Find the position of nth time a character appears in a sting
I want to pull the description details from the History log. I have calculated the number of commas before the Description column which is 3 but I am not able to find the position after the 3rd comma to extract the Description data for multiple rows. Row 1 - ID,Date/Time (UTC),User,Description,Security Change,Previous…
How can I set conditions (IF THEN ELSE) when the first argument of my IF statement is not BOOLEAN
Hi, Would like to know how can I set conditions (IF THEN ELSE) when the first argument of my IF statement is not BOOLEAN formatted. What I'm trying to do is put conditions on my Row's A+/A++...ect to determine what number (6,9,12..ect) they will fall under. I have a pic attached. Please advice. Thank you
Daily Rolling Forecast
Hi, I'm trying to set up in my Time Systems module a Daily Rolling Forecast, but having some trouble making it work. I have attached pics of what I have done. Please advice Thank you
Sum Error - Mismatch
Hi, I am attempting to bring in the sum of one line item from one module to the next and getting the error: Data type mismatch: format other than LIST or DATE being referenced as a relation Here is the formula that is failing: and the referenced module: Thanks!
Parent to Child Lookup/Selection - Part II
Does anyone know if there a best practice around sourcing data where the target module is dimensioned by a parent list and the source is a child list? Target Module: Roles Dimensions: Team Roles, Staging Opportunity Target Line Item: SF User ID Formula: Teams.'Item: SFDC User' Source Module: Teams Dimensions: Staging…
Getting error while applying lookup
Getting an error that The formula for 'REV05 Price Growth Rates Staging'.Unit Price % is invalid: Unit Price % = 'REV04 Price Growth Rates'.Unit Price%[LOOKUP: 'SYS04 Location Details Module'.Country, LOOKUP: 'SYS06 Product Details'.Product Family] 'REV04 Price Growth Rates'.Unit Price% is not a recognized line item or…
Time Setting Module
Hi, I want the Line Item "Current Week # of the Month" to show Current week number of the month when Line Item "Reference Date" is selected. Thank you
How to input for the first Item while using the Previous Function
Hi, I would like to know how I can input the first number that I need my Previous Function to read from. I know I need to add to the formula but not sure what to do. Please advice. Images attached. Thank you
Add value to a given Time Duration
Hi, I have a Module A with the following line items, format, and data: value(Format = Number)start(Format = Date (mm/dd/yyyy))end(Format = Date (mm/dd/yyyy))101 1/1/20192/1/20192013/1/20194/1/20203015/1/2020blank I have another module B with Time Dimension and a Line item - value_over_months that will be mapped to module A…
Question on Time setting Module
Hi, Trying to create a Line Item "Week # of the Month" that will give me from 1-4 the week number of each month when referencing my "Reference Date" ex) with Reference Date "2 Jan 19" the outcome will be Week 1 or in formula &"Week"&.... any help on this will do. Thank you
how to get the beginning month of the current year in a line item
Hi, for your assistance please. How can I get the beginning month of the current year based on the a line item which is Month format from a line item data converted from a number format to a date format? I created a system module but I cannot use it or refer it because the data that I need to get should refer to the line…
Using NAME with Numbered list
HI, I have a numbered list - 'employees' with the display name property set as Display Name. I have a system module called employee details dimensioned by employees list. I have created a text formatted line item in the module with the following formula NAME(ITEM(employees)). I expect to see the display name of the line…
Setting up SYS Modules for Time Settings
Hi, What function would you use to display the numbered week in the Month, ex) the third week of the Month.
Versions Question
Hi, I'm trying to set up my Model so that I can View the Actuals for the actual day it is and then after that just forecasted numbers. My Model is set up in Days of the Week and want to be able to view actuals for that certain day and then Forecasted numbers after that. Do I use the Switch Over function? and How? Thank you
summing up prior year data
Hi, Question please. I am trying to sum up all the values in the Depreciation line item column for prior years 2020 in my calc module by company. However, I'm having a difficulty to get all the previous years data and sum it up. Thank you.
weekday function
Hi, After using my weekday function, I got the number to display. Now how do I get The actual day of the week to display verses the number of the day of the week? Thank you
Calculation with different dimensions
Hi, I have 2 modules : one with the headcount and the other one with average salaries. I want to create a third module with total salaries (which is headcount*average salary). But, in the headcount module I have the headcount with line items internal vs external, and for salaries I have salary as line item. How can I…
isfirtstoccurrence formula
Hi, question please. I need to get the first data(#1), hence I used the isfirstoccurrence but not sure on why the #2,#133 and #362 are also checked in the boolean? Thank you.
Data Tags as a comment feature for developers
Hi team, As a Model Builder and BAU Support Team Specialist, I am interested in documenting enhancements in our models. Using only the Notes feature as a commenting tool, it is getting really hard to track them all after a couple of years of the model being rolled out. At some level of complexity of the model, it is…
New article: Decreasing Formula length
All, Just wanted to point you to a new article on using line item subsets to decrease your formula length. You can find it here: https://community.anaplan.com/t5/Best-Practices/Decreasing-the-Length-of-Your-Formulas/ta-p/88467 Please let me know if you have any questions, Rob
Yearly ESCALATION calculation
Hi, would like to ask on how can show the escalation yearly amount? for example FY21, the amount is 10M and for FY22 the amount should be 10M x 1.1 = 11M. Please see screenshots below. Thank you anaplan excel: should be amount
X[Min:y] doesn't return results consistently
Hi, In the first screenshot below, the formula in Min Start Date TEST is trying to get the earliest Activity Start Date by line item Campaign New from the second screenshot. There is no empty date in second screenshot, but the formula returns nothing in the first screenshot. This formula works in most other campaigns in…
Ability to Define Custom Weeks pattern for Each Quarter differently in Model Time
Currently Anaplan allows only to select one Week Pattern from 3 available to apply across all quarters in a Fiscal Year Time Calendar (https://help.anaplan.com/anapedia/Content/Modeling/Dimensions/Weeks_4-4-5,_4-5-4_or_5-4-4.htm) Example - Pick any one week configuration pattern from 4-4-5, 5-4-4, or 4-5-4 for all…
Accessing Data in other module
Hi, I have 2 modules say A and B Module A has id, name, key, value, key2_value For example: id name key value key2_value 1 x k1 v1 row_numidnamekeyvaluekey2_value1 1 xk1 v11 21xk2v12v1231xk3v13 42yk1 v21 52yk2v22v2262yk3v23 The formula for key2_value is IF key = "k2" THEN value ELSE BLANK Module B has name as rows and line…
Monthvalue in Anapedia
Hi I'm confused by the guidance in Anapedia on Monthvalue and Yearvalue functions whilst doing the Level 2 Model building. Having been advised to use these as part of the training to result in a boolean (which works) I was baffled by the Anapedia guidance that states it must result in a number. Is it a platform change…
How to post a Month from current year to previous year
Hi, I have a scenario where I have to post a line item which is month formatted from current year and post it in previous year . Module is by Year dimension . for example - I select FY 20 as dimension Line item -entry is jan 19 , Result - Want to post jan 19 in Jan 19 (though I input in FY 20 as dimension) Post /lag works…
SUM of a Line Item
Hi all, I am trying to calculate the total of a Line Item to use in a formula (for example: totals are listed at top or bottom but I need to use this total amount in a formula). I have tried to use a 'SUM' formula for the line item but have not been able to get the formula to correctly work. Is there a simplified way to do…
Calculation Month Mapping MODULE change???
Hello. Dear Anaplan Community. Anybody who can help with the Calculation Month Mapping? I got a task to change the calendar matrix and do some changes. In particular month, I have to delete the final run and move it to somewhere else. Or change the final run to 3rd run. If anybody is familiar with this module setting,…
Parent to Child Lookup/Selection
Hoping someone can help me with this one. The target line items are Split 1, Split 2, and Split 3. The target module is named 'Sales Pursuits' and is dimensioned by a list named 'Pursuits.' The source line item is 'Split Rank'. The source module is named 'Pursuit Team Split' and is dimensioned by 'Team Members' which has…
Have DCA drive when items are included in SUM formula
During our Territory Assignment exercise, the type of account dictates whether a particular rep type can be assigned to the account. We facilitate this via DCA. However, because the account types are sometimes in flux during the assignment process, a rep could be assigned to an account that they would later be ineligible…