Line Item Reference Syntax by Dimension
Hi, I feel like this is something super easy but have not been able to find anything in the tutorial or forum board. Let's say I have 3 teams A, B, and C uploading to the GL line Sales. So Sales is a total of individual uploads from each team. How do I write a formula so that I can reference each team's contribution and…
Order of Modules and Dashboards in Functional Area on Home Page
Is there a way to have the Dashboards sort to the top of the modules and dashboards in the functional area on the Home tab? I know I can change the order of the modules and the order of the dashboards, but the modules are always listed before the dashboards. I would like to be able to change the sorting of modules and…
Prior Year on Weekly Module
Hi All, Thought I would post this question... I'm working on a model with a weekly timescale. (13 4Week periods) Normally there is 52 weeks in a year, but every few years there will be a 53rd week. I was planning to use a LAG() function to pull the PY value. Offset would work too. LAG( Source Line Item, 52 , 0 ) I have to…
Dates and Salaries Question
I have a module where a user enters in employee start dates and then the termination date. There is also a field for annual salary. This module does NOT have time as dimension. It does have organization and employees (employee 1…10). In another module WITH time as dimension and organization but NOT employees, how do I pull…
Summing Module Results at Different Levels in Hierarchy
I'm relatively new to Anaplan having just completed the various training courses. I've been trying to figure this out for a couple of days using sum and lookup but seem to be encountering the same error "level mismatch". Here's my issue... I have a module that uses a numbered list as a dimension having three levels:…
Drill through from an aggregate module to detail data
Hi. I have a flat data module at 'opportunity' level, with eg. column for 'division', 'dept', and lots of others at a very granular level (eg. by day). I have an aggregate module (eg. at division by month) derived from this detail module. In the aggregate module, I have a list selector that allows me to see division and…
Creating a Module
New to Anaplan so please bear with me. Taking online fundamentals training and have got as far as creating module. With Versions (Monthly), Line Items (Products), Sales Reps I have created Forecast, Actuals and Variance Module. I am only able to enter values in Actuals. IS there any reason why I am not able to enter/amend…
Show vs Hide
What's the difference between Show and Hide for rows/columns (apart from the obvious)? The answer is how the module behaves when new items are subsequently added. So, if I have a module with 10 line items, and only want to see 5 by default then I could... * select the ones I don't want to see and select 'hide'....the…
Text Symbols
In one of the models on the App Hub I have found a text-formatted line item with a tick symbol (✔ - possibly a check in American?) input. How can symbols be input as text? What symbols are acceptable? I tried some Wingdings, for example, but they didn't work. Mark.
Chart Options
Hi All I am new to Anaplan and in a learning mode. I see on my workspace administrator login, that on a dashboard displaying charts, if I click on the green "menu" in the corner of the chart, there is an option called Chart Options, however, when a standard user having read only rights clicks on the same green "menu" in…
Selective access for certain users during specified periods of time
We use Anpalan for commissions and would like to be able to restrict access to sales folks during a periods of time when we are finalizing the compensation. There are times when we are making adjustments and this causes a lot of questions from the reps. We would like to just lock them out during certain times on a global…
Setting a Current Version
Why is setting a current version "a potentially destructive action and may lead to data loss"? If I have no current version and want to select one, does any data get lost? If I already have a current version and now want to make a different version current, will anything change that doesn't involve an ISCURRENTVERSION…
How can I apply breakback on a calculated line item?
A partner asked us about some modelling techniques for top down budgeting. They would like to create a model where there would be a growth percentage applied to the whole P&L as the first step. Then in a second step they would like to be able to fine tune the results by using the breakback feature. As a calculated line…
How can I check if items in one list exist in other lists?
How can I check if items in one list exist in other lists that I have in a model as well?
Adding free form Line items when forcasting in a module
Hello - I have a client that is requesting that users (non-administrators) be able to add detailed line items, on the fly, when completing their forecast. They will also need Time as a dimension to enter forecasted amounts for these detailed line items, and the detailed line items need to sum to the total of the account.…
Open Display on Current Week
I have created views and dashboards for end users (and myself) that show 2-3 years of weekly data. However, the most important and useful data is the few weeks before and after whatever the current week is. How can I force the view to open with current week in center of screen while still allowing user to scroll as far…
Model Building Question
Hi All I am pretty new to Anaplan and attempting my first real life modeling. I have a module that contains sales opportunity data, including the date the opportunity was created, its division and its type. I need to build a module that will show the counts broken out by these 3 fields. I want the type to go down the page…
Bulk Copy from a dashboard
How do I give dashboard users the ability to run a bulk copy from a button on the dashboard? Specifcally I have a list which contains "versions" I want to make the copy of Current Month to Prior Month an end user action from a dashboard.
Locking Items in a Selective Access List when Users have Top Level access
I have a problem where I have selective access on a list that a lot of users have access to the top-level. I need to be able to "lock", or make Read-only, certain child items in the list but still give these users access to Write to the other children. How can I accomplish this if some users have Write access to the…
Set Default time(Quaterly) while creating a Module
Is there a way to select default time as quaterly while creating a module? Regards, Nakul
Summary method
Hi all, I need help with the following: i have a module with a Product List, this list cotains unique for each product List "X" Users Product A 100 Product B 200 Product C 300 PARENT TOTAL 700 But the real total unique users adds up 550, which mean that a users used more than 1 product. Is there any way or formula in…
List and List Subsets
This is both some fairly basic tips and a question. The tips part is that in Pivot view, the icons for list and list subsets are different, so that you can tell the difference. In the attached snip, Portfolio is a list while Project Cost Centres is a sublist. Sublists help reduce model size, so I have a lot of them. When…
Change format in model (Howto)
Sometimes you want to change format throughout the complete model. For example, in parts of the EU you want comma decimal seperator instead of dot as is default. Or, if you start with an accelerator, you might want to remove USD as currency symbol. This is how you can do it in five simple steps: 1) Go to Settings ->…
Working Days between dates
I have a use case where I have to check that the assigned task days to a project fit within the days available between the project start and end dates, after accounting for weekends. I initially had a solution that excluded Saturdays and Sundays, but I wanted something more flexible so I have a solution that allows for…
Forms & Conditional Formatting
Hi, I have a conditional formatting in a module witch controls a value. When I use this module like a Form, itseems it does'nt work. Any suggestion ? August 4th, 2014 The solution is : to build the conditional format BEFORE publishing the dashboard. 😉
Freeze Headers in Dashboard Export to PDF
Hi All, We have a client that is exporting a large dashboard from Anaplan to a PDF. The report contains several hundred accounts in rows and monthly time periods in columns. Since the report spans multiple pages, we were wondering if it is possible to 'freeze the headers' upon exporting, so that the time periods show on…
List display in a module
Is it possible to display the codes for a list in a module rather than the list item names themsleves? If this were a setting by role or user it would be even better.
Is it possible to synchronise a dashboard view containing a subset?
Hi I have a dashboard with a view of product hierarchy. I have a second module made up of a subset of the product hierarchy I want to synchronise the second view when I select a Product parent in the view above Currently the second view displays all items in the subset regardless of which parent is chosen I know I can…
Creating a fitered page selector
Say you want to use a page selector for your time dimension but you would like to filter the list? (almost a time subset). You can't do this directly as a page selector, but you can use a filtered list as a selector for a module view in a dashboard. Example:
Model Construction accommodating multiple businesses
If there are different businesses with unique planning characteristics (e.g. revenue and cost of goods) but operating within the same metadata framework, is it preferable to create different models representing each business or a single model with different modules pertaining to each business? Each business will be…