang, Very interested to have a dynamic subtotal in the Excel Addin please. So lets say I select several items in a product hierarchy or just two out of my 3 channels. Here I would like the API to refresh the subtotal of these items instead of pulling in the explicit rows/columns selected. There would need to be a…
Excel Add-in: Allow for the ability to connect spreadsheet interface to more than one connection
If a model is archived, then retrieved , its model ID changes. The model ID change disables the spreadsheet's data connection. Suggestion: Allow a spreadsheet connection which was created under Model ID "Example_1" to be redirected to Model ID "Example_2". Otherwise users are at risk to lose work created under Model ID…
When coping a model, update self referenced import sources to '-'
When creating a copy of a model for development or other purposes, import actions that are created using modules/list for the source model (self referencing) the import source is not updated to reference the new model, but the original model that was copied from. I am expecting the model reference to be '-' indicating that…
Excel Add-in: drag and drop dimensions, view line item formula, keep only/exclude
Please add the following features into the Anaplan Excel Addin - 1) Ability to pivot by dragging and dropping members within the spreadsheet rather than clicking on pivot and filter. 2) Ability to drill down a hierarchy by double-clicking in the spreadsheet 3) Ability to extract just one data intersection using some…
Exporting the Hierarchy in Grid View
Is there a way in ANAPLAN that we can export the hierarchy in the format below(yellow highlighted)? The screenshot here came from a list in grid view
Ability to export and import model time settings
Description of the enhancement required: We would like a way to take the 'time' settings from one model and add them to another e.g. allow an export of the time settings and import them to another. Example of enhancement: Have a model with time settings and allow to push or pull that data to or from another model.…
Ability to retrieve model data through the API
Description: We would like to retrieve model data through API calls, similar to the way the Excel Add-In can retrieve cell data. We want to provide a module or view ID and get the data returned for that module/view through the API.