Mass add to Numbered Lists in NUX
We would like to create a table in a dashboard that allows end users to add multiple lines at a time. Allowing us to then assign the role/rate (or select from drop down) for what each line should include. Currently we have to add a line to a table (Number list) one by one in the NUX. Is this something we are planning to…
NUX+New Model Experience: Open from App page directly the module
As model builder, I would like to open directly the module published on the App page in New Model Experience. (not only the model). Currently, from an App page, it is still opened ONLY the source model and it is opened in the classic way (not even the New Model Experience). When New Model Experience is activated, I noticed…
NUX - Default Chart Type
When creating a chart on the NUX, the default type for the series is "Line". If you wish to use "Column" for the series, then you have to convert from line to bars each item before publishing a chart. Having the ability to set the default chart type for a series to "Bar" would save a tremendous amount of time.…
Percentage data labels on the stacked column percentage charts
On the pie charts you can choose to show the data labels as a % rather than absolute figures. It would be very useful if this feature was also implemented on the stacked column chart, seeing as you can choose to stack the series as a % view already, just not the data labels themselves.
NUX restrict access - rename please
I find the Restrict Access naming very ambiguous and always have to test it to confirm how it works. This screen is not restricting access but Granting access. I click a user Role to grant it access. I accept that deselecting is restricting but .....
New Modeling Experience: Undock tabs to be presented as another window
In the newest release new modelling experience UI was added, but it lost one feature I find very convenient having in Classic UI. When you perform Drag-n-drop on a certain tab in Classic you could see a floating window with the chosen module/dashboard in it. Please add this feature in New UI as well. Thanks, Kirill
New Model Experience: Allow all users to use Model Search
We have a contents list that is huge, and finding a dashboard can be a pain as there is no search option. In the new experience there is a MODEL SEARCH, but only for workspace admin it seems. Can this be made available to non workspace admin?
New Modeling Experience - Enhancements to Syntax Highlighter / Formula Editor
The syntax highlighter in the formula editor (new modeling experience) is good for simple formulas but in general too basic in comparison to the A+ plugin or any standard syntax highlighter used in coding tools. As a model builder I want to have the following additional features in place - see IF THEN ELSE with line breaks…
New modeling experience: ability to drag and move open tabs
Description: In a classic modeling UI, we are able to reorder open tabs by drag and drop. This feature is very helpful when working with multiple dependent modules at the same time. It makes modeling easier if you can order module tabs by calculation steps for example. Example: When I am not able to order modules in tabs,…
Dependent Drop Down on Multiple Criteria
It would be very helpful to be able to create dependent drop downs based on multiple criteria. Currently you can do either hierarchy levels or list properties but to help users filter more dynamically and spend less time scrolling through long lists, we should be able to make a line item drown down dependent on multiple…
More control over the display of row headers in New UX grids
Allow customers more control of the row headers in New UX grids allowing them to perhaps toggle indentations from lists with parent levels and perhaps allowing them to personalise these by using different indentations, changing the colour of text, allowing bold text etc. This would allow the customer the ability to…
Single Sign-On Authentication for APPS in NEW UX
For all the Planners/WSA, SSO authentication is not working through the APPS login in the NEW UX. But SSO is enabled, and it is working appropriately with the classic dashboard login. Note: We are managing the workaround. The workaround will be, first, login to the model and then log in to the APPS. I request Anaplan to…
More Control over the axis scale label on charts in the NUX
Description of the Enhancement: I want to be able to control how the numbers on my chart to appear e.g. 1M or 1 000K If I resize my chart bigger than the default size, numbers such as 1 Million instead appear as 1 000K. This is the current view when I resize a chart: I would like to be able to control whether the numbers…
Allow tabs to be scrolled
Basically what the subject implies. Would be great to scroll between tabs in the UI using the scroll wheel (similar to google sheets).
Ability to Repoint the Pages before Archiving the Model
When the Prod model needs to be archived all the Pages associated to that model vanishes. Idea I am proposing is to allow admins/page builders to repoint the pages before the model gets archived. Current workaround is that we create New Prod before Old Prod is archived and then repoint the pages from old to new Prod. But…
Display Week number when selecting values for Line Items of type date
As a model builder I want to be able to format/customize the display and selection for Line Items of type date in order to provide a better user experience. Currently there is no customization available meaning that an end user could select any value and, depending on the use case, the user might also need to type the data…
Line chart and Combination charts to allow independent data labels
Line chart and Combination charts to allow data labels to be added on a line by line not all or nothing
Personal Pages NUX Control Worksheet Context Menu
This request refers to a previous request "NUX Control Worksheet Context Menu" at: https://community.anaplan.com/t5/Idea-Exchange/NUX-Control-Worksheet-Context-Menu/idi-p/79215#comments The ability to turn off the list edit ability in the NUX was delivered in Oct 2020. This is a very welcome enhancement, but an incomplete…
Enable hierarchy filter on dimension with selection applied
Hi, Currently the hierarchy filter does not work if a selection (e.g. levels or specific elements) is applied over the dimension. While this would be useful in some cases with a high number of levels in the dimension or in the case you only want to show specific elements of that dimension and it's parent. Thanks,
App Categories to reflect uses cases / processes from Honeycomb
I mentioned that customers started to tailor apps towards individual roles or sub-processes within a use cases. This means, there may be 5-6 apps connected to one model containing the end-to-end FP&A process. Personally, I really like this approach because it sets the focus on the business objective. The app for "Capital…