Last work day of month
Dear all, is there a function enabling to show the last work day (ending on Friday) of each month (date formatted), e.g. last work day of July 2016 would be 29/07/2016? Thanks a lot in advance for your feedback. Best regards Timo
Formulas for Intermediate Model Building
Hi, I have got stuck in certain formulas. So decided to start this thread so that those who get stuck, can view the formulas here. I wanted to know formula for Headcount in Rep-Quota module for intermediate model building activity 17. Thanks in advance!
Numbered Lists and filtering
Hi, I have created a numbered list with list formatted properties. When using such a list in a module or dashboard, is it possible to filter based on these properties? Thanks Roger
Select and Lookup by Display name
Is there a way to use lookup by display name? I have a numbered list List B which has parent hierarchy is set to List A I have set the display name instead of the code. Module 1 : Pivot has: Pages : Line Items Columns: Country list, Sales list Rows: Storename List LineItem: Salesinfo Country Total Sales- toys Total sales-…
‘Drill Down to Transactions’
Hi everyone…. I have three modules 1. Transaction module (Base Module with flat data) 2. Secondary module 3. Result module. Can I ‘drill down to transaction’ from result module which is getting the value from secondary module? Issue is….. If I ‘drilldown to transaction’ a value form result module which is getting its…
User full name in formulas
How do I get the full name of the user in formulas? I have a module with owner data and i want to check if the logged in user is the owner of the data eg: I have a property called "Primary Owner" I want to check if the logged in user is the primary owner of opportunity data. Instead of hardcoding the owner name I want to…
How does everyone architect their model for strategic planning?
For strategic planning, our executive team has a need for a 3-5 yr plan which they can tweak/adjust on the fly. For example, setting broad goals (x% revenue growth, y% gross margin, etc.), which would flow through Balance Sheet/Cash Flow. However, our Anaplan model is quite complex, and we have many modules that feed into…
Setting a Hierarchy
We have a scenario wherein the organization hierarchy is as follows [list=1] * Legal Entity * Units * Departments * Employees Where the departments gets rolled up to the units and in turn units gets rolled up to the legal entities. The organization has multiple departments (50+ )and units (20+). All departments should be…
Model to model data copy
Hi, We are not able to copy a module from Model A to another model B. We've tried importing the module option, but its not working properly. We tried mapping data fields and running import but it was throwing "invalid identifier" error. Please advice.
Dynamic selection of list members based on driver list.
Hi Folks, I have two list( Product and Customer) Product in Row Axis(Its member are P1 to P100) and customer(Its member are C1 to C20) in Column Axis. If I select C1 then product list will get reduced to C1P1 P2 P3 p4 P5 C2P6 P7 P8 P9 P10 and so on How to achive this functionality.
Pulling one specific cell data to another specific cell in Anaplan
I am quite new to model building and a client has come across trying to pull data from one specific cell to another specific cell from two different modules. Based on the training i have gotten it mostly talks about pulling rows and column data but not specifc cell data. Hope you guys can help. Thank you.
Bulk Copy
Hello All, I am trying to do a 'bulk copy' action to copy data from Actual to another version. However, even after I select the target version, the "OK" button is still greyed out. What might be the reason for this? I am the workspace administrator, so I am assuming that I have full (write) access. Please provide your…
How many max list members can be added in a list in Anaplan..
List Referenced By
Is there a "Referenced By" for lists, like there is for modules. Thanks, Mark
Tracking history of changes
Is there a good waya to document dates changes and keep a history record in an Anaplan model?
Current Version
Hi all, I would like to ask a question regarding Current Version. If we have an entry module with no formula and no version applied to it, is there a difference if in the Formula Scope All Versions or Current Version is selected (provided there is a current version selected)? Also what is the impact if new data is added in…
Circular references
For a client I am building a planning model. Part of the model is that the model itself is attrackting funding based on a minimum cash level. Due to the fact the new funding generates cash in that specific year a Circular references occurs. Does anyone know how to deal with Circular references in Anaplan? Hope to hear from…
Deleting Data from a list, without actually deleting List
How to delete data uploaded from excel, from a list, without deleting the list. I have to delete the list again and again, whenever I upload the data incorrectly.
COUNTIF Type of Function in Anaplan?
Hello, I am trying to figure out if there's a COUNTIF type of function that can be used in Anaplan. I have a line item that lists various years in number formatting and need to know, for example, how many times 1988 is shown throughout that module. Any help is greatly appreciated! Best, Chase Cantwell
How to Calculate Days Difference between Two Dates
Does anyone know how to calculate the difference of days between two days? For example, (4/1/2015) - (4/5/2015) = 4 Thanks!
Changing a module's dimensions
I’m new to Anaplan, doing my model builder training.I wanted to know, when I copy a module, if I want to change the dimensions applicable to that module how I can do that?I think I’ve found one way – you can go to Settings > Modules, click in the “Applies To” column and switch in and out fields that way.Are there any other…
How to get COUNTIF type of formula in Anaplan
I was looking to count a list property text and come up with a numerical value total. In excel we can use countif, what can i use here in Anaplan?
Change user details
I need to change a user's information in the platform. How can I do that?
Backup & Restore
Hi everyone, I need your support regarding the restore function. Indeed, I have a model with 2Go which contains the data of 2014 and 2015. To reduce the occupied disk space I deleted the data of 2014. The space disk remains the same (2 Go). So I copied and archived the model (with data of 2015 only) and restored it,…
How to map a line item into a dimension
Hello, below my issue. I have a Module Product_FollowUp with product list and Time as dimension of this module. Inside the module, i have a line item "Assigned Resources" based on a list of Resources and others line item with number (ie : "Validation Done"). The Ressources is not a dimension of this module. I need a Module…
Error in Formula in Rep quota module
Hi , Can any one please help me with the following formulas used in Rep Quota Moduel: Tenure Formula: IF NOT Active? THEN 0 ELSE IF YEAR(START()) ‐ YEAR(REPSETUP.Start Date) = 0 THEN MONTH(START()) ‐ MONTH(REPSETUP.Start Date) + 1 ELSE 12 ‐ MONTH(REP SETUP.Start Date) + (YEAR(START()) ‐ YEAR(REP SETUP.Start Date)) * 12‐…
Unique Count in Summary
How do you write a formula that takes the UNIQUE count of values in the summary. For example: Product A: Rep 1 and Rep 2, Total = 2 Product B: Rep 2 and Rep 3, Total = 2 Product C: Rep 4, Total = 1 At the summary level for all products, the count of reps would be 5 however, the count of unique reps is 4. How can you get…
Timescale related formulas
I have update the list with fake time periods, how do I use the timescale related formulae like next/previous etc in the module? cheers,ym
How to use Time Period Format in a Date Formula
The date formula requires you to use numbers for the years, months, and days. I have 2 line items in a module that have the year, and a custom month list that contains the members of Jan, feb, mar, etc... For the month, I have a property on that list with the month number, so I can easily pull that into the date formula,…
Time and version variance report
I used to be able to do a time variance report with columns like Actual Period, PY Acutal, Act Period - PY Act, R3m Actual, Budget Period, PY Budget, Budget - Act, etc and rows individually formatted with styling, number formats etc. They way I did this was with line item subsets from two modules, one with variance…