Formula Summary Method for List
Hi, I have module with two lists L6, Metrics List and one line item L6 List is parent child hierarchy list Metric List is flat list with one parent (Total Metrics) Source(Line Item): ITEM(L6) The Ask is, In Source(Line item) values are not getting populated at Total Metrics Level Thanks & Regards, Asha
I am trying to take a 3 part Unique ID with delimiters and separate it at the delimiters. I can achieve this for the first 2, but not the last part. ex: 123-0542-236541 LEFT(NAME(ITEM(LIST)), Delimiter in Item Name - 1) = 123 RIGHT(NAME(ITEM(LIST)), Delimiter in Item Name) = 0542 Delimiter in Item Name = FIND("-", Item…
Display message on Period Level
Hi I have module which shows variance of data populated by month this module is published in the Dashboard. and a Text message in the dashboard is displayed "Having variance" or " No Variance".(This is a different module) which works fine based on data available or not. Problem here is, for example when 'FY17' or 'All…
Need formula help to calculate YEARTODATE -1
Hi, I have a need to calculate YTD Actuals but the amount should show the sum of values from start month (Jan 19) to One month prior to the current period i.e (July 19). The current formula I have is this: YEARTODATE('P&L by Cost Center'.Amount Adj[LOOKUP: Version Selector.Actuals]) I need to pull YEARTODATE just until end…
Formulas Not Adhering to Subset Formatting
I believe that I have found a bug, but wanted to check this by the Community to see if I'm missing something or if there are some additional creative workarounds that we could employ in the future. I've created a simple illustration of what we are encountering for the screenshots below, but what we are doing in reality is…
Removing Duplicates with custom conditions
Hi I have a requirement to delete duplicates with some custom conditions. Consider the Element "occurrence" in below image for your reference, I need a formula to automate this boolean element. Conditions are as follows 1.First two elements with first data "11" has Second Data "0" and "1" , In such a case , we need to…
Question on Maturing inventory
Hi Everyone, i’m hoping you might be able to help me, I’m looking to build a model which takes an inventory with a start date and then shows when it comes of age e.g. beef that needs hung for 28 days, or wine that needs stored for a couple of years. I’d know the current demand but I’m not sure how Or if I can get the…
Use Time Ranges in formulas: Make the Time Range a named member in the Time Dimension
If Time Ranges were true named member in the TIME dimensions we could easily control formulas and filters based on a time range. It would also allow for YoY changes in formulas to be maintained easily w/o having to create multiple line items. Many companies need to save off older versions for compliance reasons. Adding the…
Shared Node(Similar child in Anaplan)
Hi , I have two List List1 and List 2, List1 is a parent list of List 2 having 4 members as: Parent1 Parent2 Parent3 Parent4 Is it possible to add similar children(replicate same child) in all the Parent1 to Parent4. i,e Parent1 having child as Child1,Child2 & Child3 Parent2 also has child as Child1,Child2 & Child3 As per…
Stopped Data using time period
Hi, Anaplanner how to enter data and stop using time selection ?,, i have 2 time selection, start and end start for when data come and end for when data stopped
Identifying the max value for a specific field
Hi, i do like a dilemma it seems... I have a list with 2 fields (well lots but 2 that matter) Bvfsku and Vintage I want to add a field that indicates the one that has the latest vintage (2018 in this example) So a boolean or a number field that is set to TRUE or 1 if the Vintage is the latest year.... How can i do that…
Understand why a formula in the List Property is not working?
Hello, I have a list property that has a formula in it that was working and pulling data correctly. But today, it is not pulling data and I am not able to identify the root cause. Here is the screen shot of the list property formula: Here is the module where the formula is pulling the data from: Your help in guiding me in…
LOOKUP function Blank result
Hello everyone, I am currently working on a model where i am using some data i imported in formulas to create some relevant data for a YTD model. I am trying to implement the following excel formula : IFERROR(VLOOKUP(A2;'TCD CRISTALLINE'!H:I;2;0);""). So in the first part of the implementation i started off by trying to…
Trying to map data to a line item from a list
Hi, I'm creating an upload into a list. I've then created a module that looks back and returns the values from the list. I need to be able to map certain factories to certain line items. So if my factory is 1 then i need the line item to be returns from another module with a certain heading. The reason I can't use a…
spread of value on identical children
Hi, I have two modules, using two different list List1 and List2. List 1 module has a member FM and a line item amount value as 100. List 2 module has members FM1, FM2, FM3 & FM4. I want to spread FM value 100 from module 1 in module 2 having total four member starting with FM as 100(value)/4(count of FMnodes) = 25 each.…
New Item addition for List(not numbered list)
Hi, Can I add create new item button for a List(not a numbered list). Regards Madhu
group by line item
Hi, I have two different modules using two different dimensions. module 1 module 2 In module 2 I have an amount value, which I want to pull in to module 1. similarity between two module is Line item A (repeating text value), while pulling in to module 1 ,I want to group in amount value by Line item A( common line item in…
Dimensions type
Can we use one of the List properties as a Dimension to create a Module in Anaplan?
Formula Error Log
As a model builder and workspace admin, formula errors can be costly. My idea is to add an error log that tracks formula and calculation errors. This will help document who was doing what when something goes wrong. It will also help with enablement as you can review the error log and use it for training - ensuring that the…
Fiscal Year End
Hi, I want to get the value for my fiscal year end into a module (Date format) *See picture E.g. For my line item "Currentperiod" I can enter CURRENTPERIODSTART() in the formula field and get 2019-04-01 I want to do the same for when my fiscal year ends e.g. 2018-10-31 (should be dynamic)
Retrieve dimension as line item
Hi, I need to retrieve the selected dimension as a line item. For example, imagine I have a list with three items, Scenario 1, Scenario 2 and Scenario 3. What I need is some kind of function so that I can return the selected dimension, for example Scenario 1 in a line item. Any help is appreciated, thanks a lot!
Auto Number
Hi, I have a list of numbers, they are used for unique product codes. As you can see the last number we used was 201028. When a user enters a product in another module, it looks up the BVFSKUID from this list using the BVFSKU column, If there is no matching record, we need to create a new line in this list, with the BVFSKU…
Lookup on Line item subset "Parent"
Hi, I have a collect() module dimensioned by a line item subset and time and another by account and time, the account module is referencing the collect module using a lookup based on a mapping. The mapping dropdown allows me to select any member in the LISS and the formula works if I pick the first member i.e. Rent,…
Formula to pull dates from History log - Cell Updates
Hi! I would like to be able to pull information about the date/time when a cell is update. Example: If I tick a Boolean field called Final Position to mark a deal as ready to be contracted, I'd like to have an associated Final Position Date automatically fill in with the date that this cell for the deal was ticked
List Property in Text and referring the text from Module as List formatted
May I know how I am supposed to retrieve List Property in Text as List formatted line item given the list property in text matches a list member. Thanks in advance. Greg
Hi Anaplanner, i have problem with take amount from GL Mapping (picture 1) to stagging (picture 2), and i want sum by CC(number), how must i do ? in the picture 1 i use collect to take amount in GL mapping
Filtered list doesn't show all level of hierarchy
Hi I've created a filter using a list. Set it up as a boolean to only show products that I want to see. Issue is when I apply the filter i see the correct list - not the parents. I can't select the parents only the children. Any idea on what I'm missing.
Circular Reference - calculating average
Hi all, I hope someone can help me, because I'm currently struggeling with a particular use case. I'm creating an extrapolation for a client, and they want to use a combination of 3 extrapolation methods: Month on Month (MoM), Year on Year (YoY) and a Manual Run Rate (Manual). Each of these methods are given a weight,…
Numbered Lists
Hi, I have a numbered list, in which i want the numbers to start from 1. I have used this list as dimension also have referred in some formulas. i entered wrong numbers when i was inserting numbers to the list. Now when i enter the numbers it starts from the next index number. is there any way i cant reset it? Thank You
conditional formatting based on text value
Hi All, I have a text formatted line item which gives me the text message "Error" or "No error" based on condition satisfied. I want to color all the row having message "Error" as light yellow and "No Error" as light green. Regards Madhu