3.4.4 Activity: Create Stock Exceptions Review
My numbers are coming out larger than the given numbers. Lloyd
Dropdown list vs Radio buttons
We have radio buttons for Site selection on the new UX and I am asked to change that to dropdown list. In order to make the line item a dropdown list, I created the line item with the List format (Site). It seems I can't make Site a dimension of this line item. A lot of the filters in the system were set up based on the…
Create DEM03 Demand Forecast Module
When using the formula: 'DEM02 Volume Growth Rates by Week'.growth%[LOOKUP:'SYS12 SKU Details'.Product] for Growth % I get a mismatch dimension error. I realized I was getting that error because my SYS12 module does not map to the parent, I've looked back at the course in Sprint 1 where this module was supposed to created…
Management Reporting Use Cases
Rachel Goering (@rachel_goering), James Fleming (@JamesFleming), and Belinda Ha, discuss examples of how to be utilize the Management Reporting features of the new modeling experience.
Configure Default Number Format for Entire Model
It would be nice to be able to set a default number format for an entire model. We use the same number format across all modules and models so we're spending a significant amount of time modifying this setting from the current default. It would be very beneficial to set this format upfront. I saw this idea labeled as "Not…
Introducing persona-based resources to support your individual Anaplan experience
The Anaplan ecosystem is vast, and no two experiences are alike. As an active model builder, you are at the forefront of building, delivering, and optimizing models for your organization. API and integration developers are focused on successful connections between platforms, and UX designers are aligned around the common…
Hi All, How do i do a xlookup in Anaplan? I would like to have a Boolean identifier for the plant column based the locations in the rows. Basically search the Loc 1 in the plant Column and give a true output against the plant for every occurrence. Added module diagram for better understanding. Thanks in Advance
Version Lock-Data Upload
Anaplanners, I have module dimensioned by Line items, region, Employee, Version and time. Its an input module for the end user to update the Employee cost for employees by region and by time and version. I have set a Dynamic Cell Access for read and write of the above module which locks the version based on the admin's…
List Management - Column Width
I constantly run into an issue where the name of list members is longer than what is displayed in a list. There needs to be a way to adjust the column widths when looking at a list. Current options are to export or copy and paste to XLS. Or to search, assuming you know exactly what you are looking for.
Get Consolidated Data from a User dimensioned module to a module without User dimension
Hi, I have an input module with a user dimension, published in a DB where End users can enter the inputs. I want a consolidated module where I can view all the entries/data but without user details or dimension as it has nothing to do with users. I used the User dimension in the input module to avoid overlapping or…
I am getting the following error when entering this formula: IF NOT 'SYS01 Time Settings By Week'.'1st Week of Timescale?' THEN PREVIOUS(Ending Inventory) ELSE 'DAT01 Beginning Inventory'.Beginning Inventory in Beginning Inventory. Thank you in advanced!
New Modeling Experience - Nov FY22
Learn about some of the new model building experience features and how to level up your model build using them in this short video.
Upcoming Platform Features - Nov FY22
Looking for some insight into upcoming features of the Anaplan platform? Check out this clip from our November Anaplan Live! event to learn about some of the anticipated features of the Anaplan platform to launch in the future.
- Check Your Work
I need help I am getting negative numbers for my beginning inventory and the week 1 comes off as a 0. On top of that the "Override Suggested Order Amount?" Boolean is not allowing me enter anything even though I have allowed the write access.
Level 2 Sprint 1: 1.3.12 - Can't see "Build Region" and others in "Build Geography Hierarchy"
Hello, I am on "1.3.12 Create a Process with Multiple Imports" of Level 2 Model Building: Sprint 1. I edited "1. Build Geography Hierarchy" process but can't find the below highlighted Imports: Instead, I can see the below imports where the action name seems to be the path from which I imported the saved views. Are they…
Level 2 sprint 3 3.3.5 confirmed Po delivery formula
I have used formula for confirmed PO delivery line item IF PO submitted =1 Then OFFSET(PO Submitted ,shipping time weeks ,0)Else 0 but this formula is not giving desired result of offsetting PO submitted in confirmed PO delivery..attached the screen shot for the issue please help me out on this
Level ! Exam activity 4 - importing data into SYS08 showing error in Role column-----Solution plz
Import Error : Shipping Metric
I tried to run process 9 - Import data from Hub. The issue is similar although it's failing to import into the Shipping Metrics. No details of failure is provided. I checked for data mapping by trying to import just the shipping metric Not able to successfully import the shipping metric. Can someone point me what's the…
How can i get back the names into E2 Employee# list the whole connected formats changed...
Cell History - No history found for this selection
When I am trying to "Show History" on a cell that I know has shows data, I have the following error message to show: "Cell History. No history found for this selection" Is there a setting or something I have to chose for the history to be shown for specific cells? Or has anyone ran into this issue before?
API Read cell data by coordinate
As an integration builder, i need to be able to read cell data based on a cell coordinate. This is similar to the update data api call with the difference that it s a read instead of write. This is needed as sometimes you need a specific set of data to be interacted with other applications dynamically and you dont need to…
L1 Model Building 8.5.3 Activity: Import Data into Volume Inputs Module
Hi Everyone, Could someone please advise how to map this data in L1 MB activity 8.5.3. Please see the screenshot, I have tried time with Column header and then mapping time values manually in the time tab but it fails to map all values ( 36 values failed) Many thanks in advance.
Capability to define a Default Value
-------- Edit : There was a problem with the body, below the good explanation 🙂 -------- As a Workspace Admin, I would like to be able to define a default value for some Line Items (list, number or boolean). Ex: When a user adds a new row, I would like that some Line Item to be automatically filled with a default value.…
Restrict Date Selection
We have a date field to be selected in a line item which is date formatted....Can we restrict user to select a date beyond certain user defined date field....;,e any date they want to select should not go prior Oct 2021....(which is a user defined field) and its dynamic.
Help on circular reference
Hello, During my training, I had to build the Inventory ordering module for the supply chain model (level 2). After building it following the instruction, I'd like to test new formulas to determine the Suggested Order Amount for the Month. I'd liked it to be equal to the Forecast demand + Safety stock target - beginning…
How to create SYS: Modules, Filter: Period
Hi, I am trying to create SYS: Module and Filter: Period module. Can any one help me in this. Thanks, Maithri.
A list item value should be equal to the sum of values of other list items.
Hi friends, I am having a issue related to list items. As shown below, I have a list with items a, b, c, d. I have used this list as a dimension in a module which has value(number formatted) line item. I also have other list with items a, b, c, d, e, f, g. Now, this list is used as a dimension in other module which also…
Folder / Directory for Models or perhaps tagging feature to easily find models
Feature suggestion: In the Models view under https://us2a.app.anaplan.com/home/models for example, it might be good to have a feature to create a directory in order to group interrelated models or perhaps have a tagging feature to help sort and group models together. Not sure how this can apply from Customer end maybe for…
Unable to pull data from DEM02 module into DEM03 module
Dear Experienced Anaplanners, I am at Level 2 Sprint 2 trying to use formulae to add data to Demand modules. As per the lesson, I've created DEM01, DEM02 and DEM03 modules. DEM01 and DEM02 are Volume Growth Rate by Month and Volume Growth Rate by Week modules respectively. I have used formulae to pull data from DEM01 to…
Many to Many Dimensions Rollup
Given: End user can input in the following 9 columns as a dropdown(List Format) in the Input Free Form. Free Form is a module having a Numbered List applied which is having these Line Items as a List Format so that users can choose from the dropdown. Following is the count of List Members in the lowest level.…