Image Link on share folder
Hello everybody, I would like to insert a picture on a page. For that I created a text link Line Item. This link is connected to a picture on our MS Teams share folder. Even though I do have the access to this Teams folder, the image on the Anaplan page will not be shown. Can somebody help me? Many thanks
Anaplan and Power BI - It's here!
Finally! It's here. For those of you that use Power BI to supplement your visualizations, you're in luck! https://community.anaplan.com/t5/Releases/Announcing-the-Anaplan-Connector-for-Power-BI/ba-p/89942 Brilliant! Nice job @MagaliP Personally, I give you the most improved aspect of Anaplan award for 2020. Am I allowed to…
Refresh Function in Excel Add-in should provide option to submit changes
Description: If a user changes data in a read/write view of data in Excel via the Anaplan Excel Add-in and then subsequently clicks on the "refresh" button, the Anaplan interface does not inform the user of any changes that have been made to the data before the view is refreshed. This results in any changes being cleared…
Excel add-in, Date time settings
Excel Add-In error: Refresh failed due to unexpected error. Found out that when the Excel template is created with Regional settings [ ex. decimal symbol as Dot / . ] is different from your system settings [ ex. Decimal symbol Comma / , ] then the refresh fails and shows up unexpected error. This is solved as soon as the…
Gather 4 Clues to Find the Mystery Roadmap Item
The end of the year is fast approaching, and in the UK this usually means lots of quizzes (now done virtually, as opposed to at the pub). In June, I did a quiz about the Extensions, but many things have changed since then—so here is a new one for you to polish your knowledge about those products, as well as to discover an…
Disclosure Management Tools
Colleagues, hi! I was wondering if you can share your experience with different Disclosure Management tools that you've used so far in your organizations for the purpose of IFRS / US GAAP full pack preparation. I've heard from my colleagues that there is expected to be delivered a new type of page but, personally, I doubt…
Excel Add Ins
Our Extensions provide a powerful way to connect your Anaplan environment to MS Office and so share Anaplan data across your wider business community. Details of the latest version information around our Excel Add In can be found here;…
Ability to modify the SSO URL in powerpoint/excel add-in
It would be nice if within the Powerpoint/excel add-in, you could modify the SSO URL without having to uninstall and re-install the software. If a user is having issues logging in, it would be easy to check the SSO url, and modify it if they put in the wrong information. Sometrimes IT has to be involved with installing…
Excel Add-In: Possibility to display name or code for list members
I would like to have the possibility to extract different attributes for a list member in the worksheet via Excel Add-In (rather than just the name), in the same way the direct export from Anaplan allows: display name, code, parent, etc. Few examples where I find this functionality useful: reconciliation process after a…
Anaplan Excel Add-in 4.0 Crashed every time after clicking on Sign-In
We have observed an issue since today(Oct-9) Issue:Excel getting crashed when trying to Sign-in and observed it in multiple systems.is there any work around for this? Steps:1)Open Blank Excel work Book 2)Click Sign-In and enter details 3)Click on Sign-in and Excel crashes post clicking on Sign-In Thanks, Uday
Designing a Better Upgrade Experience: How Customers Helped
As a Master Anaplanner and the Extensions product manager at Anaplan, I'm excited to share today lessons learned from building a better Anaplan product, how our users have contributed to our decision making, and how you can apply those principles as a model builder for your community of Anaplan users. In August we launched…
Excel Add In - Add Properties Similar to Labels Tab when exporting out of Anaplan
It would be great if you could add properties in the excel add in, similar to how when you export from Anaplan you can add properties from the underlying list using the labels tab.
Excel Add-In - Remap
When using the Remap feature, if you select a view that doesn't match the original structure, it should give an error instead of crashing excel. The error message was available in 2.x and is not working in 4.0
Information flow between Docusign to Anaplan
Hi, I see that within the Docusign integration that information can flow from Anaplan to Docusign but is there a way to send entered information (inputs) back to Anaplan as well? Information such as Name, email, and signature status is capturable but I am unsure about other numerical data that is input. Help will be…
DigitalCPX 2020: A New Way to Plan: The Anaplan User Experience | Planning and Reporting Experiences
Carrying on the conversation from this morning's Product Xperience Chat about the planning and reporting experience, please post your questions for the Product Managers in the forum below.
64 bit Office
Our company recently upgraded to Office 365 64 bit version. Before upgrading the 32 bit version of the Anaplan Excel plug in was removed from the computers. After the upgrade, I downloaded the 64 bit Anaplan Excel plug in to install on the user's computers. Each time the install fails, saying "Install ended prematurely,…
Excel Add 3.4
What are some common causes for worksheets losing connections to Anaplan? Users have built workbooks that have included excel add in workssheets that then linked to summary works that worked fine for a time and then the user returned to the workbook and then Excel Add-In worksheet was no longer connected to Anaplan? One…
Anaplan Data Integration with Hyperion
Has anyone tried to set up a data integration between Hyperion and Anaplan? I've read a bit about the Enterprise Cloud Accelerator from Wipro, but was wondering if anyone had some experiences with either this tool or another route. Our Anaplan is integrated with a number of different tools using a combination of the API…
Excel Add-in Q&A —with Master Anaplanner Sonal Tripathi
We're back this month with more from Master Anaplanner Sonal Tripathi, talking about the how the Excel Add-in was helpful in solving two key problems for admins and end users. From saving time to running sanity checks, Sonal's team recognizes some key benefits of the Add-in and is already considering more opportunities in…
Creative usage of Office add-Ins
General Information * We have listed below some of the best practices we recommend for the Anaplan product. These are based on our experience and are subject to change as we deliver new functionalities and learn more about how our customers use the product. * If you would like to contribute or comment, please contribute…
Data export
Hi Friends, Other than Tableau, what are the external systems where data gets exported?
Can someone please explain, what these mean in Anaplan Informatica Connector?
Excel Add-in Authentication method settings (applicable to PPT as well?)
Hi, As an add-in user I would like to be able to change the authentication settings anytime after the first installation attempt. This is because while a number of users might be able to install an Add-In on their machine with non admin rights they would not be able to uninstall it. This means that if a user is providing…
Add-Ins - Quickly Edit/Amend connections
As a model builder/user I would like to be able to quickly amend my connections so that they can easily be re-pointed to different Workspaces and Models. I will know that this is successful when I will be able to quickly change my connections and re-point to different workspace and models, perhaps with a functionality…
Excel Add-in: Allow for the ability to connect spreadsheet interface to more than one connection
If a model is archived, then retrieved , its model ID changes. The model ID change disables the spreadsheet's data connection. Suggestion: Allow a spreadsheet connection which was created under Model ID "Example_1" to be redirected to Model ID "Example_2". Otherwise users are at risk to lose work created under Model ID…
Ability to change switch models in the excel add in
moment when you set up an spreadsheet reports pack via the excel add in you select a model to work from and are not able to change this. I would like to be able to change the model you look up to without having to rebuild the reports pack. We have a medium sized reports pack that works in the excel add in taking a lot of…
is anaplan hosted in saudi arabia ?
hello I wanted to know if Anaplan is cloud is hosted in Saudi arabia ? and also is Anaplan integrate easily with SAP S4 Hana ERP ?
Anaplan Connect Powerpoint Decimal Points
Hi All, When posting tables from Anaplan to Powerpoint using Anaplan Connect it is ignoring my number formatting entirely. As you can see in Anaplan they look real nice but when I import the table into Powerpoint it loses the dollar formatting and the decimal point restrictions. Is there a way to fix this? I can export it…
Run an Import process via postman
Hello Experts , I'm new to Anaplan and currently exploring the Rest API's . I'm doing a POC on the below requirement . The requirement is to send a csv file from a SAP system to ANAPLAN using an Import action (Expectation is the details of the csv file gets updated in the import table in ANAPLAN) . Below steps have been…
OEG Best Practice: Best practices about Excel add-In
* General information * About this article * Best practices General information * We have listed below some of the best practices we recommend for the Anaplan product. These are based on our experience and are subject to change as we deliver new functionalities and learn more about how our customers use the product. * If…