New UX: Update FIELD card to allow conditional formatting
Hi, Not sure if this idea has been posted before! I would love to have the ability to apply conditional formatting to field based cards in the new UX. It would be a good way for a user to visualise if they haven't entered a required attribute for a list item! At the moment, the alternative is to use a grid card with the…
Clear multiple cells (NUX)
At the moment it isn't possible to highlight multiple cells and delete their inputs on new UX dashboards as we can in old UX, cells have to be cleared one by one. This small addition will replicate the functionality already in place and save time for the end-user.
Anaplan UX Color Scheme by Model - Alternatives Color scheme depends on environment
You can now toggle the model source within a page in New UX. There's no easy visual way to know if you are in your Dev or Prod environment. Having the ability to change Anaplan default blue color scheme to something else driven by Model level attribute, would allow us to quickly see if we are in the Dev vs Prod model (ie:…
Customized map support for map cards
I was very excited to see the rollout announcement for Map Cards in the New UX. I then fell back down to earth a bit when I saw that none of the initially available options was suitable for my organization's use. Is there anything further down the line in terms of support for customized maps for some simple GIS…
Ability to Collapse Categories in NEW UX Index
A nice to have on the Index of pages in the NEW UX Apps would be the ability to collapse the categories of pages. It would make the index section look a lot neater.
Allow no conditional formatting (or transparent) to be applied if the condition is not met
Description of the enhancement required: Enhance conditional formatting so that it will be possible to set the fill if the condition is met but if not, the Grid Style is respected. Currently the conditional formatting is working with a range of values where is set the fill in the left range and in the right range (with…
"Average" is close to useless. Need to be able to automatically only average non-zeros
The average summary method and aggregation function [Average:] both include zero values when calculating an average. This makes sense but sadly means that in almost all scenarios the irritating workaround of counting non-zeros and then dividing is required. This costs line items (and therefore space), increases calculation…
Synchronize on a cell level rather the clicking all individual dimensions
If you show a module with multiple dimensions as row and/or columns and you display more details on the same page/dashboard it would be great if the system synchronize by clicking on a cell. This is intuitive behavior of end users. E.g: Jan 21Feb 21Mar 21Customer AProduct 1 Product 2 15 Customer BProduct 120 Product 2…
New Modeling Experience: Object Base Research for Saved Views
I can't use new Object based search (SAVED VIEWS, Line Item Subsets) for Saved views because I don't see module name anywhere. Would be nice to have either Module as a separate column or [module].[view] combination. ('Module A'.'Import Snapshot')
New UX: Restrict Editing on Field Cards
Can't find this as an existing idea! It appears that Field cards are always editable. I find that Field cards sometime make more sense when added in a bunch (compared to KPIs) and also look better to show some System Mapping fields. However, it is not ideal that the users are able to change these mappings. Can we have the…
Conditional Formatting on Booleans
As a model Builder I would like to use Booleans as a Basis for Conditional formatting. For example. I have a Boolean/ Checkbox which indicates that not all fields in a new Item/ setting has been filled. I would like to be able to use that boolean directly instead of reverting to a number. The advantage would be to save on…
Management Reporting: Export secured images
Ability to export secure images. If an image is not public, it is not included in the export. Example:
UX - Set Default Column Widths in Edit Card/Page View
In the new UX, when you drop a grid into the Page, being able to set a 'default' column width, when using a custom view made using the UX. Setting the column width would be helpful, which would make it so you do not cut off line items or can widen columns with content that is greater then the default sizes. Edit:…
New UX - Color formatting Hierarchies by level
it would be useful to have formattable levels in hierarchies in the new UX, to obtain more readable views
Email notifications : Sending Email Actions without using mailbox
Request from Amgen Europe : Anaplan is currently not able to send email notifications based on a pre-set condition. e.g. whenever a price is submitted below a certain threshold. The idea would to have an action that sends email based on a threshold but without having to use your own mailbox
New UX - Pages Visibility Layer (by Roles and NewUX Pages)
Hi team, Currently, we have a few global programs in different business areas that unit numerous groups of users from different regions and countries. Mainly we use a global approach for each of county but still need minor customizations for them, so for end-users convenience we have to create customized pages based on the…
Management Reporting: Context Selectors Synchronization for Subsets
Have context selectors synchronized for list subsets when they are made from the same list. Let's say that I have a page that contains both a chart and a grid. Both are dimensioned by two different subsets created from the same list. Therefore, I have two context selectors. Those context selectors do not synchronize when…
NUX : Pass page selectors values in the URL for an app page
It would be very useful if we could pass page selector values as parameter in the URL, this way we could provide links to end users with a predefined selection and/or provide a more dynamic navigation from one screen to another. For example : https://us1a.app.anaplan.com/a/apps/app/xxxxx/boards/xxxx/month=Jan22&country=FR…
Global Find & Replace
I would like the ability to perform a model wide find and replace of a word. I should have the option to include text boxes, dashboard names, module names, line item names, action names, help text, tool tips, and literally ANYWHERE else in the model this word or string occurs. It should basically behave like Excel's find…
New UX: Ability to Hide Parents for Fields Drop-Downs
Hi Team, Being a page builder it would be great to get ability to hide parents for list formatted Field card items and reflect the lowest level of the hierarchy only. See an example, here we have 6 levels of hierarchy, for some cases, I would prefer to show the lowest level (L6) only to make it more readable and convenient…