Loading Data with many-to-one relationship
I believe this is straightforward, however I haven't been able to word my searches to find what I'm looking for - so either it doesn't exist or I cannot find it. Going to throw this out there: Our general ledger Actuals have individual (unique) accounts which have a many-to-one relationship with account groupings (I.e.…
DAT02 PY Revenue to CY module Level 3 Sprint1
Hi Team, Have followed steps in training module but not getting exact value which is there in screenshot. Stuck in between .. pls suggest or provide hint where I'm doing wrong. Attaching screenshots Getting All products values from DAT01 PY Revenue in all individual products of DAT02 PY Revenue to CY. Please suggest
Version missing
I have a module that is using Versions-All but all versions are not pulling into the module. My Forecast and Actual versions are missing. What may be causing this? Other modules that I am using are showing all the available Versions and are setup exactly the same way. I don't know why only one module is acting differently.
Look up Function reference formula
Hello Connections , Can anybody help me for the below query :- I need to update the formulas for the bonus and benefits lines in Module EMP02, using a combination of data from the module EMP03 and module SYS08. When I use the below formula :- IF Employed? THEN Salary * 'EMP03 Employee Drivers by Role'.Bonus % [LOOKUP:…
Build formula based on Version
Hi, I have a module with Versions as a dimension. I want to be able to set a line item based on the version we are on. As of now I can only detect the actual or current version using the formulas from anaplan. As an example, I would like to have a formula like this: if versions = version1 then A else if versions = version2…
Importing the text file
Hi All, I am trying to import the text file(attached) in module SYS08 (below screenshot), even though I have tried to get the data in CSV format and do the same, but still, the data like employee name are appearing in the blueprint view. Can some please suggest how to resolve the issue? SYS08 Module (BluePrint View)
Irr with dates with large transactions lists
Hi anaplan community, We have a challenge using irr dates with large transactions lists. Challenge : - transactions are loaded from a large flat file list of transactions - irr dates functions calculates number of days di as the difference between the first transaction and the transaction date. - when the transactions are…
Anaplan MAILTO Functionality Not Working -
Hello, I am trying to build out a module that will have a saved view filtered on if a user has "Has Bug Re-Opened?" = TRUE. I've attached a screenshot of what my MAILTO function looks like along with the other line items to validate that it has been set up correctly. If my understanding is correct, line item "EMAIL: Has…
User list subsets—a workaround
Dealing with the Users list has been pretty straightforward with Anaplan. All the users with access to the model come up in the module when used as a dimension. The Users list is handy when we need to set up end user-specific filters but, unlike general lists, Anaplan does not give us the ability to create a subset of the…
NUX: Allow pivoting in module views in a worksheet
Right now it appears you can only allow user pivoting if you use a custom view on a worksheet. It would be nice to be able to also pivot on already created saved views where items may already hidden, filters already applied, etc
Incrementally load data between modules via actions
Hi Community, I am working on a headcount use case where I plan to load data from source module to target module incrementally. e.g. First Run - Let's say the target module has 0 data initially for a product and market in a specific month. I update the new value to 100 in the source module for the same…
Level1 MB Activity -2
Question:- Level-1 Model Activity -2 I am trying to import and map the SKU volume csv file (Attached) in the Data02 Module, but getting the parameters like parent and code which are not present in the module as well as the CSV file. Below is the screenshot of the module line item (blueprint). Below is the mapping screen to…
Salary calculation based on Validity of the position
Hi All, i am trying to populate a Position Validity Boolean based on the months a particular position is valid based on Effective From and Effective Till Months. eg,if a position has effective from and effective till months, the Boolean should not only tick those months else if the position has only effective from month it…
User List Formatting Performance Issue
Hello, We currently have a model built out with functionality to create "adjustments"; these adjustments have a line item that is dimensionalized by the Users list. The idea is to track who has made which adjustments, and figured that the users list is the best way to do this. We currently have 2 versions of the model -…
Format Date in the New UX is different from the model one
Hi everyone, I am a french builder, building a model for a french customer, and on the model (or old UX), the date format is dd/mm/yyyy. On the New UX the format seems to be the same (dd/mm/yyyy), except that when entering the calendar it's in english, where it was in french in the old UX. So far that's not a real problem.…
Create Dependent Dropdowns based on List Properties
It would be extremely useful if you could create dependent drop downs based on a lists properties. Since we do not necessarily want the list to have backend properties we would want it maintained in a module. This would be useful when a user is filling out a form for a capex project for example and without creating…
Date Input is outside the model time range
Hi, I have a date formulas calculation to test whether the line item is falling within certain year, however cannot figure out what to do for the lines that fall outside of the model time period set up. For example, I have a contract that starts from 2020 to 2025 and the model is set up as 2 past year and 2 future year (so…
Reverse Cumulate Alternative?
Hi - hoping to see if anyone has a solution to this: In the following example, I'm trying to calculate (going backwards) when the sum (less current period) would be greater than the test doh line item. In Jan 20, it would look back 3 periods to be greater than or equal to 92. (Oct/Nov/Dec) In Mar 20, it would look back 4…
get item numbered list depending on a range of dates
Hi, I need your help. I have 3 lists: Product, rate, invoice and two modules: I want to put in invoices.valid rate the max number# of rate list where all following conditions are satisfied: * Rates.status = true * Invoice.Prod name = rates.prod name * Rates.start date < Invoice.Invoice date < rates.end date Can you help…
Version on List
Currently, we cannot have versions on a list. It is a limitation that customers run into every day. Below is an example from Red Hat, Inc that demonstrates the challenge that this limitation creates and how having versions on a list could be a tremendous benefit! Account Hierarchy: L1 Geo L2 Group L3 Region L4 Sub-region…
Import in a list. Fileds mapping - need empty mapping selector in a drop down
Hello I've noticed one thing which is not native for many beginner anaplanners. While we set-up import to the numbered list and we should not have any mapping in the name field (as we choose to use a code as a default way to identify items). But quite often it is pre-populated and in a drop-down there is no option for a…
Headcount Alignment Executive Summary
Overview Anaplan has had challenges getting our finance, human resources, and sales team on the same page of what our headcount is and what our headcount is forecasted to be in order to hit our revenue targets. We struggled to understand where requisitions were in the cycle and how many were currently open. We built a…
Last 12 months SUM and Actual Version
Hi, I am trying to workout a formula for Forecast Version Line Item. The requirement will be as given below. Source Module: Source Line Item - Sum of "Sales" of last 12 months in Actual Version Target Module: Target Line Item- "Sales" for 1 period in Forecast Version. Eg. Assuming I am forecasting Sales in Feb 2021; So the…
Level 2 Sprint 3 Confirm PO
Season's greetings all. I am completely at a loss. My final confirm PO equation, after several iteration, is as follows; IF Confirmed PO Delivery > 0 THEN POST(Final Shipment Amount, Final Shipping Time Weeks)ELSE 0 Is there a logic context error here somewhere that I am overlooking? Any help would be greatly appreciated.…
Model Optimization Checklist
As your Anaplan platform grows and continues to expand beyond your initial use case, it remains just as important as it did on day one to make sure your models are built to perform and according to best practice. Check out the model optimization checklist to begin evaluating your models today!
More Shortcuts
It would be great if Anaplan supported more shortcuts. In particular, shortcuts that would enable model builders to change the formats of line items instantly. E.g. if a model builder hits B over the format cell, it will instantly change to boolean. M for time period months, T for text. Shortcuts are extremely useful and…
Roster management over Time and Version
Hello, Our implementation includes personnel expense budgeting at the individual level, and to create the roster of employees we use a list. We have a need to compare budgets year over year, ie FY19 vs FY20, and to do this we need to have different members in the list for different years, as well as a current roster. One…
Organizing list subsets
The ordering of list subsets in Anaplan has always been an enigma to me, like a type of Anaplan acts in mysterious ways adage. I always thought, who am I to question the inner workings of our beloved platform in the cloud? In this article, I'll address the topic of organizing subsets. If you work like me by adding list…
Hi, Question please. I am trying to use a system filter in my report module so that I can see first the start date of the project after the All Periods (sum). The filter is working, however, when I put the All periods on the left side column the filter will not work. I need to show in my dashboard the columns, first the…
Modelling Best Practices
As a parting gift, check out these 3 latest videos showing how to model: * Time in a flexible way * Different sign conventions * Alternative Hierarchies https://community.anaplan.com/t5/Best-Practices/Modeling-Best-Practices-Video-Series-1-Flexible-Time-Mapping/tac-p/93477…