Planual and Testing the model
Hi All, Is there any way to test our model whether it is following the best practices . For Eg: I encountered problem like I am writing the same formula in multiple modules and referring them . Is there an sandbox environment where we export our Model data into it and then it will give results like "you are using this…
Anaplan Japan Best Practice資料共有
皆さん、こんにちは Professional Serviceの大橋です。 この度、Anaplan JapanのBest Practiceサイトをリリースしました。 これまで、プロジェクトの中でユーザ企業様、パートナー様に"Anaplan導入"に関する様々な資料をご提供してきましたが、必要な時にみなさまが自らダウンロードできる形で公開したいと思います。 Anaplan Japan Best Practice サイト https://anaplan.sharepoint.com/sites/Team-AnaplanJapanBestPractice/SitePages/CollabHome.aspx サイトの特徴…
Cumulate calculation but skip 1st item
Do you have any ideas to calculate this; what I need? If I make a line item called "for lookup" and use LOOKUP formula, I can do this. However I need to fill in "for lookup" manually. I simplify the case here and "Figure" should be calculated using "What I need", so I cannot use "Figure" since it becomes circulation…
Many to one text merge
Hi, In my FP&A model end-users can add comments(in text format) to a variance module that is dimensioned by the user list(among other dimensions). How can I consolidate the comments so we can see comments from all users combined? I'm thinking we would have a secondary module not dimensioned by end user. The main challenge…
Creating a Data Integration Schema for your Models
A data integration schema describes the integration and flow of data across systems. It will typically consist of a combination of diagrams, tables, and other visual components that provide the ability to quickly understand the flow of data. In an Anaplan context, a data integration schema outlines the movement of data…
Best practice model building
Currently looking at additional use cases for Anaplan, including using for a 5 year planning horizon, rather than the current 24 month one. Question has come up around level of detail that wish to plant at and hence the impact on model size and looking for tips in terms of best practice when building out model Example,…
Best practice model building
Currently looking at additional use cases for Anaplan, including using for a 5 year planning horizon, rather than the current 24 month one. Question has come up around level of detail that wish to plant at and hence the impact on model size and looking for tips in terms of best practice when building out model Example,…
I want to understand the use of this feature?
I am trying to import data from Data Hub to spoke model. The requirement is to clear the target before loading the new data. Can I use this option at 'All Items' as an alternative to creating clear module data actions using 'No data' formatted clear line items in the target? Is that more efficient? Does it work the same…
Best practice for building a P&L with custom summary levels?
Hi, What is best practice for building out a P&L? The P&L applies to an existing list L2 GL accounts however, there are additional summary levels (ex. total travel) and calculations (gross margin, net income) that dont exist in the L2 GL account list but are required for the P&L report. See picture for example of…
Allow disabling of unsolicited direct to end-user notifications
Hi Anaplan Team, We constantly tell our employees not to click on ANY links from ANY unsolicited email. Anaplan sends email to every person who's been granted a license telling them it's been activated with links. We don't want Anaplan to do this. We don't want any of our vendors sending unsolicited email directly to our…
Have a date in a list property and use Offset
Hi! I have a date (14 days) in a list and want to use the Offset function there. Can I do this?
Enhance Users list with Subsets by Role/Manual/etc
We use users list in many of our filters modules/line items but the usage of the filters might be only for some set of users. We don't have option to use the relevant people only in users list for these modules. Which will result in more sized modules. Having option to manage subsets in users list by role or by manual or…
Line Item Maintenance
Really great article on best practice, naming conventions, and maintenance for managing line item subsets. Check it out here
Excel Add In Best Practice
I was just sharing this documentation with a customer as they start to investigate the use of the Add-In some more, and it occurred to me it would be really useful to share that here. I know this is something used by a number of our UKI customers and so hopefully this can give some more insight! Excel Add-In Best Practices…
A guide: How to tidy up any Anaplan model
Got multiple models on the go built by different departments? Thinking about establishing a CoE? Some of the first baby steps towards establishing your CoE can be daunting. Where do you start? In the past, I have spent a fair bit of time embedded within a client's CoE and have navigated existing models across various…
Quick start to your UX journey
We have been championing the migration from Classic Dashboards to the UX throughout the year. This article goes into more detail about the suggested methodology, considerations and use of the excellent dashboard import wizard to speed up that migration.…
How to leverage user access: Anaplan (Planning) and Business Intelligence (Reporting)
NY User Group Members, One of the more common questions we get as a Customer Success team is how to optimize the use the Anaplan platform with a Business Intelligence platform (or in some cases, a simple tool). This question comes in many forms – e.g.: * Why use Anaplan when we already have X visualization tool? * How do I…