Product list formula
Hi - P2 Product list has parent. Why formula is not pulling product family here?
Use if not and sum formul
Hi, Can some one advise me how to use a if not construction then sum(...) else ? I would like to have some examples. .. as I tries different formulas and it seems it's not working
PL Dashboard - Calculations in both Rows and Columns
Hi, I need to create a PL report/dash board where there are calculations in both rows and columns as in the attached screen. How can I achieve this. I have selections for Period, Year, Products and Region. Based on the period and Year selected, the data should show current YTD, prior YTD and % Change. These are part of…
How to get all periods totals with tiem dimenson in to a target module without time dimeson.
Hi All, I have asituation where I need to pul previous 4 years totals into another module which do not have time as dimenson. How can I achive this. My module screen shots are as below. Blueprint view of same The data needs to be pulled into blueprint view of same is Thanks for your help. Balrama Krishna
2.3.10 Create DEM03 Demand Forecast Module
I think I have successfully completed the section but I feel like there is something missing. Other than the Growth Rate %, I have no other values in the other line items. Am I missing something or are all other line itms intentionally blank/zeros? AM I missing the formulas?
How to get average prices from monthly data into Non months.
Dependent Dropdown by using filter
Hi, I want to use Dependent Dropdown list. I want to use Boolean Lineitem as "Filter Filter_Product based on data in " setting. Now I can filter by only 1 item. If we can this system, I can filter by 2 or more than items. In Anaplan, Can we achieve this?
Need Averages of months of prior years
Hi All, I have a situation where I need to get Average value of total sales in Jan17, Jan18, Jan19, Jan20 and Jan21 to be projected into Jan22 in a module. Please can anyone suggest how can I achive this. Thanks, Balarama Krishna
Workday function like excel
Hi, I want to use Workday function in Anaplan. It is used in Excel. In this page, we can built using a calculation. But I can not imagine how calculate it. https://help.anaplan.com/d61d7264-24d0-4357-adc6-64701b16c9aa-Excel-comparison:-W-functions Do you have any idea? Date1/11/21/31/41/51/61/71/81/91/101/111/12After 2…
Level 2- Sprint 3- INV01 Inventory Ordering Module
Could someone please tell me what I am doing wrong with these formulas. @Misbah 1. Beginning Inventory = IF 'SYS01 Time Settings By Week'.'1st Week of Timescale?' THEN 'DAT01 Beginning Inventory'.Beginning Inventory ELSE PREVIOUS(Ending Inventory) 2. Submit Purchase Order Request= OFFSET(PO Submitted, Shipping Time Weeks,…
Movingsum with boolean item
I want to use movingsum function. But I have a restrict of calender. 1月3日1月4日1月5日1月6日1月7日1月8日1月9日 value300400007000900 Workday☑☑ ☑ ☑ movingsum value2222222 Value(movingsum)14002000 ※Value(movingsum) = Movingsum( value, 0 ,movingsum value) If I used this formula, I can not consider workday. I want to achieve this sum…
Level 2 Sprint 3 Activity (Final) Shipping Time Weeks
Hi, This thing is driving me nuts. My formula for "Confirmed PO Delivery" works when referring to the Shipping Time Weeks but won't work when referring to the Final Shipping Time Weeks. Both line items are formatted the same way. ggggrrrrr I would very much appreciate if somebody can tell me what is wrong. Michelle
Running total, No Timescale
Hi, I am in need of a solution to this dilemma and being new to Anaplan I can't think of way to write the formulas. The goal is to be able to pro-rate actual days work from days on leave. The PRO rate module has emp ID list and month time scale as the dimension and a whole host of line items to calculate start and end. And…
Calculate the number of complete months between two dates (Similar to Excel DATEDIF Function)
Hello Community! Is there a way to calculate the number of complete months between two dates in Anaplan? E.g. Start Date (MM/DD/YYYY)End Date (MM/DD/YYYY)Number of Complete Months07/17/202007/16/20211212/03/202103/31/2022310/1/202112/31/20213 In the second row, even though the duration between 12/03/2021 & 03/31/2022 is 3…
How to find monthly average of Daily Totals?
I want to create the average of every month of a LI that displays Daily totals. One of the LI's will be my total account balances on a daily bases, and then I would want to create another LI that would show me the average of those daily total for each month. How would I go about this? Thank you
LOOKUP function with a version module
Hello all, I am facing a situation that seems weird to me. In a module, I want to repatriate the value of a forecast made last month. So I create a line item that uses the LOOKUP function : previous Fcst = Fcst Qty[LOOKUP: Param Version.Previous Version], Param Version is a system module that manages versions. It seems to…
Dynamic ranking not working
Hi Community, I am trying to rank based on concatenation of two dimensions and rank doesn't seem to be working. However, when I remove "group by" condition from rank formula, it ranks. Why is it so? Can somebody explain please? Thanks Alka
Start function returning start of the week when I pass a Month period as a parameter
When I apply the Start function below against a Month period it returns the week period start instead of the start of the month for the month period. The calendar setting has calendar type set as week which I guess is the reason it's returning the start of the week. Is there an easy way or another function to that will…
Mapping Data from one module to another
Hi Everyone, Please consider following example, NameTypeAZPBRBZRBRCZRCLDZWIR I have a module A with 'Name" as list and a line item named type as shown above, now below I have a second module B with a List "Class" and the list "Name" in module A is a line item here. ClassName TypeABDA SHGB AJSC How can I bring the values in…
Level 1 Model Building Exam Activtiy 5 -- unable to calculate right formulas
Hi, Can anyone please suggest to me what is the mistake I'm making here? Q:
Summary of Visible Items Only
Note: please send Kudos to this post to get it on the roadmap. Please can either model builders or end users have the option to toggle the summary method used on lists where it is possible to view the total of visible items only. For example, consider a list Countries in a module with one line item, Revenue. Countries…
not recognised as a hierarchy
Hi getting below message when I try to add formula to code as per 6.8.2 Activity .
Getting Error "format of mapping used for lookup doenst match any dimension of the source" no clue
I have a source module dimensioned by tmpSalesTerritory list, that is a numbered list Need to get “final_segment_country” and put it in this module below on yellow marked The problem is when I lookup the value from property module I received the msg below… Can you help me to understand what is happening? Since I getting…
FIND Function
Hi Team, I'm using the FIND function for the 1st time & it not working as I expected. It seems like a basic Function so I must be missing something easy but I would assume that below the value returned in the FIND line item would be 1 as it would find ANZ? Thanks
Calculate MOVINGSUM from module with no time to module with time
Hi there, I need to reference a source module line item with time to a target module line item without time to achieve an Actuals Rolling [6, 12, 28, 24 months] SUM using MOVINGSUM. In this case, it would be the sum of the previous 6 months from Jan 22. Please see attached screenshots and let me know if I can provide any…
2.3.8 Activity: Volume Growth Rates
I input formula Growth%= MONTHVALUE('DEM01 Volume Growth Rates'.Growth %). Timescale has been set to week. Summary is None. View on DEMO 2 shows zero. attached screenshots. Am I in the correct direction? Thanks.
Data from With time to No time Dimension
How can i pull a data from a module with time dimension to target module with no time dimension using a finditem mapping made in the source data? To illustrate, my total sales of 1,000,000 was divided into 3 months(using a time dimension) using a condition that turns the distribution this way: Jan 20 - 3,000,0000 Feb 20 -…
LVL2 inv01. Forecast demand
Hello everyone. there is a small question - the forecast demand field in my model is different from the screenshots in the tutorial. Was it me wrong in the formula? baseline forecast formula: IF NOT 'SYS01 Time Settings By Week'.'1st Forecast Year?' THEN LAG(Default Forecast, 52, 0) ELSE 'DAT03 Historic Volumes'.'Offset…
DEM03 Week 3 FY20
I'm trying to find the reason why my number for Final Forecast (for All Accounts) in Week 3 FY20 does not match Initial Demand Forecast number. I attached the screenshot from the page.
Profile for prior periods
The profile function is great when you want to calculate data from a start month for future periods, it would be great if it would also work to profile data going back in time from the start month