how to get the beginning month of the current year in a line item
Hi, for your assistance please. How can I get the beginning month of the current year based on the a line item which is Month format from a line item data converted from a number format to a date format? I created a system module but I cannot use it or refer it because the data that I need to get should refer to the line…
How to omit time ranges from Applies To
Hi. We have a table has applies to(Region, Time). The table has line item "temparature", We added line item Time=item(time). When we export the table from anaplan, We want omit Applies to not only region but also Time. How can I omit it.
Using NAME with Numbered list
HI, I have a numbered list - 'employees' with the display name property set as Display Name. I have a system module called employee details dimensioned by employees list. I have created a text formatted line item in the module with the following formula NAME(ITEM(employees)). I expect to see the display name of the line…
Setting up SYS Modules for Time Settings
Hi, What function would you use to display the numbered week in the Month, ex) the third week of the Month.
Setting up a Time Setting in Model
Hi, I would like to know how I would set up the Time Settings in my module so that I'm able to see the actuals for the day Selected, and then Forecast Numbers only after that day? Thank you
Versions Question
Hi, I'm trying to set up my Model so that I can View the Actuals for the actual day it is and then after that just forecasted numbers. My Model is set up in Days of the Week and want to be able to view actuals for that certain day and then Forecasted numbers after that. Do I use the Switch Over function? and How? Thank you
How to identify the Top Level item in a Module
Dear All, I have a requirement to show elements belonging the Top Level item in my Module, but unfortunately i cannot identify the Top Level Item, since i am unable to capture any of the properties (or) Attributes of Top Level item. Top Level item is defined in Level 1 Level 1 is parent of Level 2 Level 2 is parent of…
Formula - Previous?
Hi, I have a module that shows the full-year forecast amount for various expense categories. It also compares the current forecast (2021) to the prior forecast using the formula PREVIOUS(Full year forecast). That was fine in 2020, but now we are in 2021, the prior forecast shows nil. How can I fix this so it picks up the…
Rounding not correct in ALL
Hi, Do you know why I'm getting wrong value on Total Containers for ALL for Inbound Pallets (see image)? For example: W/c 18th Jan 21 should be 4 and not 3. I suppose the 3 is based on 1.159 + 1.159 = 2.318 so rounds to 3. But I want it to be based on the already rounded 2 value. I can't use SUM in the Total Containers…
Treatment of duplicated identifiers in target
How Treatment of duplicated identifiers in target works? I set it up "Reject entire import" But I see that List is getting updated? Can you please provide an example? @Misbah
summing up prior year data
Hi, Question please. I am trying to sum up all the values in the Depreciation line item column for prior years 2020 in my calc module by company. However, I'm having a difficulty to get all the previous years data and sum it up. Thank you.
weekday function
Hi, After using my weekday function, I got the number to display. Now how do I get The actual day of the week to display verses the number of the day of the week? Thank you
Calculation with different dimensions
Hi, I have 2 modules : one with the headcount and the other one with average salaries. I want to create a third module with total salaries (which is headcount*average salary). But, in the headcount module I have the headcount with line items internal vs external, and for salaries I have salary as line item. How can I…
OEG Best Practice: HyperModel best practices
HyperModelsTM extend the Hyperblock calculation engine capabilities, allowing users to significantly increase scale to expand with new use cases, manage more historical and external data, forecast further into the future, and model more scenarios. The following HyperModel best practices are designed to ensure you can…
isfirtstoccurrence formula
Hi, question please. I need to get the first data(#1), hence I used the isfirstoccurrence but not sure on why the #2,#133 and #362 are also checked in the boolean? Thank you.
Subset not populated from module boolean import
Hi, I have a numbered list of Employees that I've created 2 subsets for: Hiring Manager Approval Manager So I created a module with the list as dimension and then boolean line items used to fill in for hiring and approving managers, and then import those module line items to the list to populate the subsets. For some…
Uploading into Anaplan - YTD
Hi, I have a module where I'm uploading YTD actuals into Anaplan. Does Anaplan know it's YTD actuals, rather than values for that month? How do I tell Anaplan to take the last upload, and ignore the previous ones? Thanks
Data Tags as a comment feature for developers
Hi team, As a Model Builder and BAU Support Team Specialist, I am interested in documenting enhancements in our models. Using only the Notes feature as a commenting tool, it is getting really hard to track them all after a couple of years of the model being rolled out. At some level of complexity of the model, it is…
Creating a version with import action - access settings
Hi, When manually adding versions, you have the option to select access setting. By default, it is Write. See photo below. However, if you try to create a new version via import action, you can't specify the access setting. The new version created, has by default No Access. I wanted to automate the version creation using…
Automated version creation
Hi, I am trying to allow non-admins to create versions in a model using AN connect. The idea is for Anaplan connect to import a custom versions list into the native versions. The issue is that versions created in this way have access set to None by default. In contrast, when you add versions manually, your default access…
New article: Decreasing Formula length
All, Just wanted to point you to a new article on using line item subsets to decrease your formula length. You can find it here: https://community.anaplan.com/t5/Best-Practices/Decreasing-the-Length-of-Your-Formulas/ta-p/88467 Please let me know if you have any questions, Rob
Product List - best way to not show products which are no longer active?
Hi, I have a number of lists e.g. product list or employees list, but how is it best to maintain these as the list keeps growing, but we have products which are no longer active or employees who have since left? Thanks
NUX - chart - combination graph
Hi, Is it possible to create a combination chart in the NUX which combines all 3 charts in 1? I tried earlier and I was not able to align the dots across each bar chart? They were all clustered together. Any ideas? Thanks
Self learning / training for certification
Hi I worked previously in Anaplan implementation projects and would like to get myself self trained in Anaplan. I dont have any Org who can provide anaplan credentials. is there a way to get anaplan credentials for training/ learning purpose
Fix screen formatting when scrolling to bottom of module
I am sure i am not the only one to experience this bug/issue. The problem when in Admin view or Classic UX: When scrolling to the bottom of a module (one large enough to require scrolling to see the line items at the bottom of the module) the bottom-most line items can not be reached using the scroll bar. To even see these…
Yearly ESCALATION calculation
Hi, would like to ask on how can show the escalation yearly amount? for example FY21, the amount is 10M and for FY22 the amount should be 10M x 1.1 = 11M. Please see screenshots below. Thank you anaplan excel: should be amount
Building a Cash Flow Model (Need Advice)
Hi, So I'm playing around with trying to build a Cash Flow Model in Anaplan that is on a Daily Time Scale [WeekDay Function I plan to use] and has Line Items of different Accounts in the company that must stay at a min/max balance daily. I want to try and make this an Model that will automatically allocate the money around…
Bi-weekly Pay Period Management
Dear Community, My budget model's calendar type is Month/Quarter/Years but I need to do some calculations by bi-weekly pay periods and then roll up the result (using SUM) to month. Our payroll calendar varies by year. I created a Pay Period Lists and a management module to map the Pay Period to the Month and Year it…
NUX - Adjusting size of line items
Hi, Is it possible to adjust the size of a text field? I can hover and see further comments but is there a way to show more than 1 line by adjusting rows? Thanks
Filtering by Line Item (List)
Hi, I have created a filter to my module where users can select an item from the filter, which the module will then show those which apply (via boolean). However, I cannot seem to show all items? I created a top hierarchy in the list, but my boolean formula is S_Reporting Group Selector.Reporting Group Selector = Reporting…