Data Store
Hi Experts, May I please know how calculated data is stored in Anaplan? For Example, we have 3 line items A, B, C. A and B have values 10 and 20 in a module. We write a formula for C = A+ B in the module. So in the backend, does Anaplan store the values of A and B only without storing the calculated value of C in the disk,…
Is there a way to set a numerical goal and track its progress throughout the quarter on a Dashboard?
I am looking for a way to communicate a sales goal by product and channel on a monthly basis. Please let me know if you have any ideas, Thanks!
Data load for duplicate rows
Hi All, I was trying to load data into a module, but my data file has duplicate rows. when I load the file, I was expecting the duplicate rows to be ignored or flagged as duplicate record value but it getting added in the member value. Example: Dimension Line item(amount) row1 ABC 10 row2 DEF 20 row3 ABC 30 row4 DEF 40…
Hi, I am having a module having a list dimension and weekly time scale. I want to cumulate the values of a line item w.r.t list items without cumulating it w.r.t time. Is there any way to do so ?
Count back for turnover
Hello everybody, I've come across a task to count some KPI's based on count back method. For instance, I need to count how many days it takes a company to cover its Account Receivable (AR) amount with monthly Revenues. It means that if a company has AR at Jan end = $ 2000 and Revenues as: current month (Jan) = $ 200…
Make the round function work as intended
Description of the enhancement required: The ROUND Function is not working as expected. An example of the enhancement: Make the ROUND Function work as intended. A story for why they want the enhancement, (how would it help their business process): It has been documented on Community…
Default Settings for new Line Items, Summaries, for Model and Modules
There are two other ideas that exist already one that are by default set sums to off and another that is to set defaults by module. Why limit to just as a whole product or module, why not give a default for builders or similar added to the Model Setting. All models are set to default none for all summaries and line item…
IF Formula - For combining a combination of criteria
Hello, I'm hoping I can get some help with using an IF formula to combine a criteria. The following three line item formulas are working correctly: Then I have the following two line items that show what list items should be ignored. Where I am having trouble is where I try to combine the two criteria in blue above and…
Rounding function showing inconsistent results
Hi We are getting some inconsistent results with round function in Anaplan which is causing bit of an issue at a client's end . I have seen few posts relating to round function so may be a know bug . Just trying my luck if anyone has been able to solve this . Below is an eg. Please note how rounding formula behaves…
Text value match in module and List
Hi , I have a line item Amount in Module A, and Line item Final Amount in Module B. both modules uses different List but the member in module B is a line item value in module A(text field). I want to Sum all the amount in module B based on the line item value match in module A. Regards, Usha
Finditem in Subset
Is there a function that will return whether a list item is a member of a subset? I can't figure out how to get FINDITEM to return a value. Example: I have a list of accounts segmented into three subsets, Group A, B, and C. Each account group has its own set of managers and assignment logic, so subsets are ideal. However,…
Enhancements for ROUND
Planners, As most of us are already aware that ROUND was not working as expected in Anaplan and we tried multiple workarounds to get this work done - Anaplan has now enhanced this in the latest release on 11/23. In this enhancement Anaplan has put in a new Method argument in the syntax - NORMAL and EXACT. Although these…
Trim a node name till special character "-"
Hi Team, Just looking for formula to trim my node name till a special character "-". 'AccountL1- 234' I want to get only AccountL1. Regards, Usha
Calculation of CAGR based on a baseline percentage
Hi AnaPlanners, I am trying to run a stimulation based on a business scenerio wherein i take in the baseline % and apply a CAGR (in %,can be negative or positive) to the baseline % to get my year on year growth.(image 1 shows the input module for stimulation) Image 2 is where i am doing the calculation. i am using a time…
Aggregating KPIs from daily to L1D, L1W, etc
I am trying to make a one stop shop for KPIs that are found across multiple modules and are dimensionalized by a days list. I need to find these KPIs in terms of the L1D, L1W, L3W and L6W and have it update as the current day is also updated, but I'm having trouble doing it in a way in which I don't need days as a…
Hi All, I have a requirement and this is a very rare formula. Please help me with the same. In Numbered list has Duplicate Products for different parents. For Ex: Product A is a parent member it has a 3 Childs(D, E, F) Product B is a parent member it has the same 3 Childs(D, E, F) Product C is a parent member it has the…
Using Sum on List Items
Hi, In one of our models w have weeks as a list item, with approximately 76 weeks in total. In one module, each week has a line item 'Score'. In a separate module I'm trying to calculate the sum of score in a 4 week period (between weeks 31 and weeks 35. How would I go about doing this? Thanks
Level 2 Sprint 2 - Creating Baseline Volume for FY21
Hello, I am having trouble pulling the Baseline Volume calculation for the Supply Chain model in Sprint 2 of the model builder trainer. I have created the following calculation and get the attached error. IF 'SYS01 Time Settings By Week'.'1st Forecast Year?' = TRUE THEN 'DAT03 Historic Volumes'.'Offset Volumes for 1st…
Cumulate Inquiry
Hi, I am currently supporting a project Budget Run and I come across a formula in excel where I thought was easy and yet kind of confusing. See on the attachment. I am trying to calculate the Recognized NSA on the template. The formula in excel seems to be adding up each previous month. I tried using the previous command…
Formula or Function to calculate a trend from historical data
Hello, I am currently trying to calculate a future trend based on actual historical data and was wondering if someone knows of a function or formula within Anaplan that works best for this? Thank you
Sum or count the number of recurring entries in a list
Hi everyone, first post and hoped that someone could help me as I have been racking my brains to try and do this So I have a list which is called tbl_masterdata, within this list is a field called BVFSKU which is text formatted. I have the BVFSKU's in a list (LK_BVFSKU) and this is used to populate tbl_masterdata on an…
Hello, I have some questions regarding allocations. Hope I can get some advice from you. Thank you so much in advance! Here is the background information: * Source Module: Flat file without time dimension. STATE WSLR BRAND LINECODE PDCN MONTH TARGET 1 MO BUD 3 Jan 19 1,000 2 1216 BDL 3 Feb 19 2,000 3 1111260 Mar 19 3,000…
Wrong Calculation when using selective access
Hi Anaplanner, I have module like a picture In module Final I'm using list level 3, and I give user selective access in level 1(Indonesia), and in the module group amount I take amount form module final and sum by variable, so why amount in group amount not the same with module final? Thank you
Value referenc Price effective date
Hello, I have some questions on one of my models. Hope you can give me some advice. Thank you so much in advance! @DavidSmith Here is the background information: 1) Source Module: Flat file without time dimension UNIQUE ID PRODUCT CODE MONTH NO WEEK NO EFFECTIVE DATE END EFFECTIVE DATE FOB 115331062155501-OCT-18 1153…
How can I 'sum' non numeric fields to pull data through from one module to another?
I am trying to pull non numeric data through from one module to another. I have found that "If your mapping table contains the Source List and maps to a Target List-formatted Line Item or List-formatted Property, then use SUM in your formula." but how can I pull this information through when the data I need is text…
Sum from one numbered list module to another numbered list module
I have imported my transactional data as a flat table using a numbered list. Something like this: I want the user to go into a second module where they can select drop-downs for City, and it will sum the sales. This second mapping module must be a flat table too (numbered list) because if I were to dimensionalize it, the…
Critical Field Check
Hi there, Just checking if any update an be applied to this challenge! I have a Masterdata list and module, that has 200 fields, of which 20 are Primary, 80 are Secondary and 100 are tertiary. When a new product is created, I would like to ensure that ALL the Primary fields are complete and display to the user the status.…
Ranking Project - One Category at a time
Hi All, Hope you are having a great day so far! I have a requirement to rank projects based on specific criteria of Profits from each of them. However, they need to follow a specific order to be considered for Ranking specified below- a. Mandatory Projects should be ranked first based on their individual profits b.…
Formula to number months within a quarter?
Within Q1, January is the first month (1), February the second (2), March the (3rd). Then Q2 starts, and April is the first (1), May is the second (2), and so on. Is there a good way to set something like this up? I ask because I want to build an IF AND statement, in which IF a value exists within a cell AND that cell is…
Shared Search Criteria
Hi, I have a module that displays our full Masterdata list, with 3000+ products. I have a search module with some of the fields (12) from the Masterdata module. Allowing the user to narrow the list down to relevant fields by using a boolean formula and filter to display just the items they need. It works exactly as…