Level2 (Activity
It seems I am missing the "s G3 Location: Distribution Center" column after I did my import. How do I get that included when importing?
unable to create a model in level 1
unable to create the new model in level 1,please provide the solution.
Level 1 Exam Activity 4
I believe I have uploaded the EMP02 Employee Expenses and EMP03 Employee Drivers by Role correctly but when I go to change the formulas in EMP02 Employee Expenses for Bonus etc. I receive an error. IF Employed? THEN Salary * 'EMP03 Employee Drivers by Role'.Bonus %[LOOKUP: 'SYS08 Employee Details'.Department, LOOKUP:…
Hello, I need to write a formula to taka data from one module, but only for current month. I can not use LOOKUP function, because dimension doesn't match. e.g. When the formula includes selecting a specific month by SELECT: Month.October everything works, but I want to give the user the option to select the current month.…
Allow Pivot = New UX
Hi - I can't turn this setting on. What elements are affecting this?
Baseline Forecast in DEM03 Demand Forecast Module is 0 - Level 2 Model Building
I feel like my formula is correct but for some reason I am only seeing zeroes as values in the DEM03 Demand Forecast module. Is this an issue with the DATA03 Historic Volumes module? To my understanding, the values in Baseline Forecast should be the volume values from FY 19. Does anybody know where I am going wrong? Here…
How to restrict user to enter unique names in numbered list?
My requirement is to create numbered list and to restrict user to enter duplicate values for display name property. Please assist how can I achieve this functionality?
hide values in cell based on bolean check
hello guys, i have this module dimensionned by a list. The list is made from differents families and the row axis is made of many lines item and whenever an element is added by the user it insert itself on top of the its parent(family). so the parent is the total line of his elements, what i want to do is to be able to…
L1 Act 5 Error: Data type mismatch: format other than LIST or DATE being referenced as a relation
Update: Thanks to the community. I have completed and passed the Level 1 test. I think I entered the correct formula for editing the formula, but I am getting the error above. I think I get it that there is a mismatch in the format, but I am not sure where to look for it I also think that each data type I checked are all…
using lines sum in another formula
hi guys, i would like to know how i can do this in anaplan ( image). i have a module dimensionned by one list. the module is published in the new ux as a worksheet filled by the end users using a form to create a product line. some user will create an "others product" line. what i need to do is to create a line for each…
Division wrong output -- Results of division are multiplied by 4
Has anyone else encountered this problem? Tried using both DIVIDE(x, y) and x / y, results are always multiplied by 4. Odd Division Output
Missing data in forecast version of REP03 module
Please help. I am Missing data in the forecast version of the REP03 module and cannot figure this out. I feel like I've checked everything three times, and don't know why the data isn't populating.
Breaking apart SUM/LOOKUP
Hello all, My team is working on breaking apart a particularly complicated SUM/LOOKUP formula that was built 4 years ago. Looking for guidance anyone may have out there. Here's what the scenario is: - 5 SUMs & 2 LOOKUPs in same formula - 2 of the 5 SUMs & the 2 LOOKUPs are traditional SUM/LOOKUP combos (so the dimensions…
Difference between SUM function and LOOKUP function
Hello, I am struggling to figure out how to distinguish the usage between SUM function and LOOKUP function. Could anyone explain the meaning of the "list-formatted" such as list-formatted line item/property in the context below? (quoted from this page) SUM or LOOKUP? Determining whether to use SUM or LOOKUP depends on how…
Level 1 Model Building certification exam: help on formulas in Employee Expenses
For some reason I can't figure out the formula set up for questions 3 & 4 bonus and phone costs by role. I am wondering if my references are mismatched. Any help on this is appreciated as I feel like I am struggling by myself here and can't ask anyone or anything to help me out.
Make Time Ranges Production Data
In order to support varied testing and especially split-model deployments (same dev model with different data sets/time periods), it would be useful to have Time Ranges be Production Data. This will provide value in allowing all deployed models linked to the development model to be configured independently and save on…
Sequential projects with historical data
Hi all, First time posting to Anaplan community, I'm hoping this is a task that can be automated by Anaplan, just another one of those time-saving features that would be perfect to be built into a model! I'm struggling to create individual project numbers for both Anaplan data and historical non-Anaplan based data. The…
How to identify zeroes uploaded by users vs never uploaded
I searched for the posts regarding zeroes vs null values but don't think I found an answer to my question. So in module A, when people create projects they input values. These values are brought to module C as reporting values. In module B, people have the ability to upload values from Excel. The formula in module C says ,…
Convert list to text
Is there a function to change a list value to a text? I want to use the & operator with list values, but it only accepts text. When I try just using the list-formatted line items, I get the error below, so it seems that if I could convert the list selection into text then I'd be fine: The 'text1' argument for the '&'…
How are Categories Defined?
I can't seem to find any documentation on where the standard Category values for Module Functional Area and List are defined. Is it possible to modify the options here? Does Tenant Administration have to be activated in order to modify these values? Thanks!
Distribution Planning Optimizer
Hello I need to solve a Supply Chain distribution planning problem through optimizer. I am solving for a small network of warehouses & depots, you can refer the same in the attachment provided. Following are the details: Objective: Minimize total costs Inputs: Demand at depots (at product level), Warehouse - Depot…
Booleans with different time settings
Hello I´m trying to use to Booleans to give read and write access in one of my models but one is at a quarter level and the other is at yearly level. I want the Boolean to be checked by default and change if I check one of that years quarter. This is the formula I have come up with up to now but checking one of my quarter…
Level 1 Exam activity 5 q4
Hey Guys, I finished entering my formulas without an error but i got the wrong answer... does the format in which i type the answer matter, for example xxxxx vs xx,xxx. I also don't know if my formulas are correct but here is what i had
8.6.4 Activity: Add Formulas to Margin Calculation Module
Hi, Can somebody help, I don't understand why the margin% is giving me this number. It seems to be alright in most of the other columns but for whatever reason some are not working properly. Thanks in advance!
Using FORMULA SCOPE on a line item with NO VERSIONS
Hi All, I am reviewing a model where formula scope has been assigned to a line item which is NOT dimensioned by versions. The line item also contains a formula. The line item can be manually edited which would suggest the formula is cancelled out by the formula scope settings. My instinct tells me that the formula scope…
Add a item number when importing to modules
Hi, I want to import "order" file to modules. I have several modules which has Item number List as Applies To. module A & B. I want to import this type of csv file. This order files don't have order no. So I have to add Item numbers to first row. When I edit the csv files, some Lineitem( other) has 0 on the dead will…
Is "zero padding" possible in formula of Anaplan?
Hello, Is "zero padding" possible in formula of Anaplan? What I'd like to do is, for example, changing "123" to "00123" or "1234" to "01234" if a number has to be held as five digits. In other words, I'd like to insert zeros into the left side of number until the number holds a specific number of digits. I came up with the…
fixed row position
Hi guys, could someone tell me how i can possibly do this in anaplan? i have a module dimensioned by a list, a list of compagnies(A,B,C). this module is published in the new ux as a worksheet and im using a form to fill it in. whenever a new item is added trough the form, there is a line created with a code that rolls up…
Level2 Activity
I need a little assistance here. A push in the right direction.
Activity 6.6.3
Hi! I'm stuck on this activity. I believe my current period settings may be wrong? As my model isn't matching with the screenshot through check your work: