L2 Sprint 3 Shipping Method Formula
Good day, Currently I work on a sprint 3 and stuck for a long while on a Shipping Method formula. I went to Anaplan Community and found out that somehow I skipping the line item "Supplied by" in a module SYS08 SKU Details. I add lost item, run all the processes in the Action Tab and nothing happens! Can someone advise me…
Lesson 10.2.2 shared cost
Hello. I noticed my shared cost values are higher than the model example, but the other values are the same. Any ideas why?
Having Trouble Populating my LI G2 Country
Hi, I do not know why my G2 Country will not display the Country names in my G2 List. Please advise I have trouble shooting by adding a properties to help display the names and then calling upon that in my formula and that will not work, also I tried calling upon the Code and that doesn't work either. Please advise. G2…
Day Calculation for Working Hours
Task: Calculate the total monthly working hours for FTE's; new employees should be prorated based on their start date, employees that are leaving should be prorated based on their exit date. All absences outside the contracted allowance should be reduced from the total FTE Percentage, starting at 100%. Dimensionalize a…
SYS03 Account Product Details (L3), Cant populate LI P2 Product
Hi, I have been trying to trouble shoot populating my P2 Product LI in the SYS03 Account>Product Details Module. I have the LI formatted as a List for the P2 Product List and using the formula FINDITEM('P2 Product', ID), which will bring in the ID associated with items in my P2 Product List. I do not know what I'm doing…
Lesson 9.2.5
Hi. I'm on 9.2.5 and my number isn't formatted correctly even though I'm using the parameters from the lesson. Any suggestions
7.2.1 Activity: Having A hard time
I've been having trouble understanding the concept of mapping and how certain values are supposed to be categorized together. If anyone can help me get beyond this error message that would be great. I feel like I did something structurally wrong before getting to this point. Took a few screen shots. I've been at it for…
LOOKUP's for the DAT02 PY Revenue to CY Module Level 3 Model Build
Hi, I have tried almost everything and have been stuck on this part of the model build or a day now. I have changed my dimensioned and tried to get them to match and still not working. I'm trying to pull in Actuals from the DAT 01 into the DAT02 and Looking up LT Account A1 inthe SYS03 Module. Please advise. Thank you…
P&L Variance List
Hi, Question please. What is the best practice if I need both the columns and rows as a line item because I need to calculate the variances and the difference to maintain the clients preference on the presentation. Below is an example. thank you.
NEW UX: Drilldown to be formatted & have the ability to be expanded
The current drilldown functionality in the New UX is not compatible for complex formulas. It would be a great improvement if the formulas can be formatted (like in the classic) with bolded text for functions, and indentations for IF/THEN/ELSE. It would also be ideal if the drilldown window can be expanded to cater for…
Level 1 Model Building - Lesson 8.6.4
Hi Community I have included the formula as requested into the formula line of Revenue however it's giving me the attached ERROR MESSAGE which I can't seem to rectify. Any assistance regarding this would be greatly appreciated. regards
New function to calculate 'Inception to Date'
It appears that there is no out-of-the-box function to sum all values up to the current period to return the 'inception to date' value. A new function could be very similar to MONTHTODATE and YEARTODATE but calculate from the start of the time range up to the current period (potentially with optional offset arguments).…
Sum all values in a time series up to the current date
Is there a way to use TIMESUM or MOVINGSUM to sum all values in a time series up to the current date? Essentially creating an 'inception to date' calculation. For example, if I have a monthly time series with the values 1,2,3,4,5 then I want my inception to date calculation to return 1,3,6,10,15. I can achieve this by…
How to perform activities while starting as a beginner with no application on the system?
Could you please help how do I get to access the application hands on for practice and further to perform activities to answer the exam questions through my system LIVE. I'm a beginner trying to give L1 exam. I have completed entire course theory with certain practical activities yet to be practiced. Any help is highly…
How to use SUM and LOOKUP dynamically
I have Order module(Region, Order) Order(1,2...) comes from each Region. Order has Item and Amount. I want to aggregate item-amount by dynamic Region like this table. If Users chose the Europe, Item-Amount Table is aggregated by Europe. I tried SUM and LOOKUP but I couldn't. The point is I don't need Region List in…
Formula Logic Help
Hi guys, Got a question I need assistance with. I have a number of lists that follow a hierarchical list, account level 4, 3, 2 ,1. At level 4 each account also belongs to an accounting group (online, local etc) and has a signage value of either 1 or -1. The accounting group and signage are contained within a module called…
Formula - What am I doing wrong?
Best Practices for creating a formula dealing with SELECT
Hi, We are trying to create a formula that will subtract the sum of all the List Items, (excluding List Item 'Other'), from the overall Total of all the List Item totals added together. We were thinking of using the SELECT function to pull in the amounts for each List Items and then summing those all together in a SYS…
Ratio of what % each child makes up of parent
Hello, I am attempting to calculate the % of a parent forecast each child makes up in a given time period. For example, a month has a 100 unit forecast in America. Texas makes up 60 units and California makes up 40 units (both children of America in a list). I am trying to show this: Texas 60% California 40% America 100% I…
New Modeling Experience Idea: New formula editor box to be avalilable in deployed mode
With newest UX for modeling I found the missing opportunity to see the pretty syntax highlighting in models being in deployed mode. The double-chevron icon is unavailable during deployed mode so i can't switch to "New intuitive formula editor so you can highlight syntax to improve accuracy and easily read formulas" which…
Current Day
Actually we have a module that includes a column with dates, and we want that Anaplan identifies if a date from the column has passed or not yet. For that we have created a line item, and we would like the logic behind the formula to be something like this: IF the date (from the column) is prior to the date (current day)…
3 months average of historical sales the year before
Hi, I need to calculate the three months average based on the historical sales data the year before. For ex: Jan 20 Feb 20 Mar 20 - Average values should go under Jan 21. 100,0,100 - 66.7 Jan 21 value Please could you suggest the optimal solution for the same? I have attached the screenshots for reference
Formula help on counting a Text LI
Hi, Need help on how to count the number of times a Text dimension LI shows up under a List LI. We have tried to use the SUM function as well as LOOKUP function, but they did not work. For Ex) We would want to know how many "Merchant Id's" are under each individual 'Legal Milestone" Below are snap shots of the two line…
SUM with Group Number
Hi I want to sum Orders with Group Number. The point is Group Lineitem is not formatted List, is Number Formatted. 1-Nov2-Nov3-Nov4-Nov5-Nov6-Nov・・・Group123123 Order100200300400500600 Odrer(Sum)500700900500700900 I tried Rankcumulate or Sum Functions, But I can't Solve this.
Filtering/Formula based Complexity
Anaplanners, Had a query that i have been stuck on: - I have a module dimensioned by Projects, a List with serial numbers 1-10, list formatted Line item (Project Phase). Ask is, Projects dimensioned as row headers, Serial Numbers 1-10 as columns, Project phase/ Line Item as selector. End User can select a particular phase…
Open source module link in NUX
Suggest to add the "Open Source module" ability to the NUX, incl. the current analysis options available in the old UX. Right now our users can use the open source module function in the old UX whenever they want to dig into the details, see all the underlying formulas/comments, and do ad hoc analysis. Especially, the…
Switchover and Current Month change
Hi, It would be great to have functionality for automatic update of cheking out the Current version as well as changing the Switchover month during the period shift. I was informed that it's no possibility to do it not manually. It can be done e.g. by the switch button or the opportunity to trigger it when the month…
Switch Statement Formula
Adding a switch statement formula to Anaplan to get rid of long nested IFs! This would assist in readability (and therefore maintenance) of complex formulae. Switch statements allow you to test a condition, and assign an outcome to each condition. For instance you may have want to test what mode of transport is being used:…
"Model Health" / Performance Dashboard
As an external Anaplan partner, we get regularly the question to look into the performance and structure of customer models to assess the health of a model and to find opportunities for improvements. I built for this a model that allows me to upload f.e. line items and gives direct insights on key areas like size, usage of…
New Model Experience - formula editing field improvement
I am sharing here one idea that would make the New Model Experience even better than it is now: Automatic formula indentation / keeping white spaces and new line hits in formula text It would be quite nice to be able to keep the formulas more friendly-looking and let devs to work with them easier. Colours in formulas made…