Level 2 - Sprint 1 - Import Data into Hist...
I am having trouble importing the Historic Volumes. I've tried every which way to map
SPRINT 3 Override Amount
HI. What am I doing wrong in the exam? It wont accept my formula. IF 'INV01 Inventory Ordering'.Submit Purchase Order Request? AND 'INV01 Inventory Ordering'.Override Amount <> 0 THEN TRUE ELSE FALSE
L3 Quarterly initial sales target
I am actually stuck in this and need some help 1. In the Level 3 Sales Planning Model I have created a module and successfully imported the data from the data hub for Actual Sales Revenue. Its dimension include - A1 Accounts, P2 Products 2. I have another module in which I have dimension as G2 Country, P2 Product Family,…
Line items number
Hi Is there a limitation on the number of line items in a module?
Solution Architect Certification
Hi Everyone, I have completed my Level 2 in April 2019 & Level 3 in June 2020. After that, I have switched my job so both the models are in old organization's workspace & transferring them to new workspace isn't possible. Now, I wanted to get Solution Architect Certification & for that I have to update my models. So, can…
Length of Service and Tenure
Hi, I'm currently having trouble figuring out the Length of Service List and Tenure columns in the SYS08 Sales Reps Details module. There is a Length of service module already built, but it is blank. So I am unsure what to base the population of this column on. Also, I built a Reps tenure range module to calculate the the…
Aggregate Subset of Dimension
Hello, I'm trying to figure out the best way to aggregate a line item with two dimensions (SKU and Sales Channel) by Channel. For example, I would like all sales for a specific SKU for only website or Amazon channels. The issue I keep running into is my aggregation line item dimension should only be SKU to save on size,…
Working days between 2 dates - errors with proposed formula
Hello All, I used the suggested formula to calculate the # of weekdays between 2 dates https://help.anaplan.com/21bf8e70-3193-4912-98c6-f25327c11d19-Excel-Equivalent-Formulas and I noticed many errors when the end date was a monday (see attachment). Has anyone else also noticed that? Also, I would like to propose a…
Need help using LOOKUP or SELECT function
Hi, I'm trying to create a line item in the target module that pulls in the values from the source module given a certain day. Attached are screen shots of the modules. Please advise. Target Module Source Module Thank you
count wrt day timescale
Hello , I/p screen Products start date End DateA11/3/20205/3/2020A21/3/20208/5/2020 O/p Screen should contain the product count and it should look like 1-Mar2-Mar3-Mar4-MarNo of Products2221 Can we able to do this in anaplan?(As the output screen in Day time scale) Thanks Tejaswini
unable to find the format in drop down menu
Hi, for level 1, In 6.8.3 for module creation named SYS03 Country Details Module,I am unable to add the format List: G1 Region for the line item Region. Am I missing something? Please help.
Datatype error?
Hello, I'm trying to get the desired output in (see below or view the attached image). So far what I've tried doesn't seem to work (datatype mismatch). Any ideas on how to solve this?
Level 2 Activity Import Data & Add Formula
Hello everyone, I have a question concerning the task in level 2 model building. Why do I have do add a formula to the code line item? I have already received the codes through the import (see picture attached - I didn't add a formula). Thank you in advance! Johanna
Modules/line items actually used for filtering
Dear Community, I have a few modules that were created specifically for filtering purposes, but after some time I can't remember whether they are really and still in use for filtering, therefore I don't dare to delete them during a model maintenance/clean-up process. I can see that those modules/line items are not used as…
Level 2 Sprint 3 INV02 Country Summary module
Am I getting the wrong end of the stick?
Roles List
Hi, looks as though the Roles List has changed from what was originally in the Datahub (or perhaps it's a different list). We are given an Employee Details file to upload in the Datahub Model and the roles do not match the Roles flat list in the Datahub. Assume we need to create a new Roles Flat list and codes in the…
- Add DCA to INV01 Inventory Ordering
Hi - I'm sorry, I'm really sure sure what the section is asking me to do?
Correct Formula's for Confirm PO Delivery and Confirmed Purchase Order Receipt
HI. Please could you give me some guidance on the below? IF PO Submitted > 0 THEN POST(PO Submitted, Shipping Time Weeks) ELSE 0
Day Time Scale
Hi I want to show daily in my Model for (Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday). Example : My time scale should be like Mon 01 Jan ,Tue 02 Jan ...... Is this possible in Anaplan? Thanks Tejaswini
Zero Suppression
Hi, Is there an option to suppress zeroes in a module so all the cells that have 0 or blank as values can be hidden? Thanks Megha