Anaplan Power BI Connector - One Tenant?
Hi Anaplanners. I'm really enjoying the new Power BI connector but I'm having trouble accessing all the tenants I have access to. For some reason only one shows up. Does anyone know why this might be? @MagaliP I know connectors is out of the extension universe but maybe you know someone I can work with? I'm using the Power…
Releasing the Anaplan Add-in for Excel 4.0
The Anaplan Add-in for Excel is key for many Anaplan users, helping their business processes for reporting and ad-hoc analysis. We’ve made it even easier to take advantage of the Excel Add-in, with a seamless experience from installation to support. Version 4.0 makes it easier for anyone to install and upgrade the Excel…
Importing File No Error but Zero Created Cells
Hello Anaplan Community! I had an issue a few days ago where I imported a data file and everything looked good on importing, no errors were generated but no cells were actually created. When I checked the flat list, there was nothing imported into the list. The excel file was in CSV format and everything was properly…
how to know the dataflow in Anaplan
Hi , I am new to Anaplan. Please help me with the below queries 1.I need to know how is the dataflow in Anaplan happening. 2.When should I make changes in Spoke model and when should I do changes in Datahub.?
Data Integration - cheat sheet / decision tree
Dear Anaplanners, I went through the various materials available on the topic of Data integration and completed the related courses. Nevertheless, with minimum practical experience in the field of data integration, I still feel a bit lost. What I am looking for is some kind of summary of plus and cons of the individual…
What is Anaplan
Anaplan is a Web-based enterprise platform for business planning. Anaplan is also the name of the company that created the platform. Anaplan is a new-age cloud-based planning and performance management platform with use cases in Sales, Marketing, HR, Finance and IT. It connects enterprises and people that make better…
Anaplan Badges wont update
Hi, does anyone know why my badges wont update in Anaplan? I have completed Anaplan Way and got Certificate of a Model builder, however this does not reflect in my community Badges? I also, noticed that Model Builder certificate is only valid till the end of this year!
Publish Export Actions to UX without creating a Process button
At present we can publish all other actions to UX except for Export Actions, without creating a process button. It would be nice to publish the export action without having to create a process button. We could create process button only for those which needs to be grouped together. When we have siloed export process of one…
question about 2020/12 maintanance
Hi, I can not find the news about Platform updates in Dec 20. Does anybody has information?
How to get the FY19 and the FY20 values in the same Line Item.
Hi need help on the below query. I have three line items. A, B, C where in A and B are the inputs and the C is based on the Formula. IF (PREVIOUS(C) + A + B) < 0 THEN -(PREVIOUS(C) + A + B) * 0.0386 ELSE (PREVIOUS(C) + A + B) * 0.0386 The Function previous gives the value of the previous month. But I want the value of FY19…
Support of cyrillics and possible other national symbols in Anaplan Connect
Not quite critical, but It would be nice if Anaplan connect scripts could support names of the tables/fields written in local languages for example using cyrillic symbols. Currently such names are being corrupted into ??? characters and cannot be found by the database. This makes us to create additional views and thus…
Anaplan Certificate Authentication using python
Hello everyone, We are working on POC to integrate Anaplan with the other system in the enterprise, We are using Python, and currently struck at the Certificate Authentication We are using the below Code to Test the Authentication using the Certificate (public Key), Private Key and we are following, Please find the…
Google sheets add on is live!
Delighted to see the latest addition to our Extensions family is now live. For full details of our Google Sheets Add On check out https://community.anaplan.com/t5/Extensions-Knowledge-Base/Version-Information-for-Google-Sheets-Add-on/ta-p/91919
Level 1 model building Part 10: OTH01 Non employee expense module
Hi Team, I have done as instructed in the training and imported the data from a csv file to the module. All data gets imported but there is no mapping for the "Total" column in Source to target mapping, which seems to throw result as zero. PFA pictures for more clarity. Do I need to use a formula in total column or I am…
L1MB Part 8: Data Import for REV02
Hi, I have a successful data import (Volume Inputs.csv data) for REV02 Volume Inputs Module but I don't see any data inputs in my module (see screenshots). Can anyone guide me on what I did wrong? Thanks!
8.5.2 question volume input
Hi guys my view for Rev02 is different to the one in 8.5.2 how do i fix it please? is it supposed to look like this? Learning content My Content
Export de données
Bonjour, Savez vous s'il est possible d'associer une action d'export à une vue ? Exemple : j'ai créé une action d'export des résultats le mois dernier, donc avec comme sélection "Sep 20". En relançant mon export ce mois-ci, j'ai à nouveau "Sep 20" alors que j'aurais souhaité avoir "Oct 20". Pourriez vous m'aider s'il vous…
Importing into system module
Hi Team, I am trying to Import data into SYS08 Employee Details as part of my Level 1 model builder training program, but while importing i am confused as in what to fill in the time dimension. 1) Since they are flat modules so time dimension should not come, so is that my mistake? do i need to remove time dimension from…
Does anaplan support inbound and outbound REST integration?
Hi, We are using Anaplan API to integrate with other systems today. The process exports and import CSV. As we are trying to build the next version we are looking at options to use REST services with Anaplan APIs for both inbound and outbound services. Let us know if Anaplan can accept JSON name/value pairs for inbound and…
Level 1 - Lesson 7.2.1 and Lesson 7.2.3
Hi I am stuck trying to import data from the Product csv file and the Employee csv file. I think I am doing the mapping wrong. I tried all different combinations but failed. I have attached the screenshots of the messages I have been getting. I would appreciate some help. I can't see any imported data in the modules.…
Anaplan Certification Learning Path
Certification Learning Path At Anaplan, partners and customers are an extension of our team. Together, our teams ensure an elegant first deployment, from which customers can build as many additional models as they need.Anaplan partners are: * More customer-focused than ever * Empowered * Accountable * Certified to use…
Level 1 Model Building
I'm having problems on section 7 importing the file for SYS006. I believe my issue is with the mapping of the Time. I'm also having issues with SYS08 on seeing the data after importing the data. It is showing all 111 records did update with no errors. Any help would be greatly appreciated! Thanks! Terri
Import Saved view into list
Hi All - I am new to Anaplan and sure missing something obvious in implementing this use case. Could you please point me what I am doing wrong Use case: Create a button in dashboard for admins to add new Regions. As soon as a new region is added it should be saved in a list Here is what I did 1. Created a module (INP01…
Anaplan connector 3.1.0 for Mule 4 Integration
I am getting below when we use load data Anaplan component for model and workspace. Can some one help on this? details" : [ { "localMessageText" : "Import into FDL001 Data Hub - Casework module failed: The dimensions in the target module do not match the import definition.", "occurrences" : 0, "type" :…
Name an action on set up
I would like the ability to, when setting up an action initially, give that action a name that would be used in the Actions section of the model settings library and indicate if it is recurring or single use. Then by running that action it would either be kept with the name given - recurring - or be cleared from the…
Incremental data export to interface (informatica)
Hi All - I am looking for design suggestions to below the following use case. Please guide me . Thanks 1. We have a module for employee - role mapping (1:M) 2. Planners have an option to change employee role (add / delete) 3. There are other downstream systems looking for modified employee -role mapping data. Hence, the…
Level 2 - - Dimension problem for Import data from Data Hub model to S&C model
Hi all, I am working on this task from Level 2: I have the following DAT04 module in the Data Hub model which was successfully imported from csv file called Weekly Safety Stock.csv (attached here): The same module in the S&C model is this: And I can't import the data from DAT04 from the Data Hub model to this one. It looks…
PowerPoint Add-in: Installation requires elevated privileges
This item has been identified as an outstanding known issue. A workaround is provided until the issue is officially fixed. Issue For versions 1.6, 1.7 and 1.8 of the PowerPoint Add-in elevated privileges are required to install the add-in through command line and for the "all users" option. Workaround * Installing through…
Anaplan Data Export using Cloud ETL - Snaplogic
As per the Business requirement, need to export the data from Anaplan (Not Manual). To define this, we used Snaplogic cloud tool to extract the data and do data manipulation by using Anaplan Read Snap. We can configure this Anaplan read snap in two ways 1. Basic Auth 2. Certificate + Keys based on above information, we can…
Mule4 with Anaplan Integration
I am using Anaplan connector 3.1.0 and trying to access execute import streaming. I am getting below error. Looks the issue with user credentials. Any help would be much appreciated? Message : Authentication Failure. If you're unsuccessful after multiple attempts, your account may be locked. If you are using the Anaplan…