Would like to know how to make buttons on a Dashboard
Hi, I'm trying to create a Dashboard based off one of my Models in Excel and would like to know how to make them button like I have in my Excel Model (Image is attached for ex). I do not want them to be page selectors on my Dashboard. Thank you
Lock Versions
Hi, Is it possible to lock certain versions? My customer wants to take their budget version and copy it to another version called Re-Forecast 1, and then "lock" this version in Anaplan so that no one can change it. The problem as I see it is that I have plenty of modules that have versions and should be editable. Best…
Long Range Planning based on specific months from FY
Hi, My client is asking to be able to select specific FY21 months and based on the average of those 1-12 months selected populate FY22 and FY23. I have created a module without time dimension that has apart from the "Cost Input" numbered list the following line items: Start (format Month) End (format Month) No. of Months…
Historical Snapshotting
Estimated Level of Effort: <4 Hours of Model Building Level of Difficulty: Beginner Recommended Training: L1 Model Builder Training Persona: Casual Model Builder Potential ROI: Decreased response time to address risks Increased forecast accuracy You Might Also Like: * Tops-Down Allocations Historical Snapshotting One of…
Sankey (Flow + Magnitude) Charts
Hi Anaplan, We've had a few requests now for Sankey charts to show flow direction of data as well as the magnitude of this flow. Especially pertinent in allocation processes where you it would be great to be able to visualise the movement of data from one location to another i.e. Allocation of L3.C to G5.A & G5.B; or Sales…
Isfirstoccurrence - Argument for whether to consider Case-Sensitivity
I think it would be a better option to have as a model builder. Currently, Isfirstoccurrence deals with Case-Sensitive data as separate occurrences for eg. NA and na would both be seen as separate occurrences. There are many cases where, as a model-builder, You don't want this to happen. So, having an argument to confirm…
Year To Date (YTD) summary column not showing data
Hi Experts, I created one module, in which I added Time Range i.e FY 18, Number of Periods = 1, and Aggregation as Year To Date. For testing purpose, I added some data in some periods. I can see total amount under FY18 (Summary column), but no data appearing under YTD column. Please let me know, if I have missed anything.…
Employee needs to get a new salary on specific date in Salary Forecast Model
Hi, The employee list consists of all current employees in the company and I have their salary among other informaiton in a DATA module. I have created a Salary Forecast based on FTE, Salary, Start Date and End Date. The client wants to be able to select a certain date for a new salary. Is the most convenient way to get…
Publish Export Actions to UX without creating a Process button
At present we can publish all other actions to UX except for Export Actions, without creating a process button. It would be nice to publish the export action without having to create a process button. We could create process button only for those which needs to be grouped together. When we have siloed export process of one…
Update Subsets dynamically - Formula driven Boolean
It would be nice to have the subsets updated dynamically using a formula driven boolean linking to the subsets as a formula, just like how we have the option to link Display Name to a formula in a module. This would certainly eliminate much needed efforts of running the action every time when we have to update the subset.…
How to get a Formula to output a text.
Hi, Not sure what the Synthax is for a Formula to return a text is. I have my Line Item formatted as Text, but want to know if I'm on the right track with the formula. IF 'Y01 Collection_Funding'.Front Book=1 THEN &"WITH PH"& ELSE &"WITHOUT PH" Thank you
Move list item to new list hierarchy based on date trigger
Hi, I need to be able to move employees from one department to another based on a input date selected. List: L1 Department L2 Employee So the employee in L2 should in other words move to a different parent, L1 Department, on the date that is selected. Is the best way to go to create boolean IF date passed then import same…
Generate Code for Assign function - similar to display name attribute
It would be nice to have a functionality which can generate code / auto-populate code, just like how a display name is populated. A property, specifying the code attribute could be useful and reduce the effort needed to create actions and line items to generate code. When we create an item using the assign functionality,…
Parallel hierarchical lists
Hi all, could you help me how best to structure a parallel hierarchy list that we need as part of our ongoing business analysis. Here's the construct that I'm looking at. At the bottom level we have Clients that we need to be able to aggregate by different attributes. These attributes are: Client: Client 1, Client 2.....…
Duplicate pages as DRAFT
Currently, when you duplicate a page, the new page appears as already published. The ability to duplicate a page as DRAFT will allow the help builders to be able to easily use existing page as starting point/template for new ones. Saving card templates is very helpful but this would be a great addition and help page…
Getting a message Model object is not found
When I am trying to import data into model from data hub, I am getting this "Model object 'module name'.'export' could not be located. I checked in model, everything looks good. Suggestions??
L1MB Part 8: Data Import for REV02
Hi, I have a successful data import (Volume Inputs.csv data) for REV02 Volume Inputs Module but I don't see any data inputs in my module (see screenshots). Can anyone guide me on what I did wrong? Thanks!
Add Revision Tag option disabled.
Hi , I have a model in Standard Mode, I need to create a revision tag but I see that revision tag option is disabled. Can someone suggest the possible reasons for the same as well as any workaround for the same? Is there a limit on the number of revision tags that can be created in a model? Any help would be appreciated.…
Behavior of Time Setting in future fiscal years.
Hi Experts, I have a question about Time Setting in anaplan. Under Model Calendar, there is an option "Current Fiscal Year". At the moment, I can see FY20 as current fiscal year and can see past 5 fiscal years (FY15 - FY19) and future 5 fiscal years FY21 - FY25. As time setting is in-built functionality. Does FY15…
model Building 1 Mapping Question
Hi, I have a question for the Model 1 Building Module REV02. The mapping is incorrect for the Volumes and I'm not sure why. Please advice. Screen Shot attached. Thank you
Large Ragged Hierarchy in Anaplan
Hello, Can some one help me on the best practices to follow on large Ragged hierarchy in Anaplan. i know that top down allocation will not happen properly in ragged hierarchy, Apart from these is there any constraints related to maintain the large ragged hierarchy in Anaplan. Thanks In advance!!
MAILTO - CC users with selective access
Hi All, I'm trying to add all users with selective access to in CC of an email to be send via "MAILTO". But can't seem to get it working. Did anybody already try something similar? Thanks,
How can i simplify this formula
Hi, I would like to know how I can simplify this formula... (Cash Collected Forecast - Other Forecast) * IF 'S01 Time Filter'.Weekdays? THEN IF WEEKDAY(START()) = 1 THEN OFFSET('Y03 Securitization'.Ending RTR Balance, -3, 0) ELSE PREVIOUS('Y03 Securitization'.Ending RTR Balance) ELSE 0 / IF 'S01 Time Filter'.Weekdays? THEN…
My data in my Model is not being added correctly
Hi, Anaplan is not adding my data down my columns correctly. What is causing this? I have a pic of 2 columns from my Module. the formula is adding Line Items "Opening Balance (01):To #1917" The total of my Closing Balance (01) for 1/2/2019 should be $6,156,256 not $821,052. Thank you
Dependent dropdown - Based on line items
HI Team, Just realized that the dependent dropdown will work only based on the property that the list has. As we are following the best practice not to create properties in a list, can we make the dependent dropdown based on line items. Agree/Disagree or Any comments? Regards, Kavin.
Hi! I am still stuck on 6.8.2 the formula for SYS02 I keep trying to redo it but I still cannot get it right. Does anyone have any suggestions?
Name an action on set up
I would like the ability to, when setting up an action initially, give that action a name that would be used in the Actions section of the model settings library and indicate if it is recurring or single use. Then by running that action it would either be kept with the name given - recurring - or be cleared from the…
Level 2 - - Dimension problem for Import data from Data Hub model to S&C model
Hi all, I am working on this task from Level 2: I have the following DAT04 module in the Data Hub model which was successfully imported from csv file called Weekly Safety Stock.csv (attached here): The same module in the S&C model is this: And I can't import the data from DAT04 from the Data Hub model to this one. It looks…
Level 2 Model Builder Training- DAT01 Sprint 1
I'm having difficulties loading the beginning inventory positions data into DAT01. My SKU fields map correctly, however the data is just not pulling through as I would expect. What am I doing wrong here?
Reference a value from a module but only from selected part of its list
Hi, I have a budget that is dimensioned by the complete charter of accounts, so both sales and costs. I'm in another module now where I want to reference the Budget module to get the SUM value of all its costs. If I take the budget line item straight in it will give me the total of both sales+costs, so I basically only…