What if versions
Hello We have multiple versions in our model (ie Global 1, Global 2 etc). We created the module where user can pick the versions from the list that was created (please see the image below) and the list was named as "Model Versions" . The idea is to pick two versions and to compare it. In order to pull the data for example…
9.2.5 Activity: 5.0% not carried forward
Hi, Need help for 9.2.5 Activity: Add Formulas to Price Growth Rates Staging Module It was said to enter 5.00% for the FY19 Unit Cost % in REV04 Price Growth Rates module, but it hasn't carried forward to the Unit Cost% for FY19 in REV05 Price Growth Rates Staging module. Please refer the screenshot for reference. - Gourav
L2 Sprint 3 Shipping Method Formula
Good day, Currently I work on a sprint 3 and stuck for a long while on a Shipping Method formula. I went to Anaplan Community and found out that somehow I skipping the line item "Supplied by" in a module SYS08 SKU Details. I add lost item, run all the processes in the Action Tab and nothing happens! Can someone advise me…
Lesson 10.2.2 shared cost
Hello. I noticed my shared cost values are higher than the model example, but the other values are the same. Any ideas why?
Having Trouble Populating my LI G2 Country
Hi, I do not know why my G2 Country will not display the Country names in my G2 List. Please advise I have trouble shooting by adding a properties to help display the names and then calling upon that in my formula and that will not work, also I tried calling upon the Code and that doesn't work either. Please advise. G2…
Lesson 6.6.1 through 4
Lesson 6.6.1 through 4, my screen does not match with the one shown on the lesson, please help me.
Day Calculation for Working Hours
Task: Calculate the total monthly working hours for FTE's; new employees should be prorated based on their start date, employees that are leaving should be prorated based on their exit date. All absences outside the contracted allowance should be reduced from the total FTE Percentage, starting at 100%. Dimensionalize a…
SYS03 Account Product Details (L3), Cant populate LI P2 Product
Hi, I have been trying to trouble shoot populating my P2 Product LI in the SYS03 Account>Product Details Module. I have the LI formatted as a List for the P2 Product List and using the formula FINDITEM('P2 Product', ID), which will bring in the ID associated with items in my P2 Product List. I do not know what I'm doing…
- Import data into DAT03 Historic Volumes module
I am getting this error during running the process 9 import data from hub. can anyone help me to resolve this error. Thanks, Aniket
Lesson 9.2.5
Hi. I'm on 9.2.5 and my number isn't formatted correctly even though I'm using the parameters from the lesson. Any suggestions
7.2.1 Activity help needed
you can see what I have after mapping and what it should be I am not able to remove product codes thank you. Elcin
7.2.1 Activity: Having A hard time
I've been having trouble understanding the concept of mapping and how certain values are supposed to be categorized together. If anyone can help me get beyond this error message that would be great. I feel like I did something structurally wrong before getting to this point. Took a few screen shots. I've been at it for…
LOOKUP's for the DAT02 PY Revenue to CY Module Level 3 Model Build
Hi, I have tried almost everything and have been stuck on this part of the model build or a day now. I have changed my dimensioned and tried to get them to match and still not working. I'm trying to pull in Actuals from the DAT 01 into the DAT02 and Looking up LT Account A1 inthe SYS03 Module. Please advise. Thank you…
Switchover, use it or build your own?
Hi All - In the context of an FP&A use case, we're trying to evaluate whether to use switchover or just build a system module to dictate where the forecast begins and the actuals end. Would love to hear about pros and cons of both approaches. Here's what I have so far: Pros of using native switchover: 1) Ability to use…
Getting an error for a user who is not a workspace adm
A process updates a numbered list from a saved view (Module.Saved view) -> (Updates List name, parent, code and few properties) When workspace admins run this process, it completes successfully with errors only for duplicates When a user is not an admin runs the process however, the following errors appear: * You are not…
P&L Variance List
Hi, Question please. What is the best practice if I need both the columns and rows as a line item because I need to calculate the variances and the difference to maintain the clients preference on the presentation. Below is an example. thank you.
Demand Forecasting
Dear Community, I am trying to build a system with 2 regional sales manager and one sales head. Regional sales managers should be able to submit their projected numbers and sales head should be able to see, who has submitted and what have they submitted in the Anaplan. Do we have any courses around this in the community or…
DATA02 import issues
I am struggling to import data over to the DATA02 module. I believe I have the right options selected. I am just not sure why its not populating all the data.
Level 1 Model Building - Lesson 8.6.4
Hi Community I have included the formula as requested into the formula line of Revenue however it's giving me the attached ERROR MESSAGE which I can't seem to rectify. Any assistance regarding this would be greatly appreciated. regards
Sum all values in a time series up to the current date
Is there a way to use TIMESUM or MOVINGSUM to sum all values in a time series up to the current date? Essentially creating an 'inception to date' calculation. For example, if I have a monthly time series with the values 1,2,3,4,5 then I want my inception to date calculation to return 1,3,6,10,15. I can achieve this by…
Is it possible to show or hide the parent hierarchy?
Is it possible to hide B in the following hierarchy? My hope is to hide B and show A and C. <Sample> A(parent hierarchy) →B(parent hierarchy) →C(Child)
Select Function
Hi Community, I am trying to use select function with an list member, but it is not working at all. Is there anything that i need to enable as a part of setting? Thanks & Regards Badam
Level 1 Importing Into Modules and Making Edits
I'm on Level Lessson 7 and there are multiple activities where I have to import data from csv file. Is there a way to make edits to mapping after data has been imported already or do you have to start from scratch? In general is there a way to undo mistakes in Anaplan? Tried ctrl z but it does not work.
Line Item Restriction
Hi Community, Can we restrict the user to enter only positive numbers in a line item? And if he enters anything apart from the it should also throw some text, displaying only positive numbers are allowed? Thanks a lot for your support 🙂
L2 Sprint 3 Distribution center capacity module
Hello Can someone please double check the formulas used for this module, its showing percentage for more than 100%. Is that normal? Please help me correct if there is any error in formula. Thank you!
Format of mapping used for lookup doesn't match any dimension of the source
Hi all, I've looked through several of the queries/answers on this topic and still can't work out what I am doing wrong... I am trying to provide a summary of employee expenses by region and role in REP04; I am trying to use EMP02 as my source as this has employee expenses by employee and department. As there is no direct…
System Modules
Dear Community, @rob_marshallJaredDolich Why does most of the Anaplan Modules in the App Hub: Such as Long Range Planning is not using System module creation and directly jumping to data / input / calculation modules? It is going to impact the module sanctity right?, Your expert views would be highly appreciable. Thanks &…
Grid:_onSelection Change Error
Does anyone know why this error occurs? It is typically when I am building a formula then click on a different module.
How to use SUM and LOOKUP dynamically
I have Order module(Region, Order) Order(1,2...) comes from each Region. Order has Item and Amount. I want to aggregate item-amount by dynamic Region like this table. If Users chose the Europe, Item-Amount Table is aggregated by Europe. I tried SUM and LOOKUP but I couldn't. The point is I don't need Region List in…
Creating new line items for each year instead of using native time?
Hi All, I recently took over a few models that make use of a month list and separate line items for each year instead of Anaplan's native time functionality. I was told the models were built this way because end users didn't find the dashboards to be intuitive and this was a means to improve the user experience. Here's an…