Urgent help requested
Hi Friends, If my file is no longer available in the server. Then after importing the file and manually running the action. Will it read the file from the server instantly or in the job run time.
Anaplan Mulesoft Connector Refresh Token Issue
Hi Team, We are using Anaplan Mulesoft latest Connector for our client and With certificate authentication or basic authentication, Anaplan connector is failing while getting Refresh token after every 30 min. This behavior is happening randomly. So when 30 min completed and we send a request it is failing because of…
Import file to module
HI team, I am trying to import csv file to a module, it is worked and record updated in respective module. But when the same action trying to update using new set of records in source csv file via manage import data source "file not exist error " getting. i have delete the action and import again it is working in dev…
Hyperconnect connected by Tenant and allow sub-selections for Workspaces and Models
Within the API, reference support ticket: Issue with AP API 2, it is possible to call the model ID, workspace ID, and all of the actions within the model. When using Informatica Hyperconnect you must set up a new connection per workspace, per model, and that seems extremely inefficient, especially when you are using well…
Level 1 Model Building #E2 Employees import
Hello, I can't get the Employee list import to work. I've tried all thinkable combinations of settings when importing the employee list to the #E2 Employees numbered list, se enclosed import page and error report. Can someone help me out? /John, Anaplan beginner.
Lesson 8.5.3 Volumes Data Import Rev02 New
Hi - I am having trouble importing for module 8.5.3. I have uploaded data and chosen the format as shown in other members questions for this module. Steps I followed: 1. Updated CSV file update to show first header is row 2 and data in row 3. 2. Chose correct parameters and chosen "Fixed Line Item" for Rev02 3. Went to the…
Date format during CSV import
Hi All, I am trying to import the below CSV file to module, but unable to get the correct time mapping detail, any help will be appreciated . CSV File :- Mapping Column view :- Time Dimension mapping view :- The problem is I am not getting the month neither under "Pattern and Separators" nor Fixed Position patterns. I…
Import of Saved View
Hi All, I have created the module SYS12 SKU Data and Saved view as "Build SKU" and "Import SKU Details". but while importing the Build SKU saved view in new list P3 SKU I am not able to find the saved view for selection , below is the screenshot for the same. Let me know if in case I am missing any thing ?
level2 sprint2 : import DATA03 into historic volume
Hi in the attached screenshot my import is getting completed but it's getting ignored. please guide for the same
level2 sprint 2 - Run Process 9 Import Data from the Hub.
Hi all i know we need to change the timescale for DATA03 can anyone guide into how to do this please.
Lookup Mapping
Hi All, i am facing the issue in referring the data using the lookup function, I have described the issue in the attachment, if any body can help me with this it would be great. Thanks Vivek
Importing from a module into Users
I am trying to import from a module into users. There is one field in the module for a particular user that we are trying to bring in multiple values in the list selected. We are using the "text" format to enter the two different values in that list because we can't select multiple values in a list when it is in the "list"…
Time settings change
Dear Friends, If I update time settings (Month & Year) in Dev and then using ALM sync with Test & Prod. Will it get updated in Test & Prod?
Ability to use the CREATE action in the NUX
Currently the ability to create items directly in a list (using the create function) is only in the classic UX. Can we migrate this over to the NUX?
*Urgent* Add user in Production
Hi Community Friends, My Dev model is in Standard mode and Prod model is in Deployed mode. I have added an user in Dev but unable to add in similar way in Prod as it is Deployed. So do I need to follow ALM process for adding the user in Prod?
export action
Hi, We faced an issue with export job. Captured some error in file like " Error parsing key for this row; no values: 1 ". Could you please help me what this error meaning? and why this came? "Error parsing key for this row; no values: 1 " Thankyou
Anaplan clients import options - cost?
Hi, I'm wondering about the 3 more advanced import options that Anaplan have: Anaplan Connect, ETL Connectors and Rest API. I take it that Anaplan Connect comes along with any Anaplan license so would be no extra cost for an existing client? And what about ETL Connectors and the Rest API - disregarding what the client has…
Data Import for DATA01 LEVEL 1
Here are my screenshots. I followed the instructions but my result looks like this, see first screenshot. What am I doing wrong? Please help outputreport says no failure version has forecastThe set up
How to extract user login details
Hi All, Can you please me , how to extract the user login details from Anaplan
Mass upload into Deployed Model
I'm in need to change the user-editable values en masse in a module in a model that's in Deployed mode. The module is dimensionalized by a production list, and the two lines in question are simply user-input quantities. I've created the import action in Dev and rolled that into Production so I can run the same action, and…
copy data from Budget to Forecast
Hello togehter, is there a function to copy whole Budget data to Forecast Scenario (including Global inputs and staff set up)? Thanks for your answer, Corinna
ALM suggestion with DEV-TEST-PROD Sync
I have made some changes in the model in Dev (it is in Standard Mode)... Created Rev Tag... My Prod model is Deployed mode with Rev Tag... So I will compare and sync Dev (Standard mode) with Prod (Deployed mode)... Now my Test Model is Archived due to space issue... So to sync, I have to Archive Dev now... And they sync…
Search option to find the module name while importing
Hello, It would be great to have 'Search option' section, so we can easily search for required module while importing. This helps to quickly search the required module from the list as it saves lot of time scrolling. Thank you.
How to integrate Machine Learning Model written in python with Anaplan modules
Hi Ana planners I was curious to know how can we use/integrate a ML model in python notebook/script/pickle file within Anaplan modules? Also if its not possible to integrate inside Anaplan modules then can some one suggest the structure of the process when the ML model is deployed in a cloud environment and the results…
Anaplan connect: error in upload
Hi, Currently we are working on automating the process uploads with Anaplan connect. An error occurs for data transfer between 2 models in Anaplan. If the process is ran via the scripts, I get the following error: Import into module failed: The column headers in the file you are attempting to import do not match the import…
Provide a way to determine usage of processes,actions,imports,exports runs
Provide a way to extract history of processes/actions/imports/exports runs to determine its usage and help with clean up efforts in the models.
Reset Continuous Serial Numbers using Rank formula from one Module to Another
Dear Experts, I basically want to Reset Serial Numbers in Ascending Order using Rank Formula from the last number (from one module) and start over with the next number (in another module), for example:- In the "ABC" Module, I used the Rank formula:- TEXT(RANK(1, ASCENDING, SEQUENTIAL, Country = Country ZBB.US)) which ended…
Copy Across data
Hi I have Costcenters list and user entering data for one cost center in a dashboard and user wants to copy same data to other cost center How to do give such option to user in dashboards? Thanks Tejaswini
Hints for a Successful Data Integration
Recently I took a webinar on Data Integration into Excel and found the hints there directly apply to Anaplan data integration. Nothing fancy...just my notes. Hope it can be used with you or your Clients. Hints for successful data integration into Anaplan: * Data format:* Text or csv * Insure all column headers are unique…
Anaplan Power BI Connector - One Tenant?
Hi Anaplanners. I'm really enjoying the new Power BI connector but I'm having trouble accessing all the tenants I have access to. For some reason only one shows up. Does anyone know why this might be? @MagaliP I know connectors is out of the extension universe but maybe you know someone I can work with? I'm using the Power…