Compare Values Incorrect color for negative version amounts
For a line item that has a saved value that is negative (take net income for instance), a less negative or positive value to compare to should be green, but is highlighted as red when you use color coding with the compare tool in Anaplan. Has this issue been identified before? Seems like it would be an easy fix since in…
Color Theme Formulas
Giving different sections of a formula different colors to organize while writing it. Especially when writing a longer nested-IF formula, it would make the organization of the formula easier as well as decrease opportunities to stall the model.
Locked model greys out Open button but not Copy/Delete buttons in Settings, Modules
Description of the enhancement required: The behaviour in a locked model is odd, while in the model module screen, the open button is greyed out, the Copy and Delete button should be greyed out too since trying to use them will result in error saying the "Sorry, the model has been locked by another user". Misleading to…
Ability to format a cells by logic instead of numbers such as blank or not blank
Hi Anaplan, It would be really useful and if you could format cells by logic instead of numbers directly on the cell. This could work by having blank or not blank in the formating parameters or true or false. Thanks, Usman
Maintain & Return to Model Builder's last Position in Modules / Dashboard / Actions lists
The search feature in these lists is nice, but anytime I have to switch between them I have re-find what I was looking at when I go back. A major, yet simple quality of life improvement for model builders would be when I switch between these lists, hold the scroll position I was on and take me there when I return. For…
Linked Formulas
Forgive me if this has been posted, but I did my due diligence and nothing turned up. It would be awesome if formulas had a click-able hyperlink to its source cells, similar to when you double click on a cell in excel to show a formula and it highlights the precedents. Its also similar to "Drill Down", but instead of being…
Standard lineitem format for each module (different from number)
We would like to have an option to set a standard line item format for each model / module. It would be nice if we could set a standard lineitem format for each module, so we can differ from the current standard of number formatted lineitems. For example, in my access driver module, I would like to have a standard boolean…
Front door SDP Launch pad Customer display
On frontdoor when logged in showing available models and workspaces, instead of Customer with drop down, show selected customer name
Ability to double click and open a summary line item
Hi, It would be nice if we have the ability double clicking to open a summary line item.
Search Option while Selecting Lists for Module Dimension
There should be an option to search lists while applying to modules. In our use case, we have too many lists/subsets to scroll and select the appropriate one. Changing a dimension is even nightmare when multiple lists are applied to the module. Ideally, It is should be similar to how we add actions to a process ( Click and…
Version formula with valid Circular Reference error does not appear only until a new module with Ver
Description of the enhancement requiredIt would be useful to have a preventive check that would prevent Version formula with valid Circular Reference to be saved during initial setup of the model prior to any new module creations.An example of the enhancement:When creating a new model from scratch, when the model builder…
If a model saves during a process, the progress bar will read as 'Generating failure dump' which is
When running a process, if the model saves it incorrectly tells the user that it is 'Generating failure dump' instead of 'Saving model'. This is causing confusion for customers as there are no failures after the import has completed.
Do not count null cell values when creating modules
Hi, I would like to suggest you do not count null cell values when creating modules.
Change Time Range start month from Jan (calendar years) to March/April (financial years).
IDEA: Allow Time Ranges with Financial Years to be applied to Input / Output Modules - i.e change Jan commencement to Apr. Within the Financial Services Industry, it is common that the format of Reports / Outputs, as well as Inputs, use the Financial year (e.g year ending 31st March). To allow this functionality, the…
MAILTO should also use list formatted line item as a parameter
Currently MAILTO function does not work when there is a parameter (To,CC,BCC) with list formatted line item to select which email ID to select for email notifiaction. Currently either it must be text formated or hardcoded in the MAILTO formula.End user should be able to select the given list of approvers if there is a…
Time Range Selection on Module Creation
Allow model builders to select a TIME or a specific time range that's been setup while in the 'New Module' window, when first creating a module - to avoid having to change in blueprint mode later to all line items.
Pretty Printer bottom when creating formulas
Hi, It could be very usefull if we had a pretty printer formula when creating formulas. I know we can check the formula indented when clicling on Drill Down, but it will be help us when we are developing formulas. Regards, Fayelle
Filter and drill down in lists
As a model builder, it would be really useful the option to use filters in the properties of a list, as well as having the option of drill down in lists.
When I Create a New Action / Module / Dashboard take me to it in the list
When creating an Open Dashboard action in a very long list of actions, the action gets created and the list gets scrolled all the way back up to the top. Our Actions list is over 1500 items long, we have hundreds of processes, imports, exports and other actions to scroll through making this simple task of adding a new open…
Save user roles globally across models
I have a couple of common user types that I always create for every module. It would be useful if these could be saved as default choices and used across all models in the workspace.
Functional areas: add a column which indicates which modules belong to each functional area
It would serve as the "refenrenced by" column, to identify quickly which modules belong to which functional area. This would enable to remove unused functional areas more quickly and identify if some modules are in the wrong area
Open multiple models in 'tabs'
It would be extremely useful when working between models to be able to open them within side-by-side 'tabs' within one browser tab (a la Smartsheet), and avoid having to exit the model back to the dashboard.
Quickly Sort Row and Column Labels
Add an option to quickly sort labels alphabetically by using something like the right-click menu. This wouldn't necessarily need to be saved after the model is closed, but would act as a quick way to order the list and allow items to be found more quickly because they are in alphabetical order.
Improve message description on error message displayed
It is not clear to many of our users that they need to click on OK on the message attached in order to go to next step. This happens alot at quarter rollover. When we are done with a quarter we archive the model for that quarter. SFDC automatically tries to bring you to the last model you accessed. The last model they may…
App Hub videos
Some of the Anaplan App Hub apps obviously have videos assosciated with them but it may well be that they all do but they can be difficult to locate. Where there are supporting videos (on YouTube) for Models in the App Hub could you give a link to those videos in the App Hub.
Option to pick a separator, when using TEXTLIST as "Result = Source[TEXTLIST: Mapping]"
Good to give user the ability to pick or type a separator instead of default comma, as there might be commas in the orginal text strings already.
Drag-and-drop re-ordering of line items in blueprint view
The current process to re-order line items in blueprint view is very cumbersome and time consuming. On some larger models, we use them in a sub-optimal way simply because the job of re-ordering the high number of line items is too big to take on. Much better would be the ability to simply drag and drop to re-order line…
Admin rights need to be more flexible
As a model builder and Admin i'm frustrated by the lack of flexibility when it comes to admin rights. 1.) Admin rights should be able to be assigned per model not per workspace, this gives newcomers to the platform a 'safe space' to experiment with model building, writing formulas, inputting data and more without worrying…
ESEF - requlatory reporting reguirement
The European Single Electronic Format is the electronic reporting format in which issuers on EU regulated markets have to prepare their annual financial reports starting from January 2020, meaning reporting done in 2021. After this all annual reports have to be prepared also in XHMTL. Where the annual financial report…
Calculation Functions
Do not mark switchover automatically when creating a new line item.