Level 1 11.3.4 - Formula Error
Hi - I have tried to look through the response of those who have had a similar error but I'm afraid I'm still not too sure how to fix this. Error: Invalid formula for 'REP03 Profit & Loss Report'.Revenue: Automatic sum of 'EMP02 Employee Expenses'.Headcount over Users hierarchy is not possible as Users does not have a…
Hi experts, I have three modules below: I wanted to get a subtotal of product1 based on the selected GRP2 & GRP9 product groups in the target module. I tried to use LOOKUP, SUM, and SELECT, I received an error. Please advise me on this case. Regards,
Formula assist
Hi I have a module which has a section for a "reviewer" to select a boolean to mark as reviewed. Reviewers are limited to certain persons and certain products. Initially, I had just used the Employees List and created a subset for reviewers which worked fine. However, I now need only certain reviewers to certain products.…
help with formula
Hi, I'm trying to create a function that divides two line items, but the second line item needs to be the value of the 8th month from the first line item. This is the function that I created. 'F01 Funding Breakdown'.Total Funding / IF MONTH(START()) = 1 THEN OFFSET('F01 Funding Breakdown'.Scaled New Originations, 8, 0)…
9.2.5 Activity: Unit Price %
Hi, When I try to copy and paste this formula I get the below error and cannot seem to work this one out. The formula for 'REV05 Price Growth Rates Staging'.Unit Price % is invalid: Unit Price % = 'REV04 Price Growth Rates'.Unit Price%[LOOKUP: 'SYS04 Location Details'.Country, LOOKUP: 'SYS06 Product Details'.Product…
safety stock flag count: sprint 3 level 2
Hi This is my formula for Safety stock flag count: 'INV01 Inventory Ordering'.safety stock exeption count[SUM: 'SYS08 SKU Details'.county made in] but for exam this is showing incorrect. even though data is coming right I don't understand where i am going. Please help me . @Misbah
Total Positions for multiple dimensions
Hi Can there be any other solutions to show total positions having two or multiple lists on rows? Currently total positions is working with one dimension on rows. Thanks Tejaswini
10.2.6 Activity: Add Formulas to Employee Expenses Module
I am getting this error and similar error in other line items. Not sure if i have missed any step earlier. Can someone help. Thank You
Default read/write access for selective access lists
Hi, I would like to enable end users to set up the selective access to a list. It is possible to do so for existing list member. I set up an action for them to run so that the selection of access rights in a module is imported to the Users tab (list write/list read) as shown in the first graph. But when a new list member…
Hello, Can we change the rows and columns in a module after the module is created.. For Example product code is defined as column in the module, after the initial creation of the modul i want to change it as rows is it possible Also once a module is created , where can we see the rows and columns defined for that module…
Restricted Currency Conversion
Hi All, I have been working on a scenario where for users of a particular country, I want to show the output in Euro and USD but for other countries it should be only Euro. Is there a way I can control this through logics or I have to create separate pages for users of both countries? Thanks in advance! Best, Shekhar
Time Function in Anaplan
Hi Team, Need your help with the below requirement, We are using 5 line items with a date Format. Line ItemsEmployeeABCDEMahesh12-02-202101-01-202110-01-202112-12-202010-01-2021 Based on the available Dates, we want to find the earliest date through the formula. how we can achieve this Anaplan? In the above example, the…
Can Switchover be used on a Daily basis?
Is it possible to do Switch over on a daily basis versus a monthly basis?
Level 1 Model Building - 8.5.3
*Edited* Found out my error was when I imported the header row and first data row has to moved down one row. May I get some assistance on what is the correct mapping? Trying to edit date format to allow proper importing of data but can't get to options if I map correctly. Followed previous community posts.
Drop-down list showing only Write-access list members
My client uses the Organization structure as the secured dimension in the model I am working in (Business Unit / Cost Pool / Cost Center) with Business Unit secured. They have multiple modules (pre-existing model in which I am making major modifications) that contain these lists as line items but are NOT used as a…
Filter Issue
Hi, I have a module with 2 lists (currency and tasks) as dimensions and a boolean line item. Im trying to apply filter on the boolean line item, if TRUE then only the respective currencies satisfying the boolean condition from currency list should be displayed. Im trying to apply filter but its not working as Task and…
User Filter Filtering
Hi Guys I have been trying to solve this issue and having no luck. Reaching out if anyone had a similar issue and was able to solve it with clever tricks Module 1:- dimensioned by the user ( native user list) A user enters no of lines as a numeric value Module 2 :- Dimenshioned by List 1 and List 2. Please note that this…
Level 2 - Sprint 3 - Inventory Ordering Module Formulas
Hello everyone, I get an error when I try to add this formula to the Beginning Inventory Line Item. I'm not sure why I get the error. Can someone help me out with this? FORMULA: IF 'SYS01 Time Settings By Week'.'NOT First Week of Timescale?' THEN PREVIOUS(Ending Inventory) ELSE 'DAT01 Beginning Inventory'.Beginning…
Model Not reloading/opening back to its original state even after cancelling the task
Hi, I am facing an issue in terms of opening a data hub model to its original state for past 6-7 hrs but it is not opening stating “The system is currently processing changes by user XYZ”. I tried cancelling the task, closing the model from “Manage model” section but nothing worked to my respite. I only see “closing” being…
You can't access a card
I am getting this message "You can't access the card" contact your workspace administrator. It has been happening to me for the last two days. Any solution for it would be highly appreciated. Thanks