DEM03 Week 3 FY20
I'm trying to find the reason why my number for Final Forecast (for All Accounts) in Week 3 FY20 does not match Initial Demand Forecast number. I attached the screenshot from the page.
Profile for prior periods
The profile function is great when you want to calculate data from a start month for future periods, it would be great if it would also work to profile data going back in time from the start month
Reverse Profile function
It would be good for the PROFILE function to have the option to work going backwards as well as forward in time,
search next boolean item
Hi, I want to do like this table "temp2" Lineitem searches the days from now to next temp1. Time2022/1/12022/1/22022/1/32022/1/42022/1/5 temp1 ☑ ☑☑temp213211・・・ Is there any function like this?
Good evening! Please see my screen shot below. The training asks us to do the following: Create a new saved view: * Filter: Forecast Months only * Saved and name the view: Forecast Periods My apologies in advance but I'm not sure how to acccomplish this section. Please advise! Thank you!
How to get First Non blank value from a line item which has no summary settings
Hi Everyone., I have a module that is dimensioned by Product List. Two line items are added, one is Product List formatted, while the other is text formatted(this is not dimensioned by Product). Product line item will have only one product at a time. I want that non blank value in "First non blank" line item. How to…
How to get data to come in
Hi, We are currently have a module that is dimensioned by a list of dates. Trying to figure out what is the best formula to use to bring List data in as a date for a LI.
Conditional Format of Colum Results
HI Community -- I have a column (text) that returns either a value off 1 or 0 . but I want to create a column that actually creates the corresponding value . For instance is the value is 1 then its Direct otherwise is Fund. Fund or DirectNew Column 1Fund0Direct1Fund0Direct0Direct1Fund1Fund1Fund1Fund1Fund1Fund1Fund
How to check if are all columns correctly filled in?
Hi, I'm trying to check if all the info are correctly filled in , I mean the line items used (format as list) are correct? I used ISBLANK function, but seems it's not correct when I'm changing the currency for example, the check it's still there. Can someone help me with this? Thank you!
Level 2 Sprint 2 Forecast cf formula
I have been struggling with my formulas and I just wanted to check that my Forecast cf formula was correct. It worked the first time which made me nervous. The instructions are: * If Initial Demand Forecast is EQUAL to the Final Forecast, set value of Forecast cf to 0. * If Initial Demand Forecast is NOT EQUAL to the Final…
How to check Currency based on Company Code?
Hello, Which formula should I use in order to bring the correct Currency based on the Company Code? I try with FINDITEM and LOOKUP functions, but I guess I'm doing something wrong, as I have errors. Thank you in advance for your help!
REP04 Employee Expense Summary Formulas
I am trying to develop calculation formulas for the REP04 Employee Expense Summary, but keep receiving errors and incorrect numbers. I posted each of my attempts with screenshots of formulas and results below and would like guidance in developing the appropriate calculation formula. First Attempt (1A): Created a basic…
no values for FY20
Hello all, i am doing level 2 Sprint 2 activity 2.3.9, where i need to use FY 2019 data in order to populate FY20 (ofset formula). My model calendar is at FY 20 while time range is for 2019. but for some reason when i scroll to the right there is no 2020. i might have missed something in previous steps, and now i am…
INV01 Ordering Inventory Export
My export file seems to have everything okay except for the 3rd number onwards on the first row. And I used this formula IF 'SYS01 Time Settings By Week'.'NOT First Week of Timescale?' THEN PREVIOUS(Ending Inventory) ELSE 'DAT01 Beginning Inventory'.Beginning Inventory
NOW Function
Use case: As a user, I want to display the current time (e.g. 9/12/2018 5:00AM) in a cell. This should behave similar to the "NOW" function in Excel. Business case: When a user presses a button, we want to display the last time the button was pressed.
How to Identify Number within text and show number as final result.
Hi All, Can Someone help as to how can we Identify number within a Text Formatted Line item and move those numbers to a new line item with number as a format using some formula. E.g. Line item 1: Text Format : VV123BO Line Item 2: Number Format : 123 ( the line item 2 should automatically identify number in Line item 1 and…
3.4.4 Activity: Create Stock Exceptions Review
My numbers are coming out larger than the given numbers. Lloyd
Dropdown list vs Radio buttons
We have radio buttons for Site selection on the new UX and I am asked to change that to dropdown list. In order to make the line item a dropdown list, I created the line item with the List format (Site). It seems I can't make Site a dimension of this line item. A lot of the filters in the system were set up based on the…
Get Consolidated Data from a User dimensioned module to a module without User dimension
Hi, I have an input module with a user dimension, published in a DB where End users can enter the inputs. I want a consolidated module where I can view all the entries/data but without user details or dimension as it has nothing to do with users. I used the User dimension in the input module to avoid overlapping or…
- Check Your Work
I need help I am getting negative numbers for my beginning inventory and the week 1 comes off as a 0. On top of that the "Override Suggested Order Amount?" Boolean is not allowing me enter anything even though I have allowed the write access.
Help on circular reference
Hello, During my training, I had to build the Inventory ordering module for the supply chain model (level 2). After building it following the instruction, I'd like to test new formulas to determine the Suggested Order Amount for the Month. I'd liked it to be equal to the Forecast demand + Safety stock target - beginning…
A list item value should be equal to the sum of values of other list items.
Hi friends, I am having a issue related to list items. As shown below, I have a list with items a, b, c, d. I have used this list as a dimension in a module which has value(number formatted) line item. I also have other list with items a, b, c, d, e, f, g. Now, this list is used as a dimension in other module which also…
Unable to pull data from DEM02 module into DEM03 module
Dear Experienced Anaplanners, I am at Level 2 Sprint 2 trying to use formulae to add data to Demand modules. As per the lesson, I've created DEM01, DEM02 and DEM03 modules. DEM01 and DEM02 are Volume Growth Rate by Month and Volume Growth Rate by Week modules respectively. I have used formulae to pull data from DEM01 to…
Many to Many Dimensions Rollup
Given: End user can input in the following 9 columns as a dropdown(List Format) in the Input Free Form. Free Form is a module having a Numbered List applied which is having these Line Items as a List Format so that users can choose from the dropdown. Following is the count of List Members in the lowest level.…
Formula to add line item from Monthly set up to QTY
Hi Community, I would like to ask if this is possible. There are 3 modules done but 1 module is set to monthly and the other is set to quarterly. See below for the illustration: I had to create an illustration since I cannot provide screenshot from the model due to confidentiality. This is the revenue module. And then they…
TAR01 Detailed Sales Target Level 3 Model Building
Hi, I have a question on the LI "Initial Country Sales Targets" in Module TAR01 Detailed Sales Target. For this line item I'm assuming that we are pulling from the TAR01 Sales Targets where the initial country sales targets are calculated. Would I then use my SYS03 Module to SUM by Country and Product? Below is a screen…
Retrieve Current User
Hello, I can use item(user list) to get current user, i.e. the user who login current system, it requires to use user list as dimension. Now I have a module which is not dimensioned user list, is it possible to retrieve current user directly without adding user list as dimension? Thanks in advance.
Properties and Subsets Enabled For User List
Quite literally what the title says. I am able to point and click on the different features just like a regular list, or I can apply the User List for specific roles to reduce sparsity. There are advanced methods of data entry, where validation is done up front, preventing bad data from entering the data set, that could…
L3 Percentage calculation Not Matching
L3 Sprint 1 - User Story 5 My Percentage is not matching This is my Ratio. Let me know where I'm going wrong.
Formula that will pull from another LI every other Thursday
Hi, Need help on how to set up a formula for a LI that will pull from another LI every other Thursday? Thank you