Filter for standard Anaplan version list.
Hi everyone! I have old model with Anaplan versions. We use switchover, Formula Scope and other special formula function. But for some of the modules, I need a filter by version: select those countries / brands for which there is data on at least one version (any). I don't want to use SELECT or hard-coded versions, since…
Show reference info between UX and model in the model
As administrator I need to understand, where in the NUX this or that module/actions is used, like with classic dashboards. It will be great to have protection from delete actions/modules/saved views if they are used in NUX. Without this reference info it is hard to manage models build with NUX interface and can lead to…
Copying Actions
I have an action to import today's date into a field 'Today' in a time assumptions module, every night using connect script. Great, works perfectly, all is good. I have a separate action/process that runs ad-hoc, but when it does, I would like to import today's date into another field in the time assumptions module 'Update…
Filter Time Periods from Page Selector (No Subsets please)
Hi Team - I have a requirement that some specific users are to view the data of x months (say, 3) in the future and not more. I have a module that has a time dimension in it and for visibility purposes (because of multiple line items), I had to keep the time dimension in the page selector. I have created already a module…
Help with Profile lookup
Hello. Stumped here. We are modeling revenue targets at an annual level (clientA = $1,000,000) for 2021. We then need to say - when will we sign the contracts for these deals. I have created an allocation table for this. In many cases, we will sign a deal in fiscal 2020 for 2021 revenues. So the timing of the $1,000,000…
Only showing future quarters from dropdown
Hi, I have a line item formatted as Time Period - Quarter. The dropdown shows all quarters within the model time range (see screenshot). Is there anyway to only show future quarters in the dropdown (say Q3 FY20 onwards)? Thank you! Amy
Get last occurrence value
Hello, Is there a way I can get the last occurrence value in a numbered list? I have multiple floor type that I need to activate the checkbox based on the latest end date. Is there a way i can create a formula here? Thanks in advance for the help. Regards, Tom
Unable to link two modules to aggregate the data
Hi Need help in resolving this issue. I am having two modules, Comp Onhand Inventory and Comp Demand Analysis. Comp Onhand Inventory holds onhand inventory information for Items in each organisation. Each item is assigned to a configuration.I am trying to aggregate the onhand information by Organisation and Configuration…
Question on Formula for headers and line items
I am trying to create formulas for a P/L account. I need Line items but I need the formulas across the columns to be different. I cant find any details to this on your website. How is this possible? Gross will link to another module I/C will be Gross multiplied by % with another module Net I am taking the 1st two away from…
Hiding Saved Views in Classic UX
At the moment within our many models there modules with several saved views. Would be good to be able to "hide" the saved views so that as a modeller I can see the list of modules and then I can see the views either by clicking to expand or via the normal open command in module view. Would make model development a lot…
Establishing Sales Targets Business Process Questions
Currently, the process to establish Country Sales Targets and Account Sales Targets is completed on an annual basis. In the future, may transition to a quarterly process. Do we need to design models considering both annual and Quarterly approaches by giving options or just go with annual approach only?
Assigning Accounts to Territories Process Questions
It was mentioned, customer accounts are organized into Small, Medium, and Large account segments based on the potential growth of each account. What is the specific criteria and process to categorize these segments?
Designating Sales Reps to Accounts Process Questions
1.The number of accounts each sales representative is responsible for does not exceed the maximum number of accounts. I understand the maximum number of accounts can be obtained from Quota Matrix. Could you share a sample Quota Matrix? 2.How often this matrix will be updated and who maintains this matrix?
List Duplicate Value Issues Hub Model
Hello, In our hub model, we have a sales planning list (L1 Plants) with top level item All Plants. We have other sales planning list (L3 Profit Center) with top level item All Profit Centers We have mapping list L3 Profit Center- L1 Plant with parent hierarchy as L1 Plants. We have a new use-case where profit center rolls…
Using Lookup with offset or lag function
Hi, I have a module (MOD01) with time and 'A' as dimensions and a line item x. In another module (MOD02) I want to have a value of say in JUN 20 I need value of x from JAN 19 based on the Dimension 'A'(by lookup). So which function should I use or how can I use lookup with time period function.
Daisy Channing?
Hello there Does Daisy Channing refer to referencing a calculated line item in a different module only or it also applies to referencing a calculated line item in the same module as well? Case 1: Referencing a calculated line item in another module Module A Line Item A.1 = ITEM(List) Module B Line Item B.1 = Parent(Module…
OEG Best Practice: Formula optimization in Anaplan
Taking a few simple steps can give you significant performance improvements in your Anaplan model. Anaplan was designed to be built by business users, with simple formula constructs and no coding required. Formulas should not need to be long, complex or hard to create and understand. All too often, we see formulas that run…
Which function is used to return the first month of time period
START() fn is used to return first date in time period. Which function is used to return first month of time period?
Would like ability to toggle Customers/Tenants in the New UX/Mobile
It would be valuable for effectiveness and efficiency to toggle tenants directly from the New UX "Apps" page and directly on Mobile app instead of having to go to Desktop on classic view and having it sync over. Right now the ability to toggle is a 1 way connection from Desktop classic view which then gets applied over to…
Forecast v Actual: Version or Import
Hi team, Wondering what everyone does when creating Forecast (Actual + Plan) v Plan modules for P&L use cases. More specifically I am asking whether people 1) Take a copy & create a new version of the Plan P&L at the time of finalisation of the Plan P&L, keep the Swtichover as July (For June Financial Year End periods) &…
How to allocate Number to list member based on Rank of list member
Hello Team, I have list route which has parent city.Every City can have more that 100 route.every Route has capacity of goods can be transfer.i have ranked these route based on some factor.I want to allocate the demand quantity to these route based on lowest to highest rank considering capacity of route and. Demand100…
Previous of Same Line Item in Customized Time Scale
Hi All, Any suggestion for using the previous formula in a custom time scale? Scenario: Using Previous of same line item in Custom Timescale Module : Products as Dimension, Current Week and Future Weeks (Custom Timescale) Line Items : Planned Order Purchased Order Final Forecast Inv Projection Inv Projection line item…
How to create a Saved View using Actions
Hi Friends, I have a Module. And I want to create a Saved View (of filtering) by Action. Is it possible?
Create Forecast Model in Anaplan - Customer and SKU by different Unit
Hi, I got some question about how to create a forecasting model in Anaplan by Customer and SKU level in different organization. For example, I have 3 units (A , B , C) and they are selling to different customers and items. How can I setup the relationship that if I select A and it only show customer 1 forecast item ABC and…
Error in formula
Hi Seems to be a minor one, but I am not getting it..I am getting invalid error for the formula in the attached screenshot. Can you please help to fix it? Thanks Regards Prabakaran
Using Selective Access with DCA
Hello Anaplanners, Context: * We have a selective access list - Country * User have selective write access to some countries (in Europe) and just read access to the rest of the countries (Americas and Asia Pacific) * Country List is used in a list formatted line item to be used as a picklist (to filter) * Module: Has the…
Getting error in the formula
Hi I am getting the invalid error when trying to use the below formula . 'Comp Reservation Details.Reserved Qty'[SUM: Comp Reservation Details.’Organization Code(Mapped)', SUM: Comp Reservation Details.Config LF] Can any body let me know what is the issue here? Thanks Prabakaran
Is star schema is best or snowflake schema in Anaplan
Hello All, Can anyone suggest me which one is better between star schema and snowflake schema in Anaplan? I don't have much knowledge regarding both of these comparisons. Please suggest to me.
Planual Explained - Day 30
“Rule 4.01-09": Article 4, Chapter 1, and Rule 9 – “Publish charts will full filters initially”. If the chart has a filtered axis, set the filter such that all items are shown, then publish the chart. Then set the filter criteria back as desired; the chart will then respect the filter Use Case: Based on the selected month…
How to build a logic in Anaplan to solve the attached problem
Need suggestions on how to build the logic in Anaplan to solve the problem in the attached file. Negative CF is to be adjusted first from the previous weeks and then if balance amount is there then we have to look into the future weeks for the adjustments. For a specific week, you can go back by "m" weeks for adjusting the…