Sparkline - specific time selection ?
Hello, I was wondering if it's possible to choose a specific time selection for sparkline, and how to do it ? Indeed I have a dashboard filtered on a specific week for example here the week 23, The KPI growth % and the sparkline associated show me the trend of the week 22 to week 26, but i would like to have only the trend…
Update the added list Item name from Dashboard
Hi, I am using action Create to add item to a list from dashboard. It is adding the item as a number. (For eg #59), but I want to add item with a proper name to the list. Q1. How to add item with a proper name from the dashboard using the action button Create. Q2. How to delete a single created item from dashboard only.
Applying time filter in page selector || count, sum etc. features in insight grid of worksheet.
Hi, Please help me out in following: 1) My module has time filter to show monthly value of desired year Additional to it, I also need to keep the time as a page selector in the top right of UX page . Can I apply similar time Filter to this time selector as well: can I restrict this time selector to show only the desired…
Share an App page to dashboard
Greetings, I have a dashboard and an App page, i would like to know if it 's possible to add a "button" on my dashboard so that when the user cllick on it he will be able to directly reach the App page. I've tried something with the App page URL but couldnt figure out why it was not working . Thanks in advance 🙂
Create button Parent selection in New UX - Bug?
Hi, I noticed a bug on CREATE button in New UX page. Recently, Anaplan added a feature to auto-populate Parent if select the Parent before hitting the 'create' button. But sometimes, it doesn't populate the parent. I tried to refresh the page, but it still it doesn't work. Basically, sometimes or may be for some Parents it…
How to clear dependent drop down list line item value
Hi, I have created dependent drop down list line item. . See below example data entered by user. Rack Market City is based on Rack market State. Market -StateRack Market - CityAlabamaBirmingham, ALAlabamaBirmingham, AL Later user changed state value to California and forgot to change the related city. But city is still…
NUX - Access to pages to specific people inside a Role
Hi all Access (or restricted access) to pages are managed by role, but in this case, it includes all people attached to this role. Is it (would it be) possible to deselect people inside a role to give access only to specific ones? Thank you
Filter List Hierarchy of non-composite list in the UX
Hello! I have found very gentle and beautiful solutions for filtering lists if they are composite ones, but i am struggling to build a filter for a-non composite list which has 5 levels of detalization. Hierarchy looks like this: And in Anaplan it looks like this (client does not want a composite list, he wants it in this…
Dependent Dropdown Issue
Hi, I have built a dependent dropdown but its not functioning properly. I have a hierarchy which follows the certain order: Entity>Segment>Product Below is my segment hierarchy Below are my line items which are list formatted When I am selecting the top level of Entity, my segment dropdown is showing entity list and on…
Dynamic Time filter in the new ux
Hi, question please. I am trying to do a chart in the new ux and the time filter should be dynamic in the sense that if I choose Monthly - the chart should show monthly and if I choose in the filter the Quarterly, the chart should show quarterly figures in the chart and same with the Half year and Yearly. The time filter…
"Failed to Create Item" error in NUX
Hi, In Dev environment, I have two general list "L1 Maintenance Category" and "L2 Maintenance Detail". L1 got a Top Level Item setup and has been setup as parent hierarchy of L2. In NUX, two Form (or button), B1 and B2, have been created to add list item into L1 and L2 respectively. Button B2 works fine, user can click the…
Map Setup
Hi All, Is there a way where I can show all the 3 line items (Sales, Direct Cost, Indirect Costs) as a part of the country details within the map in the New UX?
Dear Anaplan ... Why?
Dear Anaplan, I love the new Model Experience, it's elegant, organized, gives me easy access to things I need and the search feature is amazing. Unfortunately, I can't use the A+ Chrome extension with it. Why would you take that away from me 🙁? My productivity is at least 10% lower. (shhhh don't tell my boss) I understand…
Text Boxes on a Board
Is there a limit on the number of text boxes configured as links to pages on a page
Field Card drop down blank after selecting same value
In a New UX page, I have a field card with 2 drop-downs. BEFORE If I re-select the same value from a drop-down, then the value no longer displays. For example, if I go to the Forecast 2 drop-down and choose "UAT Forecast" from the selector again, then the field displays nothing per screenshot below. All the data on the…
Numbered list display name
Hello, i have this issue: the first picture is what im trying to achieve, the second picture is what i have now. i dont understand why the numbered list doesnt take the display name property as its display value, instead whenever im adding a new item (through a form) im having this #.... Any idea? Thanks a lot 🙂
Level 1 Training - New UX pages bug
In Level 1 training, sections 13.4.12 Action Card configuration, successive screen images run together witihout clearing the prior image. Also the audio is missing on the second and third screens.
autogenerate code based on form entries
Hi guys, im building a grid in an app wich will be populated by end users through a form. i've created an action with a form but the problem is: my form has 5 entries which correspond to selected line items in my module. 3 of those are drop down lists and the others are manual entry type. im trying to generate a code based…
Hide Columns & saving view
Hi, I have couple of questions related to new UX: 1. if or how a non workspace admin user can hide unhide columns on new UX? 2. And how can a non workspace admin user save his personal view on new UX? Thanks for the help, Divya
You don't have access to submit this form error
Does any one encounter this type of error? I have a form in NUX where I can add a new item on the list, I don’t have any issue before but then suddenly I’m getting this error. In Dev model, I’m not having any problem but when I switch to the Prod model, then I encountered this. I have full access and an administrator as…