Include slicer functionality similar to excel - i.e. save filters in a button
Description of the enhancement required: Enabling slicer facility in Anaplan tool like the one in Excel https://support.office.com/en-gb/article/use-slicers-to-filter-data-249f966b-a9d5-4b0f-b31a-12651785d29d How would it help your business process: Customer would need this facility of Slicer enhancement due to multiple…
Improve error message where you are unable to give a list item a child
Description of the enhancement: Improve error message where you are unable to give a list item a child, if it has a child item in a different list You are unable to give a list item a child, if it has a child item in a different list. Error: "Parent item has a child item that is in a different list: You can only add a…
Match subsets automatically in import mapping when names are identical
Description of the enhancement required: If we create Subsets in a new target list with identical names, Anaplan should be smart enough to match those with the source subsets when running import. Unfortunately, the system appends " / Is Member Of" to the source, causing the matching on name to fail. This causes the user to…
Ability to wrap text on line item names
Description of the enhancement required: Word Wrap for Line Items and/or Rows instead of just Columns An example of the enhancement: Ability to wrap text on a dashboard without having to publish the line item as a "selected line item" How would it help their business process: Majority of the line items or members on rows…
Custom time period format
Description of the enhancement required: Include a way to format weekly dates by Start/date - end/date such as in excel. A story for why they want the enhancement: Currently we have a gantt chart view in Excel which shows run dates on the columns with the activity detail in the middle of the grid. It is easier for us…
Add new function AllPeriodsValue
Description of the enhancement required: Add new function AllPeriodsValue An example of the enhancement: The AllPeriodsValue function would work like YEARVALUE, but utilizing periods rather than year. It would have a parameter to choose whether a Brought Forward value should be included in the result. How would it help…
Ability to add brought-forward value in time totals
Description of the enhancement required: Enable the option to include Brought-Forward value in 'All Periods' time total. An example of the enhancement: When turning on Brought Forward, the user could specify when selecting 'All Periods' for this item, if the resulting value should include the Brought Forward value in that…
Increase limitation on the number of cells drilldown can handle
Description of enhancement requested: Currently the drill down feature has a limitation on the number of cells that can be shown which is an issue when the data I am utilizing has a significant amount of data. I have one division alone that has 200 departments and when I need to drill into that division to try to find why…
Ability to use Enter key for all confirmation dialog messages
Description of the enhancement required: Add shortcut for "clicking ok" within format changes. Typically enter. An example of the enhancement: A hotkey that gives an alternative to clicking the confirmation. How would it help their business process: I would like to start using more keyboard than mouse. Currently, that is…
Top 10 filters on tables
Description of the enhancement: Top 10 filters on tables. We need to create top 10 tables that are able to be filtered by different criteria. Today the only alternative we found is to make a calculation for the "ranking" of the items in the table, but this is static information, so it is not dynamic when filtered. How this…
Blank dates should not be taken into account when a line item is date formatted and the summary ****
Description of the enhancement required: Blank dates should not be taken into account when a line item is date formatted and the summary method is set to "minimum". Anaplan should designate the lowest applicable date when this summary method is chosen An example of the enhancement: If there are three child nodes under a…
Ability to more broadly reference Versions in Anaplan functions
Description of the enhancement: Ability to more broadly reference Versions in Anaplan functions At present, Versions are restrictive to work with functionally. There is no ability to use the Version dimension as a list format, or to reference a version such as IF versions.Q3 Forecast THEN xyz
Enter formulae in data entry cell
I want to be able to enter formulae in data entry cell, e.g. (100+30+40)% and pressing enter shows the result
Prevent customers accidentally creating an excessive number of line items
Description of the enhancement: Can a limit or warning be implemented to prevent a user accidentally creating so many line items via a blueprint import? Business reason for requesting this enhancement: We have had multiple instances in the past, of importing a file into blueprint mode, which we actually intended to import…
More rounding options
Description of the enhancement required: More rounding options An example of the enhancement: ability to easily adjust summaries between whole dollars, thousands, millions.
Comparison reports formulas show ID rather than names
When comparing two models, if you download the comparison report it shows when a formula has been edited. If this formula references another line item/property/list item/etc, it shows the ID rather than the name of the object To reproduce, Make a model devM, add a module Mod, add line items a, b, c set the formula for a to…
Better User Auditing of Who Uploaded Data
Description of the enhancement required: We wants easier tracking of who uploaded data, within the list or module itself (as additional cells is an idea). We want the name of the person who uploaded/created an item of the hierarchy to be recorded in a cell. We would like the following included: * Email ID/Name of uploader…
Ability to manage different summaries in a different way for different levels
If the user has Quarters, Half Year, and Year summaries, they want to be able to set the summary method for each summary. eg, for quarters set sum, for half set none, for year set sum. Currently you can only set the same summary for all levels
Predefined Time Filters
Description of the enhancement required: TIME FILTERS We created a VIEW with only CURRENT QUARTER data and published it to a dashboard. Now next quarter, we need the dashboard to refresh automatically for NEXT QUARTER data. To achieve this, we had to create a TIME FILTER module, add line items like CQ, PQ etc and define…
Manage Summary Type in Dashboard
We would like to be able to manage the Summary type of a line item from within a dashboard. Currently this is managed via the module's blueprint view only.
Switchover for End Of Year
Description of the enhancement required: Be able to have switchover throughout the year. This would allow a version to match actuals for line items with time, but have separate information in other line items. An example of the enhancement: Admins could select FY as a switchover time period for a version, and then that…
Remove time mappings that rely on fiscal year
Description of the enhancement: Remove time mappings that rely on fiscal year from import dialogue when model time setting 'Weeks General' Business case -why this would help the business process: As a user, I expected I could import file with a time format of weeks in numbers (e.g. 201712) while my Anaplan time settings…
Allow time functions on regular lists
Allow a model-builder to do functions like cumulate, previous, and next on regular lists. Currently this is only possible on the Time dimension. Many use cases for this, e.g. in a tiered compensation or bonus compensation plan.
Special characters
Ability to handle special characters in the code field.
Allow the native search function to search any part of a string, not just from the beginning
Description of the enhancement required: Allow the native search function to search any part of a string, not just from the beginning of the string. How would it help the business process: Having this option would make it very transparent to users when filters have been applied. Would also help model builders to configure…
Add a custom formula for summary that doesn't necessarily apply to rest of cells in that line item
Description of the enhancement required: The ability to add a customized formula for the summary that does not necessarily apply to the rest of the rows within that line item (currently the formula for the line item becomes the formula for the summary if you are to select the "Formula" summary option). How would it help…
Abkhazia not on Map Chart
Country Code for Abkhazia is not in the "Map Regions & Codes" downloadable, and subsequently won't show up in Map Charts. Please provide the country code for Abkhazia
No subtotal for Weeks: General time setting
Description of the enhancement required: In the timescale settings add Total of All Periods for Weeks: General timescale How would it help the business process: For example, looking at the travel and tourism industry, which is highly seasonal (e.g. different destinations, hotels, and services are in demand in the summer vs…
Editable hover-over text on cells
Description of the enhancement required: The Hover-Over Tip function: Allows the user to hover over a cell, table, module, model, dashboard or buttons which then shows a short description or identifier for the object. An example of the enhancement: User wants to see a short background description without having to drill or…
Search grid data
As an admin/end-user I want to search on data as well as column/row labels