CloudWorks - Page Readability
Hi everyone, Is it only me or does the CloudWorks Page - Integration & Processes Page in particular - lack in terms of readability in your opinion? What I mean by that is, there are presumably cases where users have lots and lots of Integrations & Processes listed one after another and it's pretty cumbersome to manage them…
CloudWorks Integrations & Processes General Columns
I don't want to waste the space to create an extensively long name to identify what Model my Integration corresponds to, especially when we add many new integrations. Can you please add the Workspace and Model to the columns available when looking at Integrations so I don't need to click into every single one to check…
Exact time in CW process details
I am a CW integrations Admin and have built CW integration between different models that runs every night. I have a lot of processes so I can't put them in one flow. Also I have some processes that should run in parallel, so I left them out of flows and set their own schedule. Setting up the runtimes is very time consuming…
Incorporate daylight savings in Cloudworks time zones
Now if I select London time zone in Cloudworks schedule, it will not automatically change the time in accordance with daylight savings in UK, forcing us to adjust the schedule manually. The same goes for other countries with daylight savings. It would be great, if daylight savings were added to Cloudworks schedule time…
Add "includeDetails" parameter to "Retrieve lists" API Endpoint
Currently "Retrieve lists" Endpoint returns only an array of lists which contain only "id" and "name" information. [ { "id": "101000000000", "name": "Organization" }, { "id": "101000000001", "name": "opportunities" }, ] For my use case, I need to find out which lists have Selective Access. There are two ways to do that:…
Add Option to Publish Integration Flow Button to NUX
I have recently been working on creating an iterative process to link disjointed records to a parent within a hierarchy using logic that checks whether the relevant item is within the date range for a specific set of criteria. Because I don't want an end-user clicking the same button over and over 1—> X number of times, I…
Add message Import csv file into module and examples in Import learning section
Recently, we noted Anaplan import process delete / zero out more records than source csv file, and learned it's related to Clear target prior to import which was ticked although at same time " Matched item in source" for all non-time dimensions and "Matched items only" for Time Dimension. What happened? - system import…
Microsoft Fabric/OneLake integration in Cloudworks
A) Background (to better understand my starting point - you can just move to B) ) A lot of our for Anaplan relevant data is currently hold in azure blob storage/ADLSGen2 in Microsoft Azure and is directly connected via AnaplanCloudWorks (read/write in and out). Incoming data are uploaded manually or (for mass-data) by…
Integration to a non jdbc driver data provider
Hello all, Can someone let me know different/efficient way to connect a data source for automation syncing data which doesn't have jdbc driver in it.
Extend CloudWorks to support *External tables* in Google BigQuery
CloudWorks currently integrates with Google BigQuery and supports the following table types: Standard BigQuery tables, and Views. It would be useful if this support could be extended to include External tables (where the data is stored outside of Google BigQuery). At the moment I need to create an intermediate table in…
Schedule automated Anaplan notifications
As a Page Builder/Integration Administrator, I'd like to be able to schedule Anaplan native UX notifications. This would allow me to send native (instead of email) notifications to a set of users (hard-coded or lineitem-driven) about a predefined page. I'd like to be able to have different scheduling options, each being at…
Display which UX Pages Actions have been published to (per existing classic dashboard functionality)
Hi Anaplan - I was hoping that, similar to what is already done for classic dashboards, there could be a column in the Actions tab which indicates which UX Pages each Action and Process has been published to. This would be massively beneficial (as inferred by its existence for classic dashboards), and seems to have been…
DocuSign > Anaplan Integration for multiple Users
Currently, when using the DocuSign integration inside Anaplan, only the User who creates an envelope or workflow has access to that envelope or workflow. This idea is to allow for multiple Anaplan admin users to be able to view/edit/use each other's created envelopes and workflows.
Increase number of integrations for Cloudworks
Increase the limit for Cloudworks integrations & integration flows from 500 to 1000.
Use columnar file formats with cloudworks
WIth the ability to connect cloud storage to anaplan with cloudworks, it would be great to be able to use columnar file formats (like parquet or orc). Parquet format is considered a better file format for analytical workloads as large sets of data can be read faster than with row files format (.csv, .txt, .tsv..). As these…
Auto Change of Width and Height post adding data i.e. Time etc.
Manual change of values for height and width isn’t a ideal solution as user unable to even view any of the values. Screenshot for your reference: For this scenario user selected below data for the insertion of image: Clearly user wants data of Time Nov 20, but user able to see data which is even not clear till June only,…
CloudWork: Support dynamic source file name
It will be a good idea for CloudWork to accept the source file with dynamic file name. For example: File name which suffixed with Date and/or timestemp.
Allow .tsv files in the Cloudworks UI (again)
The Situation Currently we import all our files as a tab separated file (tsv), bundle a set of import actions in a process and orchestrate these processes trough Cloudworks Integrations. Tab separated files are one of the first possibilities in the file options: To indicate such a file is tab separated all our files are…
Dropdown menu in Excel AddIn
Hello, We currently have a dropdown menu in the line items when selecting items from a list - as per image below: However, when we create the connection with Excel, there is no dropdown nor anyway of knowing the names of the list which have to be manually inputted - please see image below: Is there any way of giving the…
Cloudworks Integration Flows in UX
At the moment, we are able to add Cloudworks Processes to the dashboards and the addition is great. Could we do the same with the Integration Flows? I see multiple benefits from this for several customers and I do not think that the implementation would be too different from what is currently in there. Is this currently in…