"Omit Summary Items" should omit summary Line Items for Tabular Exports
Description of the enhancement: An Export with radio buttons "All Line Items" and "Omit Summary Items" selected results in Summary Line Items not being omitted. The "right" behaviour should be that Summary Line Items are omitted, or that a radio button with "Omit Summary Line Items" exists. Use case: 1) Exporting data from…
Export files as Excel(.xlsx) format from Anaplan
Description of the enhancement required: I want to be able to export Excel(.xlsx) format from the Export Dialogue Box in the model. An example of the enhancement: 1) Open any module in a model, go to Data dropdown list, select Export. 2) In the Layout tab, user wants to be able to select Excel(.xlsx) as a File Type under…
List exports to Excel limited to 65536 rows
There is a limit on the export of 65536 rows. Excel 2007 can handle 1048576 rows.
Improve Process Completed dialog box to highlight any errors
Description of the enhancement required: I am experiencing an issue for Non- Workspace Admin users performing an upload process. After running the process the dialog box reports Process Completed Success but upon reviewing View Details you can see there were errors. This is an issue for users who do not know that some of…
Provide capability to import blank values for dates and list formatted line items
I would like the capability to blank out cells. This is not currently possible without clearing target before import. Description of the enhancement required: Ability to blank out cells without clearing the entire module each time An example of the enhancement: During the upload, there is an option which allows user to…
Export Model Map to PDF/Excel
Capability to Export Model Map from Contents page to PDF/Excel.
Export line item codes
Description of the enhancement: To be able to export the line item codes instead of only the line item name. Description of business use: I have a financial statement report module where I have accounts as line items. This is because some of the accounts are calculated. We have a need to export this module with account…
Option to export conditional formatting in export to xls
Description of the enhancement: Add an option to include conditional formatting in exports to xls