Ability to select copy/paste from right-click menu
Description: We would like to have the copy and paste buttons added to the right click menu. Ctrl+C and Ctrl+V work, but not all end users are proficient at this. So the actual buttons are needed as in Excel. Example of enhancement: In the right click menu, please add in the parenthesis Ctrl+C and Ctrl+V, so that a hotkey…
Ability to hide the email address from the blue toaster pop up
Description: We would like a way to eliminate the email address that shows up with the blue toaster box. Benefit/impact: We would like to eliminate this because we had a consulting group hang up the model and the end users were questioning why someone outside of the company was accessing our model. It created a lot of…
Global search/navigation - I want an easy way to find objects and data points as admin/end user
Description: Implement a global search across all modules/line items in the model. Please consider including the following: * In other software, there is a smart search feature when looking for a class, where I can type a couple of letters in upper case and it will match on words that begin with those letters. So the…
Ability to use hotkeys to scroll page up/down
Description: Add Ctrl up and down shortcuts (or ctrl+Home or ctrl+End) to get to the first/last cells in the module Example of enhancement: Adding a page-up or page-down hot key would allow for quicker navigation through large modules/lists. Benefit/impact: Scrolling or clicking one by one is inefficient, and the faster a…
Group models on the main launchpad by user defined groups.
Description: Group models on the main launchpad by user defined groups. Example of enhancement: Admins will be able to define groups in their workspace, which can be applied to models in the workspace. The models on the main screen will then display based on the group that they have been assigned. Benefit/impact: Currently…
Summary of Selected Cells Displays on Dashboard
Description: When selecting several cells in a module within a dashboard, we would like to see the summary (and perhaps average and count) of the selected cells displayed as well. This is similar to the customized status bar in Excel that shows the Average, Sum, and Count of selected cells.
Copy model from point in history
Description: Take a copy of the model from a point in history, based on the model History ID. Impact: This would allow investigation and audit of production models without affecting the source model. But there could be concern about this affecting storage, if people begin to create more copies. Example of enhancement: I…
Documentation/text on any object in the model (model documentation)
Description: As an administrator, I should be able to put a text description/documentation on any model object in the settings tab or blueprint. This should include: * Line items (in blueprint) * Roles * Versions * Actions * Modules * Dashboards * Lists * Properties * Subsets * Line item subsets Note that I should be able…
Copy/Paste not working for computers set to different number formats. Requires "locale."
Description: When copying a cell in Anaplan, the underlying value gets copied (ignoring the 'Decimal Point:' format set for the line item), and the browser's locale is used to set the decimal separator. This is flawed for companies with users in various parts of the world. eg, Anyone with French browser locale (which uses…
Read/write access by line item
Description: Enable read/write access by line item. Examples: Hide intermediate calculations, and don't let the end user see them even with Show All. Disable data entry where some line items are imported.
"Show Hidden Content" negates restricting access to Roles
Description: If you are not a WSA and certain views have been hidden from you in the "Contents" tab, you can show them using "Show Hidden Contents". This was always possible but wasn't as explicitly available as it is now. Users can edit these 'hidden' modules, probably because they have Write access, but this is not…
Match subsets automatically in import mapping when names are identical
Description of the enhancement required: If we create Subsets in a new target list with identical names, Anaplan should be smart enough to match those with the source subsets when running import. Unfortunately, the system appends " / Is Member Of" to the source, causing the matching on name to fail. This causes the user to…
Add new function AllPeriodsValue
Description of the enhancement required: Add new function AllPeriodsValue An example of the enhancement: The AllPeriodsValue function would work like YEARVALUE, but utilizing periods rather than year. It would have a parameter to choose whether a Brought Forward value should be included in the result. How would it help…
Description: Provide 'Undo' functionality throughout product. Could consider only allowing one two 'moves' backward. Could also consider limiting to data changes if needed. Impact / Benefit: This would greatly help our user experience in quickly reverting a change we make.
Rephrase action delete dialog so it is clear what is begin deleted from the model
A description of the enhancement requested: The customer would like the "Confirm Delete" message for deleting Actions in a model rephrased to not sound like they will be deleting all data within their model. An example of the enhancement: After selecting the Actions you wish to delete, the "Confirm Delete" message will…
More rounding options
Description of the enhancement required: More rounding options An example of the enhancement: ability to easily adjust summaries between whole dollars, thousands, millions.
Extend 10M item limit on RANK and similar functions
Description of the enhancement required: Raise limit on RANK function while maintaining adequate performance. How would it help your business process: We've been seeing more incidents where customers are hitting the cap placed on RANK and similar functions.
Comparison reports formulas show ID rather than names
When comparing two models, if you download the comparison report it shows when a formula has been edited. If this formula references another line item/property/list item/etc, it shows the ID rather than the name of the object To reproduce, Make a model devM, add a module Mod, add line items a, b, c set the formula for a to…
Manage Summary Type in Dashboard
We would like to be able to manage the Summary type of a line item from within a dashboard. Currently this is managed via the module's blueprint view only.
Remove time mappings that rely on fiscal year
Description of the enhancement: Remove time mappings that rely on fiscal year from import dialogue when model time setting 'Weeks General' Business case -why this would help the business process: As a user, I expected I could import file with a time format of weeks in numbers (e.g. 201712) while my Anaplan time settings…
Data dependent locking of cell data
A boolean property on a list; if the boolean is checked, data for that list item is locked throughout the model. Need to define how/who can unlock it. Could be very useful for custom task flows & locking mechanisms. Useful for custom workflows.
Allow time functions on regular lists
Allow a model-builder to do functions like cumulate, previous, and next on regular lists. Currently this is only possible on the Time dimension. Many use cases for this, e.g. in a tiered compensation or bonus compensation plan.
Custom groupings - As an admin I want to organise my model objects, such as lists, into groups
Similar to functional areas for modules, but allow admin to easily create custom groupings and assign objects to them, so that their settings objects are organized. This should be included everywhere we currently have 'Re-order', as it will need to be incorporated. For example, set of line items for UI data, calculations,…
Special characters
Ability to handle special characters in the code field.
Allow the native search function to search any part of a string, not just from the beginning
Description of the enhancement required: Allow the native search function to search any part of a string, not just from the beginning of the string. How would it help the business process: Having this option would make it very transparent to users when filters have been applied. Would also help model builders to configure…
Abkhazia not on Map Chart
Country Code for Abkhazia is not in the "Map Regions & Codes" downloadable, and subsequently won't show up in Map Charts. Please provide the country code for Abkhazia
Search grid data
As an admin/end-user I want to search on data as well as column/row labels
Additional week formats
Description of the enhancement: We would like to have a Week format that will combine the number of the weeks in period and the period associated with the week. For example, for week 50, we'd like to see Wk 2 - P13 FY14. I imagine this is a concern for retail companies as this is the way most retail companies look at…
Request to 'tone down' Quick Sum Bar warning
Description of the enhancement: The mixed data types warning is confusing and distracting to my users. Can it be toned down? Example: The yellow looks too much like an error and could be viewed as there being an issue with the data selected. How it helps my business process:
Adding Months in Text and Numbered Format Line Items and Numbered Format Line Items Only for FY
Hello Everyone, I had A and B as text line items and Third and Fourth as numbered line items. I created a logic to add two filters in the grid: one to show only the Third and Fourth items in the FY view and another to show all line items in the monthly view. In the first image, you can see that we created a Line Item…