Time Summary
Hi, I need to have a SUM summary for a line item but it doesn't add up but results to zero instead. I attached a screenshot for reference. Thank you.
New member or parent change flag
Hi, I have Account List, when my target list is updated with new member can it be highlighted in Dashboard. And Also when change in parent of the member can it be highlight. Please let me know Thanks Asha
Avoiding circular references with calculations on Previous List Item (Numbered List)
Hello community members! I am facing an issue which i cannot seem to find a solution to, but that someone might be able to help! This particular exercise started as a way to deal with massive amounts of sparsity in a model used by my employer. The business has a dimension (monthly vintages) representing monthly loan…
Return Summary Value/Parent Value
Hi Team, I'm trying to create a function whereby I can return the parent value of a list item without using SELECT. I am trying to use LOOKUP & it is not working I have a source module with a list (Machines - with a top level of Total Machines), a Mapping module with the Machines list and a line item returning the PARENT…
Flagging Non zero , number formatted line item
Hi All, I have a number formatted line item, i want to flag this field in another text formatted line item. saying its " error in value" else " No error", based on blank or non blank of first line item. Regards Madhu
How to bring in previous balance into current module? Or how do I bring in a rolling balance forward
I am creating a balance sheet. I am hoping if anyone can show me the best approach. I have two module. Previous balance module and current Balance sheet module. My previous balance module have no time scale. I want the previous Ending balance in my current module. I attached 2 screen shot to show you what I mean. When I…
Is it possible to have 2 different formula on the same line item?
I am creating a module that needs 2 different formula on a bunch of line item. Basically, if it's Actual, than its formula 1, if it's Forecast than it's formula 2. Is that possible, or am I better of creating 2 different module and using dashboard to create this? I know i can confine the formula to Actual or Forecast in…
Subtracting Months when using lookup
Hello.. I'm trying to figure out how to write a lookup formula that will subtract months. For example, I have the following line items Hire Date (Month format) Set for Jun 19 Revenue (Number format) Has 100 for Jan and each month increases by 100 (so 200 for Feb, 300 for Mar, etc) Test Result (Number Format) In Test…
Increase in more than 1 million times for Breakback line items
Proposal : Increase in more than 1 million times for Break-back line items Benefits : perform large inputs in break-back for initially very small, but non-zero values, excluding the step of force zeroing values by each cell before break-back.
To display a Text message in the dash board based on the Variance
Hi, To display a Text message in the dash board (Separate Grid not part of the line item) based on the Variance (If it is 0 to display message like " No Difference", If it is 1 " Need to take corrective action" ) Kindly Suggest on the same. Thanks Usha
Returning Parent/Summary value
Hi team, I'm attempting to create a function whereby it will return the line item value of it's parent without using SELECT. I have a target module with Machines List (Top level All Machines), a source module with Machines list and a system module with the Machines list & a line item returning the Parent of that list item…
If date falls within a date range in a list, then apply the end date of the date from the list
Hi, I have the following: • Module with a column for Lease Ending Date - My particular date I'm using for this example is 7/14/19 • List built that houses bi-weekly ending dates the Lease Ending Date can fall into (Goes from 2/3/19 to 2/17/19 to 3/3/19, etc.) - The date range the Lease Ending Date falls into is 7/8/19 -…
Clearing anaplan data before new load
Hi all, I have a module with data value against every month, and my process takes care of loading the new file data to the module. before loading new data file, I want to have a action to cleanup the existing data and the load the file data. Dont want to delete the target list here, but only the data in the module.…
What is Branch?
Can someone explain in a simple language of what is a Branch?
SUM function usage on different dimensionality
Hi, Please let me know if anyone can help me on the below question. I was trying to analyze an existing module. Here is an simple example of the logic I was trying to analyze. I have 2 modules namely Module 1 and Module 2. Module 1 has a line item 'Total' and Module 2 has two line items BU and Hours. The formula for…
How to add a Line item with a formula in a list within a module?
I am creating an income statement module. Inside the module I want to create a few line item that is sandwich within a list. List - COA, Department, Line Item - Amount Example. 5000 (A part of my COA list) 50001 (A part of my COA list) 5002 (A part of my COA list) Cost of Good Sold (A part of my COA list) Gross Profit…
Re-Order Conditional Formatting Rules
Hi Anaplan, When you have multiple conditional formatting rules or you create a new conditional formatting rule you currently cannot re-order the conditional formatting rules. This can make it difficult when reviewing conditional formatting rules to understand what you have defined. It would be great if you could re-order…
Need to create multiple version comparison
Hello Anaplanners - I am trying to add a 2nd column on this module that calculates variance between 2H Budget minus Forecast as you can see in the 2nd pic. 1st pic shows my versions. Every time I attempt to create a new row for this calculation, I get the error that you can see in the 3rd pic. At a past company, I was able…
Return sum of forecast in a module with no time dimensions
Hi I want to return the sum of values for a line item for my forecasted months. The module I want the value to be returned in has no time dimensions. Originally was using a look up to look at a certain month but not sure how to do it for sum of multiple months. - I have created a module that has my time filters. - Used a…
Get value of Day(numerical) from Timescale Day
Hi Team, I have a module in which the Timescale is Days. Now I need to get the Day from the date. E.g. for a time period 26 Jul 2015, I want to get 26 as my day. Could you please guide me on how to do that.
How do I sum across dimensions other than time?
Hello, Can't see how this was done in the allocations video. I have a list for products, and a line item for sales. I want to introduce a line item that returns the total sales for all products against every product. Beyond allocation use, is there a way to introduce a line item that returns the value at the next level up…
Creating Sub Districts
Hi, Has anyone experimented with having Sub Districts in their Territory and Quota Planning? For FY20 we have a new requirement to merge our North East District 2 and North East District 6 into one district: North East District 2. But, all vault accounts in the original North East District 2 will become sub district North…
Find YTD excluding current month and find YTG including current month
Hi I am in need to find the Year To Date excluding the current month and Year To Go including the current month. I tried with different formula and still facing some issues. Can you please help me on this?
Summary options with LOOKUP/SELECT functions - wrong percentages
Hi all, I've had some trouble lately with combining the LOOKUP/SELECT function and the summary function, when working with percentages. Let me show the issue with a concrete example. 1) First of all I have a product structure: [img height="75" style="width: 218px;" width="230"][/img] 2) For each product I calculate the…
Consolidate a sales plan
Hi, We have a new request from our sales ops to consolidate some plans. The ask is to consolodate two different sales titles, each from a different territory, each with a different quota component. The territories quotas are calculated differently however, but for the new consolidated sales title it will have the same…
Formula to populate lime item with months for a selected year
Hello All I have a Masterfile module that has lines items that use a select function to get the data for a specific month. However, I am now trying to make the module dynamic. This means that the end user can select a year and the module is updated with the months in the selected year. I have created a "Masterfile - Time"…
Returning Dimension/List Item based on Line Item
Hi, I'm trying to understand whether I can return a Dimension/List item when referencing a Line item rather than the Line Item result itself I have 2 modules. 1st module is dimensionalised by FX Rates (columns) & Regions (List Formatted Line Item) The 2nd module has a Line Item which is List Formatted with FX rates &…
Hi-Experts, I Have a requirement for that I need your help. Module name: Summery module Dimension in the module - Time, Category, Product, customer I wanna move to all products(except fruits) sales data to one customer(AR Channel). Fruits data move to another channel(FR Channel). IF ITEM(Customer) = Customer.AR Channel…
Get Value of Top Level
I have three lists: Product Lines L1, Product Category L2, Products L3. Total Products is the top level of Product Lines L1. I'm trying to calculate the product mix of each product in Products L3 as a percentage of Total Products. The module.line item that has the volume is Sales.Units Sold. But my question isn't about the…
Can I select a Parent within the same list and also another list?
I want to be able to select the parent from the same list and also another list, is there a way to do this? I am creating a Chart of Account, so there are certain account in the same list that I want to group it under. Example. 1000 -- General Stuff 1001 -- General admin stuff 1002 -- General Sales stuff In this situation,…