IP address restrictions
Provide the abilty to define IP Range restrictions for accessing the site.
Update fiscal year action / Current fiscal year as production data
As a workspace admin, I need to be able to update the current fiscal year as production data and/or via an action for authorized users This is necessary as upon fiscal year change, currently our users need to go through a structural model change
Error Message To A User Who Tries to Login Via SSO Without an Account Instead of Java Error Screen
When a user logs into Anaplan via SSO who does not have an account, they receive a Java error. This is confusing to the end user and doesn't support a streamlined user experience. We instead would like an error message to be shown letting them know that they do not have an account and to contact their Anaplan admin.
Last login update to user
Our security team would like the user to be informed of the time and date of their last successful or unsuccessful login attempt after each successful login.
Visiting Page Search Bar in Administration Tab
It would be helpful for admins to have a search bar on the Visiting Page just like what we have on the internal page (attached screenshots for comparison). We don't have a way to do a quick search for visitors. Currently, the users are sorted by last names and then we will have to scroll through the page until we get to…
Add Level 1, 2, 3 Labels for Community Questions
I would like to contribute more to the Anaplan community by answering questions. However, as only a L2, I would like to focus on L1 content that I feel comfortable answering. Therefore, I propose that we add labels for Level 1 - Level 2 - and Level 3 so that we can search for these questions more effectively.
Add a “Notify User” parameter to the SCIM API call that adds users to Anaplan
Allow the API to switch the notification email off before adding new users to a workspace. The notification email includes an incorrect link asking users to register an account, even though we use SSO and they do not need to register. This was flagged by our project sponsors who want to prioritize ways to avoid having this…
Deleting multiple archived models in one go
It would be great to have the ability to select multiple archived models when cleaning up the archive. We make daily archives during our monthly routines and would like to remove them each quarter. However this is quite cumbersome task at the moment.
Enhanced History for Change Log Functionality
I have had several people ask about building a 'change log' feature using the information from History. My request is: 1. Add changes in the structure of Anaplan to history, such as changes to formula in line items; 2. Add a feature that may involve running an action to update a module directly from history. This feature…
Enhance Model list and Manage model information screens
Hi all, We work with many models and workspaces and I often find myself in the need of identifying areas where I can find some space. Unless I'm missing something I often need to actually open the specific workspace in order to check if there's space free there. This is a time consuming activity, therefore : As a model…
Ability to remove more than 1 user at a time
Anaplan only allows for 1 user to be deleted at a time. Recently, we realized 680 users were loaded into the wrong model, so I had to click "delete user" then mouse over to click "OK" 680 times...I'd like to be able to delete more than 1 user at a time.
Filters on the "Actions" tab
It would be nice to have the ability to sort and filter imports by source/target type.
Further enhancement to newly delivered "Last run"/"Start Date and Time (UTC)" capability
First of all : thanks for adding this new capability and delivering THIS idea that was posted a couple of years ago. I personally see this as a good MVP and I would like to see it expanded with the following enhancements : 1) Ability to see a "Last executed by" so that we could capture who ran it last 2) Store the newly…
Filter References
Hello all! In the modules screen within settings, you can view whether a given module is shown on a dashboard AND which other modules reference that module. This gives a great indication whether or not that module is active OR whether it is a candidate for getting deleted. What is NOT shown, however, is if a given module…
See in Referenced By column if Line Item is used in Dynamic Cell Access
Hi all, Would be great if it would be possible to see if a line item is referenced for Dynamic Cell Access anywhere. Now you have to find out by trial and error. Kind regards, Maud
Administration of all Apps with associated model(s) in the administration view
If a model is archived or deleted, the App is not visible, but another App with the same name can not be created. If the model has been deleted, the App can never be deleted, changed to a new data source, or be found. Just as there is a menu item to see all models in a Tenant, there should be a way to see all Apps in a…
enabling SSO setup for user logging in from SFDC
I would need to be able to perform the mapping of my Anaplan users to my SFDC users in a self-service manner, to avoid the current mandatory step to request this to the Anaplan Support, by exposing the ability to do this in the Administration.
OAuth authentication for system-to-system integrations
As an integration architect, I would like to design integrations between boundary systems and Anaplan to use OAuth authentication with a system account. I'll know this is successful when I am able to configure a system-to-system integration to use OAuth, that does not require a user to explicitly approve access in the…
Google Cloud Anaplan Secure Keyless Integration
Hello Anaplan Community, I noticed Anaplan needs Google Service Account with JSON credentials to authenticate . These JSON credentials are static and are susceptible to different problems: credentials can be stolen, credentials need to be rotated periodically and some company security teams deactivate entirely the creation…
Allow SSO from Multiple IDP's
Hi All, Within our organisation we are separated into different Divisions, each which has their own, completely separate IDP (all using Azure Active Directory). We need to be able to grant SSO access for users from all IDP's into a single instance of Anaplan, however at present it looks as though we can only enable SSO…
Display which users are currently working in a model
Description of the enhancement required: Identifying active and inactive users based on whether they are logged in or not. An example of the enhancement: When a user logs in the system, there needs to be a field which captures that the user is active. If the person has logged out or no activity done for a period of time…
UX Idea: Toggle Allow editing at Worksheets
Hi all, I found lack of functionality in worksheets related to editing. You cannot apply read only mode to input module on Worksheet like you do on Boards. Currently all worksheet pages are editable and can be controlled only using classic UX role-module access. To keep UX consistent I propose to add Allow Editing feature…
More information about imports in transactional api
As an application and integration builder i need to have more information available through the api regarding imports : - The information data source id : currently seems to show up only on files and not on other sources - the source model id (workspace id / model id) - the target object id (list, module...) - the detailed…
Notification button
Currently we are using Anaplan for internal purposes for checklist onboarding. Once a new person passes all requirements he/she is supposed to send notification to the admin. AS of right now, the email notification has just name. "John send you an notification". Since we have John1, John2, etc.. it is impossible to…
Ability to configure message when user doesn't have access to a card in NUX
I would really love to see a way for model builders configure the message that appears in a NUX card when a particular role does not have access to it. * Current state: When you restrict someone’s access to a card, you get the following default message, along with the client ID: * Benefit of New Feature: Being able to…
Sort action in users list (in the workspace)
Hi all could it be possible to add a sort action in the user list window of the workspace ? Indeed, we have to do one by one if we want to remove users from workspace(s) in the Administration console. With the list sorted in the workspace, it will be easier to identify and select the desired users to be removed instead of…
User Reporting
As a customer administrator, I want enhanced reporting on my users' accounts: * Filter users by different login time period (1 month, 2 months, etc.) * I need to know total quantity of active users, but I can see only both active and non-active * I need to map my users with a Workday extraction
User Access Management Control
In Anaplan, All the users having "Workspace Admin" are able to add Users to the workspace. I would like to propose an idea in which among all the 'Workspace Admins" only certain set of users among them should have the option of adding new users to the workspace. This will help one to easily manage and keep a track of the…
Cloudworks - Enable/Disable email notifications
Administrators should have the ability to enable/disable and otherwise manage email notifications around their integration processes. An example of this is when an integration job on Cloudworks is run with partial failures, an email is always sent (even if the failures don't disrupt the data in the process).
Self-Serve Workspace Size Management
As a client CoE team lead, I want to be able to manage the workspace size from the Anaplan platform, such as decreasing the size of a workspace which is not much used by my end users, and increasing the same amount of size for a workspace which is heavily used by my end users and is about to hit the maximum workspace…