Loading parent/child DRM file to Anaplan
Hi All, I have a source file with Parent/Child and node Levels, total 7 levels max. I want it to Load it to Anaplan list(7 different list) at different list levels. we are creating 7 different load files to load at different levels in the list, is there any other way to eliminate the 7 load(1 process) and do this in one…
Revenue and Expense eliminations in reports
I am creating a Income Statement where I would like to see a column for eliminating intercompany activity. Has anyone built a report or module that handles eliminating accounts?
Format checker
I want Anaplan to check if the FORMAT of my line item correspond the the formula i'm entering BEFORE starting the calculation and if the format doesn't match the expected result, i want Anaplan to hold the calculation until i can change the format to match the formula results.
Sum by Account starting with specific number
Hi, I have a List with accounts starting from 4* ,5* and 6*. These accounts have some data value against them,I want to Sum up the data value by 4* ,5* and 6*. Regards Madhu
FINDITEM formula
Hi Can we use time rang for finding time period while using finditem function. Thanks & Regards Keerthi
Update Codes in a numbered list
Hi, I've set up a numbered list with an name property. The formula comes from a module - it should update the numbered list as well - any idea what I'm missing. Thanks.
Import data to a module - have code info in file but List has code description
Hi, I want to import data into module which has Account list, where Account list has code-description format Example '1000004 - ABC' My Source file has account code only with balance. i,e Account Balance 1000004 200$ while importing source file unable to map account code with account full name in list. Note: This is not a…
How do I sum across dimensions other than time?
Hello Can't see how this was done in the allocations video. I have a list for products, and a line item for sales. I want to introduce a line item that returns the total sales for all products against every product. 0x80070490 Beyond allocation use, is there a way to introduce a line item that returns the value at the next…
Fiscal Calendar Lookup
I am trying to lookup (using the lookup formula) the fiscal year, fiscal quarter, fiscal period and fiscal week using the date an item was sold. We have a calendar module that contains all of the conversions (date, FYear, FQuarter, FPeriod, and FWeek). Sales are tracked using Fiscal Week End Date so my formula for fiscal…
Extend Date format to include Time (hh-mm-ss)
Description: Being an Anaplan Builder, I would like to be able to have a date format with Time in it (hh-mm-hh) Some of our planning tasks are connected with work with exact timing (Date + Time). Currently, we have to upload this data as text and use RIGHT(),MID(),LEFT() functions to extract values. If we have a customized…
Month to Date Formula
Hello, I'm trying to use month to date formula. It doesn't look like it's working correctly. cumulative amount should never decrease if i'm adding values month on month. Thanks
Is it possible to override a formula in a line item? If not, how can I enter a starting amount?
I want to be able to enter a starting amount and from there on have a formula driven on the line item. Example. Beginning ARR manual enter amount in Apr, then it will drive the calculation to get the ending ARR. The beginning ARR will equal to previous months Ending ARR. I included several screenshot. The excel file…
Weekvalue formula
Hello, I'm trying to pull weekly data into a module that is based on months. I've tried to use the WEEKVALUE formula, it returns 0. My source data has a week value assigned to it. Thanks Hina
Exclude Zeros From Average
I am calculating an average but I do not want the zero values to be included in the average. How can I exclude them?
Using Lists in IF formula
I'm trying to create a formula to say IF 'countries-filter'.'1' LOOKUP[Countries.'UK & ROI' ] THEN 'Actual (Current View)' - 'Forecast (Current View)' ELSE 'Actual (Current View)' - 'Forecast (Previous View)'. My countries are a list, so i created a Boolean module. 1 - UK 2 - IT 3 -DE I don't think i've set this…
How do I get the data from a line item of a list in a module into another module?
I have two module. One call assumption, another. call Implied new room. I want to get the data from the line item call mix which is base on my subscription list from the assumption module . In my Implied new room module, I have 3 line item with the same name as my subscription list. I don't want to use a list because I…
Create Child in Numbered List
I had the original Model, and I was trying to replicate it. The pic 01 and 02 are the Original ones. The pic 03, 04, 05, 06 are my Model. It is restricting me to enter the values:- Soft Drinks, Tea.... I even tried creating .txt file and import it but it failed too. I need your kind help for this. Please feel free to ask…
Summing Module Results at Different Levels in Hierarchy? Even when I exclude the parent.
This is in regards to the SUM on the bottom right corner when you highlight the total number. It varies from different Hierarchy level of my chart of account. I have a parent and child chart of account with a top level. Ex. COA. COA L1 Top level is Total GL When I click total GL only and not select the rest, it shows me…
Why won't my vendor roll up to my Total department. It seems to be only this vendor.
I created a a vendor call MISC. Its to group all the vendor under a certain amount to MISC rather than showing a bunch of vendor. When I select Total Department, MISC won't show up. But if I go to the specific department call N/A or No Department, which is the roll up level. It will show up. I tried moving N/A around to…
Line Items Not at the Hierarchy of the Line Item Subset
I have inserted line items into a module where I have a line item subset set up. In the module where I am using the line item subset, the inserted line items do not fall in the hierarchy in the subset . thanks iosman
COUNTA formula in Anaplan
Hi, I was wondering if there is in Anaplan the equivalent of the "COUNTIF" Excel formula: basically counting the cells in that range that match a specific condition. I was thinking of using it for calculating the % of Cost Centres that have input data so far against the one that have no values. Many thanks in advance! ****
System Default date
We are building dashboard with workflow, where user approve/reject demand plan, would like to keep system date so that we will know when user made changes. It would be great system default date and time can appear there. Thanks,
Simple yearly average
Hi All having completed the 102 course I am in the process of building my first model, so please be gentle if I have asked a ridiculious question but I really cant figure this out. I have a line item showing balances across time periods and I would like a second line that shows the average for the financial year for the…
Distinguish between List Item or Line Item
Dear Members, I am new to Anaplan, so I would request your generous help. Order Number or Transaction Number is a Line Item or List Item? And if the answer is List. Then let me know, if millions of transactions happen daily in any Retail chain or Bank. And if we create Numbered List for the Transaction, after 1 Billion…
Sum one Line Item based on the value of another Line Item
Hi, I'm wondering is someone could help us with the following: We have a transaction module called "Data Store" which is made up of line items (columns) and a Transaction Unique Key (List - Rows) Refer "Image 1" for the Pivot View... Refer "Image 2" for the Model view. (This is a subset of the data contained in the module,…
How to get the average of the last 3 month from the same line item for Forecast version?
Hi, I am doing an OpEx forecast. How do I write a forumula to get the average of the past 3 month from the same line item for the Forecast Version only? I also want to be able to override the amount manually or by upload if needed. Is this possible or do I have to create another module to link it?
Analogue of SUMPRODUCT function in Excel
FIND list items by property value
Currently you're only able to use systm properties: Name and Code to identify List elements. Please add an optional argument in a FIND functions that would allow to use any single exact property in the selected list as a reference.
Code property
ITEM is not an occupied system property while CODE is. This makes the formulas ITEM and CODE not equivalent and thus inconsistent for Anaplan modelers. Since CODE() and ITEM() are very similar formulas, it would be nice to make their syntax similar. The practice that we use to keep formulas simple is creating “item”…
LOOKUP towards a line item that has less dimensions
Please add an option to use LOOKUP function towards a line item that has less dimensions. For example: I have a line item that has three dimensions: * Client * SKU * Month I try to get some masterdata from Region, Month level that doesn't have SKU dimension. When I try to use [LOOKUP: Client.Region] towards this line item…